Yeah pokey of course you feel sexy in a bun and tshirt bcuz you are. You're one of those natural beauties that doesn't need a lick of make up to be pretty. Me on the other hand..ughhh..lets just say my daughter's friends dont spend the night anymore and I don't think its bcuz theyre too cool for sleepovers. Im surprised my husband hasnt left me..lolol..but I feel the same as you pokey..when somebody is beautiful on the inside, it shines through like a glowing light making them beautiful on the outside. Ive learned tho that I shouldn't judge someone who acting ugly either bcuz I don't know what theyre going through. One time at work, there was a customer who came in every month. He was very grumpy and never had anything nice to say. And I always thought gosh what an ass. One day he came in grumpier than usual and instead of being short and detached, I decided to ask him if he was ok. He answered, ya know what? No im not. Over the next hr he proceeded to tell me that he suffered from a severe case of shingles. It was really painful and he couldn't go out in the sun so he couldn't do the things that he enjoyed doing. How he was very active prior to getting them and how he felt so aweful that he couldn't play with his grandchildren like he wanted. Couldn't be the husband he wanted to be and how he just felt like such a failure. I was completely blown away. I just sat there and listened and before he left I offered to pray for him. We prayed and he thanked me and left. From then on we became friends and talked every time he came in. This was one of many big lessons in my life on how not to judge people bcuz you just really dont know but that person might be going through something aweful. So now I try to find the beauty in everyone.