
I think provigil is a Nootropic and after reading a lot about it I tried it.

I live in an area that has less then 70 days a year with any amount of sun, the rest is low fog/smog/pollution that is always present and i think the lack of sun has messed up my sleep/waking cycle. Here it is Like SF but longer periods of fog/smog and more of it. I felt terrible for years and just off, didn't sleep well, always tired, and no energy or motivation.

I tried provigil about two months ago and it changed my life! I sleep well, feel awake, do things again like hobbies I had set aside and I am a happier person. I had not had dreams for 20 years, or very few, and now I dream almost every night.

My wife and my brother tried them and said, yea their so so and no big deal but helped them do more at work.

My point is they affect me very different then they affect them. For me they gave me my life back and I feel like I did in my late teens attitude and motivation wise.

They are not addictive and I never feel like taking more then 200mg each morning.

Good stuff.
Hey SmokeyJoe, Provi still a part of your diet? I am curious as to how that is going? Ive been tempted to try it but am a little skeptical about its addiction levels. Ive heard mixed reviews on the limitless drug. Another thing I am concerned about is will Provi cause me to be anti social? Any words of wisdom for a rookie here?

Hey SmokeyJoe, Provi still a part of your diet? I am curious as to how that is going? Ive been tempted to try it but am a little skeptical about its addiction levels. Ive heard mixed reviews on the limitless drug. Another thing I am concerned about is will Provi cause me to be anti social? Any words of wisdom for a rookie here?
Hey Alee,
I wondered things like that before I started too and read many different opinions. After giving a few of them to friends and seeing how some say they felt nothing, I concluded that it works differently for all people.

As far as becoming anti-social it is quite the opposite for me. I used to be very bad at chit chat with no subject and would feel uncomfortable in social settings, but since taking the provigil I know I chat more and am more social. Adding provigil to my diet has been the only change.

For me the first three months it for sure was a boost and I felt awake and had thoughts go through my head again thinking of things I would like to do on a given day, and i would do them, and I could focus and felt I had much more energy.

Now after 7 months I still get an awake feeling and all else mentioned, but it is a far less intense feeling then at the start.

I take one (200mg) per day every day by 8am usually and my wife takes them on and off and from time to time only and rarely for more then 3 or 4 days in a row, and we both noticed the reduced intensity.

There is ZERO mental or physical dependency and as mentioned my wife is an off/on and now/then partaker and she has never felt odd when not taking them. For me depending on the day, If its a bright sunny day in the morning I feel awake and fine with no provigil, but if it's grey and dark as is the norm where i am at I feel like I never wake up and getting started at work or whatever feels just like it did before the provigil. While I was off over Thanksgiving I didn't take any as I had nothing I needed to do or get done and wanted to relax.

I stopped my 5 + cups of coffee and my day long caffeinated diet pop drinking to improve sleep months before I tried provigil, and when I first started provigil it was best to avoid all caffeine. Now I usually have a cup of caffeinated coffee at lunch and that gives me a more noticeable lift then the morning provigil.

But without the provigil and having only caffeinated coffee in the morning to get going, this gives me a more jittery lift and my brain feels a bit cloudy (spiders given caffeine weave odd webs too). The provigil now gives me an alert and awake feeling that I would describe as "normal" and the awake feeling doesn't give me a jittery or cloudy feeling.

I suppose I could raise my daily dose up to 2 200mg provigil per day as i read many do, either once a day or once in the morning and once at noon, and this might give me back a more noticeable awake feeling. But I don't have any desire to do that like I react to opiates or MJ or whatever. The provigil just doesn't cause me to think or want more at all.

For me I will continue to use it as needed until we can move to a location with more sun so my body will know when to wake up and when to shut down. Many days here we wake up to heavy darkness, then though the late afternoon it starts to brighten up just before sundown and that really messes with my body.

That being said, one person I gave some too so they could try them reported that they did nothing for him. He didn't feel any different and felt weird after taking one. I also read that if you are sleep deprived in a specific way for a long period of time before you try provigil that you won't get the expected result due to how provogil works.

