Palmira Drugstore

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Hello everyone.  Monday #1 almost in the books.  So, decided to check good old Palm out a little bit ago.  Bulk is stocked up again.  and they have the 2mg equivalent of the famous purple football named product on that first page but not in  the bulk section.  I know someone wrote a while back they ordered this and it came with blisters from the sun covering it and they were only 1 (not 2 as advertised). 

They have a 30 count of that for 42 so I figured I'd jump in and see if they resolved that problem.  But I did increase my order a little over my past 2, but still keeping it small (for me) and didn't go for any of the bulk items.  (now I didn't check each and every single product in the bulk section), but I did try 5 and all were able to be added to cart and it took me to the check out page... where I dumped them out and then placed my order I actually wanted to place.  Now, back to the double strength football type product, they do have that in bulk section as well and yes, it was one of the 5 I checked and it's in stock but no way would I take that leap based on the 1 previous review to date.  I'll stick with my 30 count first to verify. 

Still says shipping special of 20$ but this time I actually see the 30$ charge on my check out form... ahh whatever  /default_wacko.png .  4/5 donations to the Maserati fund, um I mean poor people's fund, still there as well.  One thing I have never figured out though... what is the I.S.V. add they do on every product line?  28 x 5 = 140.00 but with the I.S.V the total on that line is 158.00 (so 18.00 for whatever the hell that is).  Does anyone know what that stands for?  (Increased Screwing Variable, lol)??? 

Anyhow.  I might be too late to fairly count this as a 04/29 order being as it was after 5pm EDT when I ordered, so I will count it as a 04/30 order when I judge delivery time.  Will keep you advised. 

Have a great night.  S-

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Hi.  I didn't see those yesterday when I ordered.  I did get an email offering 19.99 shipping today (HAHAHAHAHA) and it advertised the "new" 2 mg alp product in a 30 count (that I did order yesterday), but nothing about the 2 products mentioned above ^^.  I wrote them back in English & Spanish that I wish they would get their shipping pricing and communication skills in order which I know is like asking a rabbit to fuck a giraffe. 

Oh and I actually got another email order confirmation.  I think that's 3 in a row after none for a ton of orders.  Anyhow, I just looked.... odd they put them right on the front like that and that you can use cc to get them.  Still, think I'll wait to see the quality on my latest order as I did order 2 things from them I haven't ordered from them before in small counts.  If anyone does jump in and order either of those mentioned above, please update.  It would be appreciated. 

Have a nice rest of the afternoon.  S-

Think I'll try the 2mg alp and see how they are, though an earlier report said they were blistered and labed 1mg, oh palmira..... I too will be staying away from the new offerings, though the fent is tempting. And whats with them raising price of the 1mg to $28? (same price as 2mg, wtf?)

Hi guys, I'm sick to see this happening AGAIN. One very important distinction: to place a legitimate cc order, which you WILL get, you need to use this link You'll know you are in the right place when you see the Palmira logo undulate.

The other link in the spam emails is bunk. Not secure and god only knows what else.  

Here's where it gets interesting. The hardcore meds are listed in both the legit sight and the bunk site. To test, I added the Fentanyl to my cart at the legit site. At the bottom of the ship/bill form is this:

Section Choice




Alprazolam 1mg x 30 tablets

US$ 28.00 + I.S.V.




US$ 31.36
Not Fentanyl. Which I would never order anyway, but this whole thing keeps getting weirder.

So I took it further and filled out some fake info to see if I would be directed to WU instructions, or get the cc field. Here's what I got:





Alprazolam 1mg x 30 tablets: (US$ 28.00) + I.S.V.





Shipping Charges United States of America



US$ 4.00


US$ 5.00

Total Purchase amount


Payment information

Credit Card Type

 Master Card Visa American Express JCB    

Credit Card Number

Name as appears on card


    01    02    03    04    05    06    07    08    09    10    11    12   /     12    13    14    15    16    17      18    19    20      21      22   

Place order with the payment information

I'm not sure if I can make any more excuses for these guys. God knows I've tried, but this is beyond bullshit.

What the heck is  I.S.V. ?  Some kind of tax or something?        I notice they raised the price on my bulk Diaz also..  $80 now.. I get better Diaz from TTM.... I think I'll skip these guys for now...   $32 to ship a  $28 product is nuts...

Hi, DVZ.  Kudos for going the extra mile to check this on both sites.  I go to the correct site and when I placed my order yesterday, they did not have those 2 new products there.  I have my link to the correct site saved as a favorite and I also have the bad link saved as a favorite under BS SCAM LINK SITE to make sure I never click that one. 

