OP 40’s — fake?

@2earls they were sold to me as op 40s "old formula" and are orange with op on one side and 40 on the other. Honestly they look perfect, not fake in my opinion. 

The crazy thing is, I even feel the onset of 5mg-10mg, and these have zero effect. I'm perplexed. 

I did email the vendor, asking for a reship on the op 40 yellow that are "new formula" 

Thank you 2earls for your experience and input. I really appreciate it!! 

Much love, 


I know this is an old post, but upon rereading it I would say the first test if you suspect you have a fake OP would be try to crush it because if you can you obviously have the wrong thing. 

And as I said before if it does have the goop on it then it's highly unlikely to be anything other than what it's supposed to be. I just don't think the pill pressers out there are going to take the extra step even if they had goop available.

I'm a little confused because OP40s are yellow not orange. They're not easily crushable and I order them regularly and never seen a fake.

On the other hand, Endo 40mg are orange and crushable. They are not as strong as the OPs, but they should have enough effect to keep wds away. 

Although they are more expensive, I stick with the OPS because I feel that because of the coating they are not going to be fake. While I have had good Endo 40s too, I am happiest when I can just get the OCs. In my opinion the best of all. Unfortunately the SY vendors don't have them.
I know this is 2 years old, but I ordered 10 OhPea 4_0s ( I made another post on this topic) and can’t get vendor to answer me as to what he gave.    20 of something with no marks or scores.  Easily breakable and more of a French vanilla/antique white color.  Im fairly convinced I got robbed (given crap instead of pumpkins I asked for ).  They tested neg. For f’!ent.     But might as well send me trama-d’!!s - which I bet these are.     Can I post pic here as well ?   Someone else had same issue with this and I can’t find his/her post to see if they discovered what they are.   

BTW -slightly related to something @2earls said above    I happen to prefer the Oh Pea Ateys more than 0ld sk@@l Oh Cees ones (I know you said fawdees) that can kr&sh.  I don’t even kr&sh but some do.    For some reason the Oh Pea better for me. I guess we’re all different…

tbis is what”D” sent me.    I’ll keep checking for that post from the other day it wasn’t new but was related to the unmarked 4_0s



Those most assuredly and not. Opeeees 4.0. That much I can tell you. They would be small with the appropriate imprint and a lot like chewing gum. I can’t even speculate on those.

I sure hope “&op” are now not being adjusted. Like we don’t have enough magazines that have to be looked over. 

I was too dooped by "D". Sent twenty MG OhSea's that had 0 affect. Told me "well, other customers haven't complained." $500 loss.

I was too dooped by "D". Sent twenty MG OhSea's that had 0 affect. Told me "well, other customers haven't complained." $500 loss.

I replied to this on mobile device,  but I see it's not on the laptop page.   OR the device.   Maybe I am pissing off mod's.  THAT I do not want to do    I am sorry for complaining too much. 

I finally got a TN and he never told me till Monday that he deported Fri for Sat deliv,  never said a word to me.  

I got "I had personal issues"  and gave me TN.    Not sure why an OT from Fri didn't make it Sat,  but sure enough the label shows Fri.     Someone said because of Mon being Prez day it impacted my ON pack.     U$P$  is weird.    Why would Monday impact something sh!Pped FryDay for Sat ?   I am so glad it wasn't papers needed to close on a house or something about inheritance, etc.....   Not to say my donation is chicken feed - but still - WTH.   And you can't ask them anything, all they have is virtual bot - At least Amazon has a human being to ask questions.  

Anyway when I first checked and saw 20 I assumed it was out of guilt (HA!)  As if I'd get 10 freebies for being late.    Sometimes i feel we all need a few extra t@ss ins but not 10.     Then I saw ( see pic above )  the smooth light yellow color and NO imprints.    Asked yesterday - he answered today - "What did you S@ND me, these aren't  OHPEA FAW_DEEZ ?        HE finally  said  "Trust me they are EN@DO@C!L (?)  and real - I had to send 20 because each is 20 m@g, I ran out ( why not just tell me LAST WEEK so I know there would be a different thing inside my cereal box when I reach in for my prize OR give me the chance to use my donation on something else??    Why shove this plaster of Paris at me ??        I have to Google these.    I am NOT used to   Oh Pea 20 like these.  I've seen 20s from V1n t@ss in's  and they had Oh Pee on one side, and numerals TOO_ZEerOh on other....

