My personal experience with specific benzos. (Updated accordingly)


Apr 15, 2016
Before there's any controversy about this thread it was created to share my personal experience being on the medication for educational purposes only.

I suffer from a severe anxiety disorder and have suffered from it my whole life. I am here to share my experiences with the commonly known medications out there to treat such a thing and what my personal experience is with them along with a short review. As a note, these names will be censored for safety purposes. 

I will keep these experiences brief, so if your curious about a specific property of one of these medications feel free to post about it. I will gladly answer any questions about these medications.

1) X@n@x (@lpr@zol@m)

This was one of the first I had an experience with at a young age. This medication is very fast acting and one of the strongest in the benzo class to treat panic attacks with - however it's not the best to treat consistent smaller panic attacks with. This was prescribed to use when needed for my major panic "episodes" where I'd shake uncontrollably and be in complete fear and panic for 30-45 minutes, sometimes lasting over a hour per session. When I felt that panic building up to be a serious panic attack taking roughly 1mg does the trick, you'd want to melt it under your tongue or chew it to get it in your system faster. It's a very fast-acting medication, it starts to kick in what I can only describe as minutes when you really need it on the spot which is perfect for those "episodes" of very serious panic. It shouldn't be consumed for long-term panic relief seeing it has a short duration and your body builds up a dependency on it over time if you were to use it for long-term panic relief. 

You shouldn't need more than 1-2mg to treat a panic attack with little to no tolerance. For heavier cases, you may need to contact your doctor regarding the right dosage for you. 


-Fast acting, in a matter of 2-5 minutes it kicks in.

-Very potent, it stops the panic on the spot. 

-Not long lasting so you could take it at work and still function seeing it has a short duration just as an example but is not advised to drive after taking the dose.


-Very addictive, it doesn't take much to obtain a dependency on the medication.

-Not long lasting, it won't help with long-term panic relief. 

-You are prone to become very drowsy. 

-Impaired vision or double-vision can be common in the first hour or so which can cause confusion. If this happens to you, take a lower dose or simply stop taking it.

-Loss of time, you're also very prone to loosing track of time while on any of these medications listed on this thread but this is the heavier one that does loose time more frequently.

-Tapering off this medication is probably the hardest to do.

-Very distinct bitter taste.

2) Kl0n0pin (cl0n@zep@m)

This was the absolute first that I was ever prescribed to treat my panic disorder. This medication is not fast acting, instead it's long lasting and it stays in your blood stream for a long period of time which assists with preventing these reoccurring panic attacks that most people like myself have on a daily basis. It does help, but if you have a bad case where you keep this in your system to reduce the chances of obtaining a panic attack check the medication listed above for emergency panic situations. This is best used for long-term use to prevent panic, however it's effects are strong but not nearly as strong as the one listed above. You will most likely feel very neutral with a basic dose of 0.5mg or 1mg which is all you really need to control panic. Anything higher is debatable depending on your disorder. In some cases, you do obtain an euphoric feeling mostly due to the fact you're relieved from panic and the panic attacks are occurring much less than before you were on the medication. This would be a good medication for people that are looking to reduce the amount of panic attacks they have, especially if it's only small bursts of panic which it excels at. However, taking it under your tongue or chewing it will cause it to work faster.


-Long lasting, it stays in your system for a good 6-8 hours to stop panic at it's source gradually over time. It has an early peak and does not decline heavily, it has a steady rate for 5 hours on average before the peak goes down.

-It can be a good alternative to the medication listed above this one, however it takes a little longer for the effects to kick in (roughly 30 minutes on average).

-Euphoric feeling can be achieved with small doses with the knowledge that you're going to have reduced panic attacks which is a very happy experience.

-The ability to drive while on this medication is possible - just make sure you know how your body reacts to it first before using a vehicle. 

-Very small amounts of chemical tastes.

-Easier to obtain.


-It's not fast acting, it takes 30-45 minutes on average to obtain the full effects which is why it's good for a long-term effect to reduce panic.

-High dependency builds up over time, it doesn't take long perhaps a few weeks before it takes months to years to taper off. 

-There are drowsy effects, but it's not as bad as the one stated above this medication.

-It's hard to taper off, but it's more manageable than most other benzos.

3) V@lium (di@zep@m)

This was the most recent medication I've taken for panic, I have been given it in the past before non-anesthetic surgery so it's nothing new. This is very similar to the medication stated above, a little bit too similar. I'd have to say this is a weaker version of the one stated above though from over a decade of experience, however that doesn't mean it won't do it's job. It takes some time to kick in, and it's generally used to taper off other benzos to prevent any withdrawal effects along with being used in alcohol recovery. I see this drug as a tapering substance more than a drug to treat panic, however I've been taking it with the medication stated above without problems. Infact, I found my overall experience with my panic to be highly reduced when mixed with the medication above. Mixing can be very dangerous, please consult a healthcare professional if you have thoughts about mixing medications or if you already are seeing you can be hospitalized in a heartbeat if something was to go wrong with your dosage. As a standalone, I see this once again similar to the one stated above with the same effects yet I seem to find it slightly weaker, instead it helps with your brain receptors more than the one stated above to provide a blocker in a sense to prevent panic. This should only be used as a standalone for a short period of time unless you've been exposed to these classes of medications for years. 10mg should do the trick for anyone. 