Anyhow,  I always go right from the beginning product page to the home page to ensure I get the wave of the logo even when I know I'm using my correct link.  Then I go back and order.  The 2mg Alp was there and I did order the 30 count which, depending on which 1mg alp you order can be the same price.  The purple footballs are cheaper than the price for the 2mg though.  I checked on a few bulk items which were in... but not ready to go there yet.  Anyhow, I then placed my order and all went well, even got an actual email confirmation again.  (sorry, I'm repeating a lot of my earlier post). 

Anyhow point is kids, pay close attention to what DVZ is saying.  There really is a mirror site out there that doesn't act the same as the legit site.  If you read the old thread that is entitled with the link DVZ lists as the legit site, you will be able to see a lot of discussion about it.  Have to be careful with these folks, that's for sure.  But for me, I'm comfortable knowing I'm on the right site and since I'm paying with a CC, I can always charge back (and I use a CC that doesn't have a high limit so if it does get compromised, they can't charge up thousands like they could with some of my other cards). But again, haven't really heard anything about them screwing with people's cards for fraud.

IDK why they are know getting into having these types of meds the legit site... while I'm sure it may thrill some, for me it says they will likely be fucked soon because we're not talking schedule 4 here and they already have had too much bull shit.  But I'm taking it one order at a time and paying a lot of attention to what others are experiencing.  I have only heard one person thus far talk about nor receiving a cc order.  Could be they were on the wrong site, could be a LL on the way, don't know.  But I know I'm still 100% with these guys so I'll continue to use them in smaller orders unless / until I see something else go FUBAR. 

I think it's important that those of us here who are still using this site make sure we post our updates and pay close attention to what's going on with these guys.  If it turns to shit, it's going to likely happen in a hurry. 

Also, just curiosity question here, why would anyone spend the price for their shipping on only 30-40$ worth of product, especially since while not back to 3 day delivery, that's a lot for a 5 day (or even longer) delivery to pay in shipping.  Just my opinion. 

Anyhow, thanks again DVZ for the heads up on the new products.  Let's watch out for each other and keep things updated.  Have a good night everyone.  S-

I try and make a point of always gathering clear evidence before passing judgments of any kind, and I also have never been a customer of this IOP, so this is nothing more than idle commentary on my part. That being said, I do know quite a bit about the PK market, from pain management clinics to SY and everything in between, and I am always extremely skeptical of any vendor that begins offering high end, high strength US made opiates, particularly at pricing that's anything less than current market. (i.e. SY vendor pricing) I may be completely off base, and their offer may be entirely legitimate. I'm certainly open to that possibility, but one must not forget two important facts. One, markets are 100 percent efficient in setting price levels, and absent charitable motives, below market pricing, especially for black market products, should be seen as an immediate red flag. I've not reviewed the pricing for this vendor's current offering, so that's simply a general comment. Second, this vendor is in the blacklist section, and there must be some reason for that. So, point being, there would seem to be ample reason to proceed cautiously here. It's not for me, that's a certainty, but if you have more risk tolerance than I, please make sure you exercise common sense and sound judgment.

And as I've said before, there is no Mother Teresa of the Perpetual Opiates, nor any other patron saint of cheap high end pain killers. Maybe someone could write the Vatican and see what they can do about that. /default_biggrin.png

Hi, J.  ^^^Completely agree.  For me, it's the reasonable quality, low price and reliable delivery (I'm at 100% with them) that has me here making an order from time to time (cc only).  They got on the blacklist because of the big WU scam where a lot of people got taken (similar to the SL deal) where people paid, but never rec'd.  Think is, while opinions vary, I think someone got the customer list and scammed folks but the person doing the scamming was (or still is) a Palm employee (or even owner).  Orders by cc though, get delivered, I only know of one person claiming to have not rec'd a cc order.  As far as the couple of higher scheduled PK meds showing up suddenly on this site, it's odd for their legit part of their business but it's on both the sites, the legit and the mirror site.  IMHO, everyone should stay far, very far away from those two products from Palm and if making a cc order, stick with the tried and true benzos that are the mainstay of the site. 

I'm actually worried what they really are... likely bunk but harmless bunk or deadly bunk?  I guess we will find out though as I imagine someone will order it and order it soon.  (then again it may be gone from the site by tomorrow....)  Have a good one.  S-

If it's deadly bunk, we will just have to find out by a member posting they sent for and then that  a member never posting again. I posted long time back that I had it on good authority there was a "mirror site"and the pam must wave. However, mirror site could always make a palm wave. Those of you who warned against anything but CC thanks. And DGS, your theory makes sense to me, that this could be an inside job even or set up by owners, tho I hate to impugn. They were once good to me but now its out of stock all the time. Still  sorry some of you lost money. 