Is ANYONE familiar with these ?  So far I see negative reviews above.    I know that L@SL@IE sends "EN+D@_C!lS  brand p!llz so maybe these are another factory ( like how PF!ZER and UpJohn make Xan's...)  ?    I ( like everyone else ) get SO mad when my donation is GLADLY taken - there is NO respect as far as we the customer ( it's gonna be late,  or I have to use something else - would have been nice I am a REASONABLE guy I know crap happens but don't make up my mind for me - at least let me pick something else close in comparison to the donation - lemme check the menu - like in a restaurant - becuase otehrwose,  I am not coming back anymore.     I know who my dependables are,   "SHE" doesn't get the reviews she deserves ( or at least not enough ) and one is SO cool but you have a sometimes 9-10 day wait.      

But for the LOVE of Goodness  - STOP ghosting people !    I get that SH@@T happens !  But if you gh@st me,  I am gonna start to think you are taking my donation and running away.    

Unless someone knows that these MAY be legit ( my pic above ) I am done with this topic - I am sure 2 Earls is sick of seeing me whining - I guess you all are.  But I'd love to know if maybe these are ok just weak....   They break and smoosh too easy to be real  OPs,  and the lack of scores on them tell me "be careful and don't use 1/2 a mag and release too much into system."

thank you all for putting up with my bandwidth hogging.  I just want you peeps to be aware of what is happening.    At least they didn't test pos for  "F@NT.

Those most assuredly and not. Opeeees 4.0. That much I can tell you. They would be small with the appropriate imprint and a lot like chewing gum. I can’t even speculate on those.
@Deepnorth I Googled the "Endocodil 20 mg" based on what he said they were  (from D's one and only email aside from the TN one ) .   Something told me this was what LE@S_L_EA had on her menu as an entrée - At least the "Endo..."  part.  I don't have a recent menu from her,  so things might have changed.     I should have remembered (and didn't) that I once (and once only)  donated for her Faw_deeze and her menu has the "E" word.   It came back to me after some thinking.   I only used her service once,  so it wasn't an immediate fl@shback.    I saw what appeared -at first- ( I assumed they were 20 "fawdeeze - yea rug to be the same thing I re-seaved.    I will say - yes - it was easy to break WITH a p@1ll cudder and had a gloss coating but I didn't get them in the strip ( i did with L@s,  not D )   I got them loose.   This whole mess is so confusing cause I have unnecessary details of what SHOULD have been an easy in and out fast food p@u@RchAse_.  My problem is that he won't answer anything I ask.    So one scenario I have in my head is that he had to wait to land the "Too-wendys" so that he had something to make up for the lack of fawdees ( Another issue that I hate - and this goes for several -   Telling me "YES we have that tonight on the menu"  and when you sit,  you are told they ran out of lobsters. ( obviously in a restaurant you wouldn't pre-pay for a meal,  but in this place,  things are a$$ backwards.  ) 

And yes,  when I saw the amount sent I really thought he was s@rry for being late, ghosting me, and didn't wanna lose me.   But all it was is enough of each to match the EmGee s1ze  -  Heaven forbid something would be tossed in as a "we value your  loyalty please accept ( at least ) one magazine OTH.    Maybe some of you get that treatment.  I've only seen it w/ V!N.  

Anyway - I'm debating about testing them out 2_Morr-ow and reporting on so that those on the edge of "E" on the gas tank & are waiting on him if similar order can at least get something to drive to work and home until the better gas  station opens with the better grade.   I really hope that anyone who donates to this store using what they can scrape together and still pay bills doesn't get taken to the cleaners, especially long time loyal peeps.   

