New Scam Targets Online Pharmacy Customers

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Online scammers are taking their game to another level, seeking to take advantage of those who have purchased their medications from an online pharmacy.

The Food and Drug Administration warned last week that scammer’s posing as FDA agents have been calling online pharmacy customers, demanding that they pay specified fines for purchasing their drugs online or over the phone.

According to the FDA

The criminals call the victims — who in most cases previously purchased drugs over the Internet or via “telepharmacies†— and identify themselves as FDA special agents or other law enforcement officials. The criminals inform the victims that purchasing drugs over the Internet or the telephone is illegal, and that law enforcement action will be pursued unless a fine or fee ranging from $100 to $250,000 is paid. Victims often also have fraudulent transactions placed against their credit cards.

The criminals always request the money be sent by wire transfer to a designated location, usually in the Dominican Republic. If victims refuse to send money, they are often threatened with a search of their property, arrest, deportation, physical harm, and or incarceration.

Anybody that gets a call simular to this should refuse the demand!!!!

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OH ffs,it just gets better dont it?Why on earth would you let babylon bully you,even if it was them and not some tin shack hustler?

Whats to be scared of?Cancel the card when you get off the phone,after saying you will send the money,this gives enough time for you to cancel and them not enough time to go shopping with it.

They would get a big FU from me though.


Please,please stand up for yourselves.

Good shout XM,forewarned is forearmed.

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Good shout XM,forewarned is forearmed.


lol glad it hit the spot,i often speak in what many call cliches but i call truisms,knowledge distilled down from previous generations into a bottom line type one liner.

After thinking about it its ok for a guy in his 30's who has had plenty of experience with cops n crooks to have my attititude but to somebody law abiding or elderly then i could imagine it being quite scary,especially if they have no-one who's counsel they can rely on to tell them its gonna be ok and how to deal with it.

Thats how these bastards roll though,they leave the strong as they dont fancy the fight/challenge and try to pick off more vulnerable targets.Thats why you do as good job XM,getting this stuff out in the open is one way to give people a chance to combat it.

lol glad it hit the spot,i often speak in what many call cliches but i call truisms,knowledge distilled down from previous generations into a bottom line type one liner.

After thinking about it its ok for a guy in his 30's who has had plenty of experience with cops n crooks to have my attititude but to somebody law abiding or elderly then i could imagine it being quite scary,especially if they have no-one who's counsel they can rely on to tell them its gonna be ok and how to deal with it.

Thats how these bastards roll though,they leave the strong as they dont fancy the fight/challenge and try to pick off more vulnerable targets.Thats why you do as good job XM,getting this stuff out in the open is one way to give people a chance to combat it.
what kind of idiot would think the government would want fines paid in wire xfer to the domincan republic LOL especially without any sort of paperwork,hearing official notice, doesnt anyone know their rights?!

I got a call about a month ago the jerk off said he was from the DEA he and wanted to talk to me, My response was no you'er not.

He then started yelling at me about how they would be at my house in a matter of minutes to arrest me. I said well ok then, and asked if he anything else to say and of course he did! He informed me he could make it all go away if I would wire him money to take care of my "fine". I laughed and hung up.

The morons are good caller ID said Washington DC and he sounded all important. There is a Website "whocalledus" That a lot of reports on fake phone calls from the FDA and the DEA.


Just thought I'd post a quick update to let everyone know that this shakedown racket ring is back in business and at it again. As I was enjoying my morning espresso and catching up on the overnight posts, I received a call from a San Francisco area number, and as I was expecting a call from that part of the country, I answered, although I should have known better, being that it was only 10:14 AM eastern time, or 7:14 pacific time, which is well before the company I was expecting to hear from opened. Anyway, the guy on the other end of the phone claimed to be a delta alpha echo special agent in the San Francisco office, and that my name had come up in an ongoing investigation, conducted by our friendly border guardian agency, pertaining to the online sales of pharmaceuticals.

Well, needless to say, with a law degree hanging on the wall, I know at least a little about due process and how LE operates in such matters, so I knew immediately that it was this scam group when he began to get aggressive, and stated that he "could make it all go away" if I were to send $4000 to "pay my fine" via WU within the next 4 hours. So, let's just say that's when the fun began! Frankly, I've never had so much unexpected fun to start my day, at least not in years, LOL. While I won't bore you with everything I said, I did bring up the fact that one of my law school study group members was now a US Attorney, and another a Federal District Court judge, and that I'd need his badge number, extension number and my case number so that my legal counsel could call back after confirming the authenticity of the case in the Federal Court docket. Of course, he then yelled at me and told me that I'd regret not taking him up on his offer and hung up. Quite entertaining indeed!

