hey itchy would you mind pming me? I'm trying to find a good pod source at the moment. Found a couple online and am curious if you know about them. Don't have 20 posts to pm yet. Thanks!Hey if you are interested I do tea all the time. I find that it really helps me taper off due to long half life. There are still descent pods available but expensive and as far as seed I really stick to one brand that's been pretty consistent over a year or more. I believe the seed are from Europe. As they're pods are stronger but when I do pods I get from USA as I don't worry about customs. I'll share info but only after I research forum rules in sourcing. Which I'm pretty sure will require a PM.
In regards to flavor.
Seeds. Use orange juice. It's been my secret for about 2 years now. Just pure orange juice and soak/shake strain. Don't heat. No need. Still a little gross sometimes but way more tolerable than water.
in regards to pods. Bust up with coffee grinder and mix half and half with you favorite herbal teas. Sweeten just like you would. Flavowise this is my favorite. Almost hardly noticeable. I also add red poppy for color. Since it looks brown. It's amazing how color effects the psychology of a substance.
Another note on pods. People talk about how unbearable the flavor is. I find it tastes like hay tea if there was such a thing. It's not that bad. But then again others say the opposite. I wonder if it's like an experiment I used to see in school where they would give everyone a strip of something and half the class would almost puke and the other were like "what it tastes like paper?". Evidently some people have a sense of taste others don't have.
Hope this helps.
P.s. I use seeds to gently come off completely. Works well but there is more tricks to this. But ever since I really don't experience wd.
I HAVE A SCRIPT FOR GABAPENTIN IT HELPS, BUT MY GOD,IT COST $500.00,WITH A SCRIPT FOR BUPROPION at CVSOver the last 18mo for severe 24/7 chronic nerve pain, I've been alternating kratom and 30 to 60 mg hydr0 (Tu$$ionex--hydr0 +chl0r-fen). Nothing with acetomiaphin as it makes the pain worse. The chl0r-fen (anti-histamine) in the tu$$ionex is a potentiator.
The pain relief I get from either of these is no longer reliable. I don't know what the next step would be in terms of what would I take to get more reliable/stronger/better pain relief? Ideas? The Hydr0 has been kind to me in that I'm not addicted to it. I'd love to stay that way....but am looking for input on where to go next.
I've been reading up on potentiators on the forum here. Not sure if I should try adding another potentiator or going to another med. All ideas are welcome. Thanks guys...