I'll end this by saying - The ONE thing different between these  from D,  and the ones I donated for from L@S_Le@s that hers came in bl!@sters  and they seemed more flat -  D's are more "bulky"  ( not sure if that shows up  in pic ) more like an asp1i1n size, and  she only went as high as Faw-Deeze, or size of a green MnM,  she may have had/or has  TooWendys,  but I never saw them from her - so maybe they are the same as what D gave,   but I wanted to get as close to the green monsters M@G size ( atey's)  as I can until L@O / A!!ie or V!n showed up. And  If I read correctly,  the 2@'s are too weak to even notice, (?)   which will s@@ck because I would need two to match what I get out of one OH Pea fore oh. the normal classic shape/size./  Actually there are two things -  to end with -    The scores.     L@sLea fawdeeze had scores which still confuses me - I thought they were Extended Re-Leese ,  and I read that you should never read anything broken or split if its timed to slowly  be read.    So that it self  made me wonder ( this was a year ago or more and I don't have the magazines - all read and recycled....)  why would they score  =  The "D's"  have no markings whatsoever,  but have that semi-glossy glaze telling my Spider Vibes  "don't tear a page out - read the entire chapter at same time or it could be dangerous".   the P1_ll cudder sliced through easily ( sliced to grind & dipstick for F@N_T -  thinking to myself "I'll read the other half of that chapter later"   but I'm not sure because the store that carries them still not answering my questions so I wish they came in their original book covers (blizters) for protection and not page by page so I can get an idea of what I'm working with   SO.......that's why I've used up my jail time minutes and posted on here  -  not to annoy anyone

( I apologize if I am beating a dead horse, it's just that I need to learn about the danger/non-dangers of  IR's and ER's and I was hoping someone's got 2_os from D B4 me and can comment on them.    You can DM me since I really feel I am hogging the board.   I hope I helped someone learn what to expect if they were in the market for the same materials to read and waiting.    I just don't buy the "i had personal stuff"   line much anymore.   Another vendor gaining popularity did the same thing to me.

These V's  need to be honest and say they are out of magazines,  it was a good week for them.   I am a customer that understands.      I just really LOATHE when I get a week's worth of ghosting  AFTER DONATING  because it really makes me feel like they made me lay down face down after emptying my pockets with a gun aimed at me - and told if I look up I'm dead meat -  then, take my dough and split.   

Creating a message even for multiple customers and BCC all of us takes maybe 30 seconds.      But ghosting me makes me not want to stay at this hotel again. You change to CR!Ip/B!Ts for more peeps to go to you and when they do,  you ignore them.  Not cool.     

I told myself last time ( and didn't listen)  and thought after 1 1/2 years thing would change.    The place used to be flawless ( to me anyway )  then overnight it changed like the Baltimore Colts packing and moving to Indiana whenever that was ( 1980s right?)  

Anyway.....like Mark Cuban would say on SharkTank  regarding D -  "I'm sorry -  but I'm out".      I guess that's my review.    Too much drama and anxiety over such a simple thing.  Just COMMUNICATE.       Just my 2 cents.      Thank you for taking time to read and anyone who's tried D"s twen-dees and ( obviously ) lived,  feel free to DM me.   I don't to waste the admin/2@Earls time with me being endless.   

I really shouldn't have to ask "what are these?"  to the vend.   It has to cross their mind that MAYBE something with no indication of what it is at all would cause some confusion.    That's where the "I'm out but have to sh!p yew these XXX  this time".    Not just bundle what's laying around and take care of me ( us ) that way.   Not to mention not a word regarding anything about being almost 1 week before any actions.   V1n at least has a reason to stay quiet.  Once it's in the running backs hands,  its out of his completely.   But he'll tell you the play he chose ( TN ).    Not just drop in nearest receptacle for m@!L or give me a w@ll_IT add@ess  and not even confirm he has the donation.  

OK off soap box.   I'll try two of these books tomorrow and see if they are worth reading and made into a movie,  or if they are a total flop.   If you don't hear from me,  probably means I'm in ICU or a cold,  long drawer.   ( I am sure some of you wish that now for not letting this go.  I will.   Just donations are not always so easy to just do for a lot of people, and I hate being in the palm of this persons hands and treated like I'm asking for a kidney.   Just a TN which was promised to me for last Tues multiple times "before personal crap all of a sudden happened".     Just tell me YOU"RE OUT. 