Hope that helps.


Hey Alee,

I wondered things like that before I started too and read many different opinions. After giving a few of them to friends and seeing how some say they felt nothing, I concluded that it works differently for all people.

As far as becoming anti-social it is quite the opposite for me. I used to be very bad at chit chat with no subject and would feel uncomfortable in social settings, but since taking the provigil I know I chat more and am more social. Adding provigil to my diet has been the only change.

For me the first three months it for sure was a boost and I felt awake and had thoughts go through my head again thinking of things I would like to do on a given day, and i would do them, and I could focus and felt I had much more energy.

Now after 7 months I still get an awake feeling and all else mentioned, but it is a far less intense feeling then at the start.

I take one (200mg) per day every day by 8am usually and my wife takes them on and off and from time to time only and rarely for more then 3 or 4 days in a row, and we both noticed the reduced intensity.

There is ZERO mental or physical dependency and as mentioned my wife is an off/on and now/then partaker and she has never felt odd when not taking them. For me depending on the day, If its a bright sunny day in the morning I feel awake and fine with no provigil, but if it's grey and dark as is the norm where i am at I feel like I never wake up and getting started at work or whatever feels just like it did before the provigil. While I was off over Thanksgiving I didn't take any as I had nothing I needed to do or get done and wanted to relax.

I stopped my 5 + cups of coffee and my day long caffeinated diet pop drinking to improve sleep months before I tried provigil, and when I first started provigil it was best to avoid all caffeine. Now I usually have a cup of caffeinated coffee at lunch and that gives me a more noticeable lift then the morning provigil.

But without the provigil and having only caffeinated coffee in the morning to get going, this gives me a more jittery lift and my brain feels a bit cloudy (spiders given caffeine weave odd webs too). The provigil now gives me an alert and awake feeling that I would describe as "normal" and the awake feeling doesn't give me a jittery or cloudy feeling.

I suppose I could raise my daily dose up to 2 200mg provigil per day as i read many do, either once a day or once in the morning and once at noon, and this might give me back a more noticeable awake feeling. But I don't have any desire to do that like I react to opiates or MJ or whatever. The provigil just doesn't cause me to think or want more at all.

For me I will continue to use it as needed until we can move to a location with more sun so my body will know when to wake up and when to shut down. Many days here we wake up to heavy darkness, then though the late afternoon it starts to brighten up just before sundown and that really messes with my body.

That being said, one person I gave some too so they could try them reported that they did nothing for him. He didn't feel any different and felt weird after taking one. I also read that if you are sleep deprived in a specific way for a long period of time before you try provigil that you won't get the expected result due to how provogil works.

Hope that helps.


That was a very comprehensive and intriguing explanation of your experience with Pro.

I too struggle when my physical location limits my natural sunlight intake.

I made a fairly drastic move (literally) early in life, as I honestly feared for my sanity and consequentially my life.

Still, who among us doesn't wake in the mornings lacking of the pep in our step?

I'm certain of what you say, that every person will likely report a varied experience.

Thanks for the detailed account.


This subject has really sparked my interest. Any sites/books that anyone recommends for education?


This subject has really sparked my interest. Any sites/books that anyone recommends for education?

Hi Cat,
I just started googling provigil and read up, nothing specific.

While reading there were many other things mentioned that help boost your wakefulness in non ader/rit ways.

The one thing the provigil was really helpful to me for was to reset my sleep and awake times.

In the beginning it was a more noticeable feeling, but even now it still wakes up my body and brain in the morning and then by evening I am actually tired and ready to sleep.

Without it my body and mind felt asleep most days and focus was difficult, I would be tired and want to nap, at night I would be more awake and not go to sleep until midnight or later and be up again by 7am with an acheing back and legs after non-dreaming and restless sleep.

It seems to be good at helping to reset the sleep/wake cycles from what I have read, but other articles will say it won't do that and does the same thing as caffeine.

It works well for some and not so well for others.

For sure it's worth a few bucks to find out if it helps with your sleep issues.