Anyway, following the call, I did some research into the name he used and the number he called from, and the number is well documented online as one used in connection with this type of fraud. I can verify that it was NOT a Federal agency phone number, and when called back, simply goes to a voice mail with a message that can't be made sense of. Just a bunch of garbled speech. Further, the agent name he used is in fact a real delta alpha echo employee, although a senior level management official in a different district who would certainly not have been making investigation phone calls, even if it had been a real delta alpha echo call. The moral of the story being, this is a well known fraud ring, operated by a small group of con artists who are believed to have obtained the records of various online consultation services and defunct IOP's by purchasing them on the black market. They're so well known, in fact, that the delta alpha echo folks have posted a warning on their website regarding this scam. I won't post a link so as not to create a permalink back to a Federal agency site, but it can be easily located if anyone so desires.

The bottom line is that the delta alpha echo, nor any other Federal agency, will EVER call to demand payment of a fine, as they lack the power to impose a fine (which only a court of law can impose), and even in the event that a court levied a fine against someone for online pharmacy related activities, the delta alpha echo employees are not in the business of collecting fines. That would be left to one of a handful of other agencies. So my DBG brethren, I wanted to post this update, as these characters are back at it after their typical 6 month (give or take) "laying low" hiatus, so be aware. If they're calling me, I'm 100% certain that other DBG members will be on whatever list they obtained my cell phone number from.

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Just thought I'd post a quick update to let everyone know that this shakedown racket ring is back in business and at it again. As I was enjoying my morning espresso and catching up on the overnight posts, I received a call from a San Francisco area number, and as I was expecting a call from that part of the country, I answered, although I should have known better, being that it was only 10:14 AM eastern time, or 7:14 pacific time, which is well before the company I was expecting to hear from opened. Anyway, the guy on the other end of the phone claimed to be a delta alpha echo special agent in the San Francisco office, and that my name had come up in an ongoing investigation, conducted by our friendly border guardian agency, pertaining to the online sales of pharmaceuticals.

Well, needless to say, with a law degree hanging on the wall, I know at least a little about due process and how LE operates in such matters, so I knew immediately that it was this scam group when he began to get aggressive, and stated that he "could make it all go away" if I were to send $4000 to "pay my fine" via WU within the next 4 hours. So, let's just say that's when the fun began! Frankly, I've never had so much unexpected fun to start my day, at least not in years, LOL. While I won't bore you with everything I said, I did bring up the fact that one of my law school study group members was now a US Attorney, and another a Federal District Court judge, and that I'd need his badge number, extension number and my case number so that my legal counsel could call back after confirming the authenticity of the case in the Federal Court docket. Of course, he then yelled at me and told me that I'd regret not taking him up on his offer and hung up. Quite entertaining indeed!

Anyway, following the call, I did some research into the name he used and the number he called from, and the number is well documented online as one used in connection with this type of fraud. I can verify that it was NOT a Federal agency phone number, and when called back, simply goes to a voice mail with a message that can't be made sense of. Just a bunch of garbled speech. Further, the agent name he used is in fact a real delta alpha echo employee, although a senior level management official in a different district who would certainly not have been making investigation phone calls, even if it had been a real delta alpha echo call. The moral of the story being, this is a well known fraud ring, operated by a small group of con artists who are believed to have obtained the records of various online consultation services and defunct IOP's by purchasing them on the black market. They're so well known, in fact, that the delta alpha echo folks have posted a warning on their website regarding this scam. I won't post a link so as not to create a permalink back to a Federal agency site, but it can be easily located if anyone so desires.

The bottom line is that the delta alpha echo, nor any other Federal agency, will EVER call to demand payment of a fine, as they lack the power to impose a fine (which only a court of law can impose), and even in the event that a court levied a fine against someone for online pharmacy related activities, the delta alpha echo employees are not in the business of collecting fines. That would be left to one of a handful of other agencies. So my DBG brethren, I wanted to post this update, as these characters are back at it after their typical 6 month (give or take) "laying low" hiatus, so be aware. If they're calling me, I'm 100% certain that other DBG members will be on whatever list they obtained my cell phone number from.
Jewy,This is such important information for everyone to read especially those who are newer to the game. I think everyone can agree again and again that your posts and "looking out" for your fellow members is really a sincere and kind gesture that, I for one, feel appreciative of every time I finish another "Jewy post of protection"

Thank you sir,



This is such important information for everyone to read especially those who are newer to the game. I think everyone can agree again and again that your posts and "looking out" for your fellow members is really a sincere and kind gesture that, I for one, feel appreciative of every time I finish another "Jewy post of protection"

Thank you sir,

Thank you Beranda! As always, your kind words of support are both encouraging, as well as sincerely appreciated. /default_biggrin.png

Thanks for posting this Jewy so others know about it and have a enough details to know how to react if it happens to them (or me).