-It has similar properties to Kl0n0pin (cl0n@zep@m).

-It has a greater euphoric feeling from my personal experience than the one stated above.

-It does help with panic disorders as intended. 

-Low doses have high effects in the longrun unlike the others, but you'll also develop long-term side effects which you should read about before taking this medication.

-Commonly used to taper off the drugs stated above or to treat alcohol recovery patients. A very easy tapering substance to say none the less.

-Virtually tasteless, very small amounts of chemical taste.


-It's weaker than the others stated above, that may be my personal opinion and it could just be the brands.

-It's more potent to dependency and withdrawal effects on your body compared to the others, they start to show in a weeks time frame of use. 

-It's not prescribed much if at all anymore for daily consumption - if you're looking for a doctor that does prescribe this for daily consumption to treat your panic disorder you're better off finding one for the drug listed above this one.

-This is harder to obtain, probably if not the hardest that I've found so far. 

-You can obtain drowsy feelings or sensations of sleepiness (even if you're not tired) while on this medication.

Tips & Advice:

1) I would not consume this with alcohol or mix this with any alcohol substance. It increases the effectiveness of the drug which can cause organ failure.

2) Just because you don't feel anything doesn't mean it's not working, you don't need to feel euphoric or a specific sensation for the drug to work. That means don't take more than you need to treat a panic disorder. These medications are designed to change the receptors in your brain in a sense to prevent panic, some experience euphoric or similar feelings while on these drugs but just because you don't doesn't mean a higher dose is going to help you further.

3) Do not drive a vehicle after you've consumed the drug for the first few times. You need to know how it effects your body on your own level so you can determine if you can drive or not under the influence of these substances.

4) Do NOT take more than you need to. You can say "I take 1mg of X@n@x and it doesn't do anything so I take 10mg instead" for example and you're basically poisoning your body. Once again this is NOT how the medications are designed, you will develop a very high tolerance if you self medicate yourself to a high dose and it will become even more difficult to get off them. Not to mention the higher the dose you're on the harder withdrawal effects will be on you from personal experience. 

5) DO NOT stop taking this medication after your body has adjusted to it. You must taper off the substance. This is hands down one of the most important rule unless you want to end up in the hospital with the chance of having heavy seizures, going in a coma, or even resulting in death. 

6) Be informed, you need to know what's right for you if you have a panic disorder. Do some research on the medications out there, these listed above may not be the right ones for you. I'd also suggest seeing a healthcare professional about this situation aswell, if you suffer from a panic disorder it cannot be treated lightly.

7) Before consuming any of these substances, take your BMI into consideration. Just like any other medication, your BMI is always the key to taking a safe dose. 


In no way shape or form am I suggesting to use these substances, these are my personal experiences with them over a period of countless years and the effects that I experience will most likely vary from yours. You should use controlled substances even prescribed by a doctor at your own risk and you should do research about the drug and the drug class before consuming it to stay well informed. You can never be too informed when you're taking medication. 

I hope this will help some people out understanding how they work from someone who has a lot of experience with these medications. I will update this accordingly if I'm put on anything else and aware users that the list was updated. If you have any questions about these medications in general or you're experiencing something while on these medications that you'd like an answer to I'll gladly attempt to assist you, however any concerns about these medications should be left to healthcare professionals. I am not a healthcare professional, however I do know enough about the substances above to know what to expect from them and to provide advice to others regarding their concerns.



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This is over a year old and I'm surprised nobody had anything to add to it since it basically only covered the standard benzos prescribed in the states.  it was a good read and I agree with your assessment of each substance for the most part. 

i feel like people should add to this lists I noticed @tivan is missing. I can't be much help there since it was the first benzo I had and I had it mainlined in the ER And all I did was sleep for while my brain and body marinated in trauma. I know it's one of the bennies people either love or hate. I always felt I would be disappointed bc the oral bioavailability is super low and intravenous administration can't really be beat when it comes to getting the most out of a substance. 

I've recently gotten to try brom@zepam & i really like it. I always hated the muscle relaxing effect of kpins and v@ls and I have always just wanted something that stops mg anxiety dead in its tracks while leaving me physically and mentally competent. I am prescribed clon@z so the fast onset always throws me off. It definitely has more of a cerebral effect and actually makes me a tad manic tbh. And there's some noticeable euphoric effects as well AND a shorter half life. Which put together, is a recipe for abuse potential and I have very little willpower. I definitely prefer them to x@ns bc I can keep a clear head and I don't want to pop hem all day long (yet) so that's good. 

i didn't get very many so fortunately my love affair has an expiration date. 

Amyway, I like to hear people's reviews on the various BZD's people have done. If anybody wants to revisit this post, that would be cool. they seem to affect different people in different ways so I'm all ears when it comes to the benzo diaries ;)  

*had to go back and get rid of some typos so clearly, my green friends have a slight effect on cognitive performance ?