Im outta here before admin or 2  block me for good.    Please DM me if you need d-tales or want me to shut up.     Peace - stay safe. 

oh GOD - I just saw my first one showed up !  I am SO SORRY for the two LONG A$$ messages!    I thought a technical glitch killed first one ( 2 above this ! ) 


oh GOD - I just saw my first one showed up !  I am SO SORRY for the two LONG A$$ messages!    I thought a technical glitch killed first one ( 2 above this ! ) 

All is good I think you’re speaking from most of us when you speak anyway. Also again oh peas. No score line. However I do recommend getting a couple strippers. I hope people know what I’m saying. Obviously I’m not trying to tell you to have some sort of bachelor party. It’s just gotten to that point. I wish stores did sell them and personally I think they should. If we were concerned about harm control we would have them in every large chain.

I didn't read past where I was quoted, but maybe you got the wrong order? I can't even imagine anyone would substitute endos for OPs so they should realize their mistake.

I didn't read past where I was quoted, but maybe you got the wrong order? I can't even imagine anyone would substitute endos for OPs so they should realize their mistake.
@2earls  No, maybe I worded it wrong - I thought I was accurate but what I got was sent intentionally because he ran out of  OPs.   

It took a while before he answered,  but he explained that he deployed 20 of these magazines a week ago today ( last Friday ).    Quick summary is he and I met up on Feb 13,  the Sunday previous to what he told me several times that Tues  Feb 15 would be the deploying my mags for Wed.   

I hadn't seen anything in response to anything I sent until this past Monday in which he told me he sh!pped out on Friday ( Feb 18 ) for Sat dr@ppawf ( Feb 19 ).

    I didn't know till Monday that there was anything even out there since he wasn't responding at all.   On Mon Feb 21 I got the TN, was told it was shoved out the door Feb 18 ON.   I assumed it was orange pumps.   

So I checked the TN on Monday and all I saw was it was "scheduled to drop off by 6pm  Feb 19". but still sitting out "there".

Every day came and went,  I couldn't get anyone at U$P$ to answer me, they are totally virtual,  I even tried on Twitter & Facebook before I started asking on here if I was alone in waiting.   Someone on Facebook said that Prez Day had an impact on ON's sent Fri even if it's a priority, etc, etc... and the part I love  "You should know this,  it's how its been for many years!"   ( a Facebook answer.    Last I checked,   they used to have Prez day only and combined George and Abe, but this year the garbage got picked up the day before Friday,  Abe B'day was celebrated at least here,  and they gave the township the day of Friday off.    Not sure how it is everywhere else,  but I am pretty sure Abe was resurrected,   but I am way off the point ) 

I thought since it was an ON that "maybe"  I'd have it on Monday holiday or not,  I've seen them out there  on Sundays.  I Got it Tues.    No idea what it was I was reading until I asked D  - he said he was out of  Fawdee EmGee pumpkins and had to substitute  with  TooWendy EmGee end*c*dil 20's  ( thats why I got 20, 2 of each make fawdee EmGees.   I know you know this,  just detailing each movement.   )    

Apparently in that part of the world,  it's not necessary to mark or score items,  so I asked "what is it that you sent,  these aren't OPs"  and I got the "Trust me they are End*od*l 20 mg,  I was out of "pumpkins"  that's why I sent 2 of each mag."

I understand about the struggle with English, but he does a decent job -  it's the communication I have an issue with.    A 30 second email to explain why Tues and Thurs ( the other sh@!p day on his menu ) came  and went  - and maybe a quick  'BTW I am out of XXX and had to send   BBB's this time" -  would have sufficed.    Ghosting is just rude and this is why I really think that turned me off.    His English is good enough to send out an update.   And I shouldn't IMO have to ask "WTH is this?"   

I googled and saw that they match  the ENd@ in most pics -  and tested neg.  for fent.    I was hesitant,  but tried a few pages and I have to say I was actually feeling the story.  Even just  a 2@ which really surprised me.       T@@ together was actually good .   Not sure if anyone agrees ?

The ghosting needs to improve and eliminated.  He's not alone in that complaint, other vendors have that bad habit.   I admit   I'm very sensitive since I was r@bbed twice ( 2nd time kick my self for not being careful  )  with ph@ny emails.  

Hope this was clear.  I am trying to not be so long in responses.    But yea,  ghosting us sucks,   especially after donation is sent and on time all the time.  I get and understand they are at r@@sk  each day - I get it.   But 8 days of "personal problems"  ?    I can't believe a person can't send an update. 