It is not at all addicting and the boost it gives is not at all jittery to me.

This area is a wealth of knowledge. I will have to start reading up on some of this. I'll look way before I leap. Opiated-

Provigil (Modafinil) I believe is not 100% considered a nootropic. Now the name "nootropic" is used a little different here and there but the general idea is that it is medication and supplementation that improves brain function by making the brain healthier. with stimulants for example this is not the case, since the stimulating effect actually harms the normal functioning of the brain by burning nerves, polluting the brain with free radicals, etc. Nootropics on the other hand are supposed to be a "detox and repair" supplement for the brain so if you feel better after/while taking them this is because your brain is healthier. obviously this is the comicbook version of a definition and research always rearticulates certain facts in one or the other direction about what a medication does - quiet the symptom or cure the source of it???

having said that, provigil does not fit this description at all. Even if it is not like Adderal, it IS a stimulant, it just works differently. Now if you feel a lot better with it, that is great, but all I want to say is that its not another "B-Complex" but its a strong stimulant, it is a serious medication and should be handled as such. It does have long term effects and it does harm your brain so please dont use it as if it were a supplement out of the supermarket. it helps live with the symptom of fatigue, it does not in any way cure even temporarily any real cause.

So I've been doing a lot of reading on this subject and wanted to try and find a supplement that would work. It seems I'm fatigued , no motivation, antisocial (which is not normal for me at all) just plain doom and gloom. So after searching and searching I found a product called true focus. I honestly can't believe how good this works. Its only been 4 days but even on day 1 I did a 180.I have been happy , full of energy, lots of focus. I have cut down on my coffee from 8 cups to 1 dd I'm sure is wondering where I am! I had little faith this product would do anything. The stuff was recommended by the woman who wrote the diet cure and the mood cure. It was only $10 at a local store for 90 of them. Not sure if any of you have tried this and had similar experience. It might be something to look into.

Try some noopept or modalert pappy that'll put some pep in your step.

yes i have been dabbling with modalert and it is definitely an eye opener. I understand that some people have varied results after a few weeks but so far so good.

So I've been dabbling the past two months on a new nootropic stack (a slimmer one for less dosing) and have so far gotten this worked out:

Phenylpiracetam 100mg caps - 2 in the morning and another one after lunch

Tianeptine 12mg caps - 1 in the morning, lunch, and early afternoon

Noopept 15mg caps - 1 in the morning, and 2 after lunch

Adrafinil 300mg caps - 1 in the morning

Sunifiram 12mg caps - 1 in the morning and another post lunch

Which if you saw my earlier stack you would see that I'm probably taking around 15 capsules less a day.

This stack that I've been working on is a focus based stack for studying long periods (or through a school day), a anti-depression/anxiety stack to improve social interactions and overall mood. I've been tinkering with adding Oxiracetam into it along with some Piracetam (I didn't include it at the start considering that all of these nootropics in this "new" stack are very potent).

I had read there should be no need for piracetam or ox as phenyl piracetam is supposed to exceed them in potency?

Hi! I've been taking Nootropics for a while and am currently taking:

Piracetam - 3.2-4g in the morning, and 3.2-4g with lunch.

Aniracetam - 750mg in the morning, and 750mg with lunch.

Pramiracetam - 300mg in the morning, and 300mg with lunch.

L-Theanine - 200mg in the morning, and 200mg with lunch.

Caffeine - 125mg throughout the day.

Sulbutiamine - 200mg in the morning.

CDP-Choline - 250mg with lunch, and 250mg after dinner.

Nicotine - Half a pack a day.

I'm definitely down to discuss about Nootropics, I know a bit about them however I am by no means a Nootropic Guru
 Hows the Phenibut HCL?

Phenibut HCL or FAA is fucking awesome!  I don't even know WHY this stuff is legal.  It's HORRIBLY addicting, but what good things aren't?
I know right?? I put a order in for  phenibut HCL capsules it should be arriving today from Powder City. Is there a good Euphoria And what kind of meds should u not take when using?

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  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
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  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
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  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!