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Xanax works best for my panic attacks ( we're talking severe panic attacks here: kid just had a seizure and almost died, Xanax was the only med that stopped my intense panic).  But that is their rarity, thank goodness. My  current new doctor insists on clonezepam and has reduced me from 2 mgs per day to 1 mg, I'll be down to .5  when I see him this week.  Four days to be exact.  Monthly decreases of half and milligram per month. He wants me off and keeps trying to give me things like  beta blockers, SSRIs… His last attempt was  to give me Effexor.. which didn't help me at all.  It did give me one heck of a migraine. 

I've tried all of the above and recreational Xanax wins...but for general anxiety clonezepam has been effective. It also barely affects me unless I take a LOT... and even then, it just makes me sleepy. I just screwed up and took a .5 Xanax sample by mistake. I managed to throw part of it up, but I'm shocked that I'm HIGH. I saw some of the pill in my vomit, so I have no idea how much my body absorbed. It also took me a good 20 minutes to throw up enough to give up. By that time I was already feeling it. But such a low dose making me this euphoric is pretty amazing. Good quality perhaps!? Now I need to start a new topic... will .4-.5 of Xanax be in my system in 4 days when I get tested? I got the Xanax for the first week of my 5 week vacation next month. I was thinking I could take it for a few days to a week and I'd be clear if I had a month afterward to get it out of my system? Maybe it's a really bad idea!? I could just get rid of them or save them for when I'm not being tested.

But wow! I can't believe I got a high from that low of a Xanax dose!!!!  It reminds me of when I was 20 and the first time I took a Valium, I will never forget that feeling. Euphoria that was so amazing, I felt like I was floating in heaven. 

 Ativan or Lorezepam...Neither of those have really done much for me.  Some of the others I haven't tried. I only tried them Ativan/Lorezepam at very low-dosages and I believe they're quite mild already?

 So yes, now I'm panicking about how to get this small dosage of Xanax out of my system in four days. I exercise a lot, I drink a lot of water… I could just be honest, but I'd be taking a risk. But if I lied and came up positive on the UA it would be a sure bet that I would be removed from the program.  And I really really cannot afford to have that happen!  I swear, it is been one heck of a week. Our years worth of panic and worry  over   Package seizures, medications all squeezed into about five days. Yikes.  Normally my life is quite boring.  I'm not sure if I am so fond of this version of excitement. Damn.

Sorry for the typos above. I was being lazy, using voice to text.

I found one study suggesting clonezepam is most often used for OCD, in combination with other meds-

The rate of BDZ use over time in this OCD sample was 38.4%. Of individuals taking BDZs, 96.7% used them in combination with other medications, usually serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The most commonly used BDZ was clonazepam. Current age, current level of anxiety and number of additional medications for OCD taken over time significantly predicted BDZ use. This is the first study to comprehensively examine BDZ use in OCD patients, demonstrating that it is relatively common, despite recommendations from treatment guidelines. 

I have been on benzos since 2003 (after developing panic disorder due to having a total thyroidectomy).  I have been on Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Librium (don't waste your time on that last one) as well as temazepam and midazolam. The last two are better for sleep than their anxiolytic properties. This is also true of Klonopin in my opinion. Klonopin is said to be better for generalized anxiety disorder than for panic attacks, because it has a slow onset and is long lasting.  However, it has NO effect on me whatsoever. It might as well be a placebo.

Xanax kicks in the fastest which is why it is prescribed more for panic disorder/attacks, but it wears off all at once 4 hours later leaving you feeling as though you are in early stages of WD. It is typically prescribed to be taken 4x/day. 

Ativan is in the middle. It still kicks in pretty fast, and it wears off a little more slowly. It's typically prescribed 5x day & I typically redose very 5 hours when I am on that. I prefer Ativan to Xanax personally because it's smoother, you don't have the up/down roller coaster that you do with Xanax,  it's just not quite strong enough to control my PA's in the long run.  I do swap off between Ativan and Xanax every so often when I start to become habituated to one or the other of them. I do that rather than increasing my dosage, and it's worked so far. 

I have been on differing dosages over the years, at one point I was on inpatient doses of Xanax (10mg+/daily). Usually I average between 3-4mg a day. I have always used them as prescribed & never used them recreationally.  I can't get high off of them, the only thing they do is make me feel closer to normal.  I do envy those that can take them only when they want, and have fun with them. 

Anyway, that's just my experience. Sorry if it got a little rambling.  Here's to better living through chemistry! 

Great review VII.

In my case I have been taking some form of benzo for years for sleep.  If not taken I will not sleep - sometimes for days, which in and of itself is more damaging than benzo's. I was prescribed hal-cion way back but the w/d was wicked, and it was taken off the US market so that choice was easy.  In the beginning it was diaz, but now it is alp. I never, repeat never go over my 2mg alp limit daily. 

People need to realize that a 2mg bar is equal to 40 mg of diaz instant release.  (.05 alp = 10mg of diaz). My rule of thumb is to take alp in .05 mg increments first especially If you do not have tolerance. 

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  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
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  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
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  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
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  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for