I can only think maybe he had to replenish the 2@'s  because maybe they were low on his library cart.   At least the stuff seems cool.  I was surprised to be honest.     

Let me know if I am not clear anywhere, and I will fix it.    Thanks for reading.   And Thank GOD for people like  ALL@y cat.    

I once again was long - I am sorry peeps - I will stay on the  DL for a while,  I know you're all sick of me. 

Damn @drjimmy1964 I probably don't get it because I don't make it through those novels you are writing. These days I am OK with Endos, but the old me would say "sorry I appreciate you were trying to make sure I got something but these don't cut it for me". Oh and maybe is there somewhere I can return these and get my OPs? 

Damn @drjimmy1964 I probably don't get it because I don't make it through those novels you are writing. These days I am OK with Endos, but the old me would say "sorry I appreciate you were trying to make sure I got something but these don't cut it for me". Oh and maybe is there somewhere I can return these and get my OPs? 
@2earls I know about the novels.   Point taken.

I apologized above your last note.  I went too long because I got/get too passionate about being ghosted especially after being robbed twice, and I guess I was detailed to bring the ghosting to your (and others that might be waiting ) attention (not sure if you can even do anything about that) and I was trying to see if anyone else was being treated that way. Not sure why he’d single me out,  but I was just hoping I guess someone else would say “yea I haven’t heard from him in a week either”   

The actual issue is with the total avoidance of my emails than with the magazines.  They were supposed to shove off 2/15 but didn’t till 2/18, and landed 2/22.  Asked several time about TN, what’s up, etc.  Didn’t hear from till 2/21 when I got Fridays TN. 

Yea at first I was concerned about them until he finally answered  me and told me the title and why I got double the amount of mags and I researched and am fine with them, surprisingly, and I thought they read better than OPs.

Its his complete avoidance of answering me after donation which got me into novel mode.  

I won’t slam the forum again like that. Reviews only from now on.   I do have a tracking question for that forum, but done here. 

I am sorry again for the novels- seriously.     

All fake and I tossed 180 supposedly phentermine from JUSTIN a loser vendor on here. Truth sucks for me😭 He’s a moneysucking liar and I pity his wife. 


 Hi @drjimmy1964 I am glad to hear that everything worked out a while back. And you are once again in good tune and good vibes with our  best vendors :-)

And dude I smile because I write novels as well. Earls knows that about me that’s for sure. I don’t even know how she’s put up with me this long :-) But it’s always going to take a step back and think before reacting which I think is what she did so that’s good! I know I shouldn’t have to do it.

I forgot the title of this thread is some thing about OP’s. I do want to go on record it on saying I’ve never had a fake op , be at scored or not scored.

The ones that come from possibly thousands of miles south are sometimes as good or better as the ones that come from thousands of miles east. Again it is always important to test but with the vendors I use I have been happy. I know jimmy jam uses one of the vendors I use and I can see from above he was pleasantly pleased with the type that he got. In the other picture I’ve never seen those in my life. But they do not look like anything my vendor sends .

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I've had a fake OP 40. They were tossed in with a bunch of legit ones. I did notice the color was very slightly off and decided to inspect it. I cut it and it easily cut and was powdery. OPS are not powdery. They are almost like soft plastic. 

I put a tiny amount on my tounge and it was the strangest/Nastiest taste I've ever experienced. Not medicine like at all but hard to describe. I highly doubt there was anything active in them, because of reasons. 

With that said, they were made very well. If I hadn't looked close, I probably wouldn't of noticed. The OP's always seemed to feel safer since they'd be hard to replicate. Now I always make sure the won't crush before taking. 

Anyways, the Endos are good but also faked. Got some fakes in Mexico. They were in a box, blisters and inserts. Totally bunk expensive tourist souvenir. But I've also had some great ones. I read the 40 Endos no longer exist. So 10's and 20's should be good to go if they are from a legit source. 

Good to know . About every blue moon being about once a year, I’ve had Colombian ones with are further south than the endos I believe. The seem gtg 

don’t know about blister ones 🙃 always we all love the good ole 40 yellow . If I have a buddy go in with me I can not get them to take anything but marked :) but when times are rough the super South equator was GTG 

how ever I do not think I have ever had blister experience ones 🙃

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!