I appreciate the information you are always willing to share with others too.

We never answer our phone unless it's a name/number we recognize, and 90% of the time no messages are ever left by the callers who call again and again.

Jewy, thank you for the timely update! Over the past 3 or 4 years, I too have received calls from these cons, and wanted to note it's obvious they've invested some time honing their skills. My 1st caller had such a heavy Spanish accent I could barely understand him, and he was supposedly w/ foxtrot delta alpha, as mentioned in the original post. Guess they discovered that delta echo alpha is much scarier! Once the guy did not know if it was "agency" or "administration," so he alternated the terms; I laughed and he got angry, which made me laugh so hard I accidentally disconnected the call. However, I sure as hell did not laugh the very 1st time -- I was totally freaked and hung up in panic before he even had a chance to talk about money. Luckily, in the early days of this scam, they used just one name, David Justice (!) and the same phone # so it was very easy to find the fraud alerts online.

I wonder if these creeps are in cahoots w/ another group of scammers: I first heard from these "people" (I use the term loosely) in 2008 or 9; they said my info had been passed along from a defunct Florida N R O P, and they were contacting me as a favor, so I'd never be without my medicine, the thoughtful dears. They knew exact names, dosages, etc., including a couple one-off experiments. That did not give me a warm fuzzy feeling. They still call about every 3 or 4 months, maybe more, as I often just ignore numbers I don't recognize. Generally, it's about a 17-second convo; they ask if I'm still taking blah-blah, I say "nope," they get a little flustered and that's it. But if I'm rude, or laugh at them, a few weeks later I may very well get a call from the wizards at the delta echo administration agency association organization club.

I will start paying closer attention so I can pass along phone #s or anything else that might be useful to DBG. I'm still combing through our blacklists to see if profiles or M.O.s seem familiar. These guys are slippery and they seem to alter their name about every other call, BUT anybody who has spent at least 30 minutes reading around DBG would not be snared by these guys. However, they can be tempting! Their prices are not quite "too good to be true" but they sure got my attention. The calls are from all over the US; maybe sometimes workers use their own cell phones? At other times, the background noise sure sounds like a call center. Lots of Spanish accents, but generic middle America too.

Initially, they took CCs but (I'm sure) quickly came to know the meaning of "chargeback". Then it was COD, until (I assume) too many folks simply refused to accept an obviously empty envelope. I was one of the refusals; wow, was my salesman mad! He lost it at first: How could I be so stupid, ya think we can send pills thru the mail, they sent a paper prescription, of course, I could take it to any drugstore. Then he switched from stick to carrot, trying SO hard not to let me slip away: He'd find out what big brown's route was, I could probably catch it if I hurried, ETC. And LOL.

Last time, they wanted MG, although this ploy would only work w/ customers not familiar w/ the process -- the guy on the phone spent a solid 20 minutes trying to convince me it was absolutely risk-free: their clients did not have to pay until a full 24 hours after they'd received their letter and tested its contents!! No good, no pay. Of course, let's be reasonable, he says -- the company has to have some assurance that the client is also operating in good faith, but that's soooo simple: go to Walmart for your "special" money order, then let him know you've got it -- yep, just call him & give him the reference number, la la la...

Okay, I've gone on & on, sorry. (Please, Mods, edit as you see fit!) Just one last li'l comment: The thing about grifting and conning and scamming...the adrenaline rush must be the real pay-off, huh? The delight one takes in being slimier than gutter scum and screwing over good people? Because otherwise it seems to me it's so much more complicated and far more exhausting than any kind of straight work!

An old scam is making a fresh appearance! I just got a quite realistic email from the eff bee eye! Unlike the ones I described above (at length...sorry  /default_unsure.png) I don't think this specifically targets former online pharmacy users, but because we as a group are sensitive about getting "official" letters, emails, and/or phone calls, I thought it worth mentioning, especially since after the past week or so, a lot of us are particularly on edge!

Because of past experiences, I'm very skeptical about "official" messages, but from the outside (I did NOT open it!!) this one sure does look the part, w/ the correct feeble dot gov addy, etc. In short, it tells you important files on your machine have been encrypted and if you want to de-encrypt you must pay a ransom for the key ($300). Open the attachment, and your computer seizes up. All the gory technical details are available on the bureau's real website under the e-scam alerts section -- right below the holiday shopping tips!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for