Hi folks.  I ordered late after noon (after 5pm EDT) on 04/29 and I rec'd this morning.  I had sent an email complaining about the 20$ ship charge and them actually charging me 30$. I asked they make up the diff in product.  I received no reply but I did receive a little something extra of significance on one product I think to make up for the shipping.  Count was +4 on my purples, dead on my blue 10, +1 for the white ones (more on that in a sec) and and enough extra on the yellow to where all the extras combined make the ship difference a total non-issue for me.  

I have a question though.  ordered 30 of the 2mg alp (to validate good / bad / ok) and 30 of their Loraz 2mg (I have never taken Loraz before).  Nothing was in blister pack like a previous poster stated regarding the 2 alp (he said it said 1m on the blister packs)  and I'm honestly not sure which is which, as I have never ordered either before.  Anyhow one is a small round white tab, with a four score cross on the front, blank on the back.  The other is a 1/2 scored round yellow tab (bigger as in close to the size of a blue 10) that has the triangle K in it.  Reading online I found one place say the yellow is the 2 alp and another that says the yellow is the 2 loraz.  Is anyone able to clarify this for me please?  It would be greatly appreciated.  I will have a quality report on something later this afternoon (eenee, meany, miny, hey moe!) as I'm having an early day today.  Thank you very much in advance to anyone who is able to help me know what the yellow one is (I'll then know the other by default). I hope everyone has an awesome weekend and for those who celebrate it, Feliz Cinco de Mayo~.  S- 

Hi folks.  I ordered late after noon (after 5pm EDT) on 04/29 and I rec'd this morning.  I had sent an email complaining about the 20$ ship charge and them actually charging me 30$. I asked they make up the diff in product.  I received no reply but I did receive a little something extra of significance on one product I think to make up for the shipping.  Count was +4 on my purples, dead on my blue 10, +1 for the white ones (more on that in a sec) and and enough extra on the yellow to where all the extras combined make the ship difference a total non-issue for me.  

I have a question though.  ordered 30 of the 2mg alp (to validate good / bad / ok) and 30 of their Loraz 2mg (I have never taken Loraz before).  Nothing was in blister pack like a previous poster stated regarding the 2 alp (he said it said 1m on the blister packs)  and I'm honestly not sure which is which, as I have never ordered either before.  Anyhow one is a small round white tab, with a four score cross on the front, blank on the back.  The other is a 1/2 scored round yellow tab (bigger as in close to the size of a blue 10) that has the triangle K in it.  Reading online I found one place say the yellow is the 2 alp and another that says the yellow is the 2 loraz.  Is anyone able to clarify this for me please?  It would be greatly appreciated.  I will have a quality report on something later this afternoon (eenee, meany, miny, hey moe!) as I'm having an early day today.  Thank you very much in advance to anyone who is able to help me know what the yellow one is (I'll then know the other by default). I hope everyone has an awesome weekend and for those who celebrate it, Feliz Cinco de Mayo~.  S- 
The small white pill as you describe it sounds exactly like the generic zolpidem I get from them all the time. Looking at one now.

The small white pill as you describe it sounds exactly like the generic zolpidem I get from them all the time. Looking at one now.
Hi, DVZ.  Thanks for the input.  Thing is I didn't order any of those.  I ordered the 2mg alps and 2mg loraz / Ati - Van.  Kind of freaks me out a little bit.  I took one of the yellows mid-afternoon and would say it was a really solid 2mg alp... better than 2 of their purples at once... so I either guess I got the wrong thing and got the stuff you use or since I can't find factual pics of a lot of their stuff... maybe they have more than 1 thing that looks like another... hell at this point, nothing would surprise me.  Will say those 2mg yellow have a wicked nice mellow bang to them. About ready for bed anyhow so I'll go ahead and give one of the small white cross ones a go and see if it's what you get or what I was supposed to get, lol.   Thanks again and I hope you have a great weekend!  S-

You sure the yellow wasn't loraz...palms loraz are small.round yellow. What do the 2mg alp like? if legit 2 I may have order some.

Hey PH.  Honestly, IDK which is which.  The yellows are round and a little bit smaller than the blue10 dia. Since I have never taken it before, I can tell you it hit me hard and was really solid IMO.  So I took one the small white ones with the cross last night kind of late.  DVZ says the description of those is exactly like zolp.  I fell asleep before I had the opportunity to really judge whether it was good / bad / ugly.  I was tired so again IDK yet, sorry.  Have a black tie event tonight and I have to be coherent for that so I won't know until tomorrow, but my thinking its' either the Zolp by mistake or its a 2 alp (cuts would be .5 each on the score lines of them, which makes sense too).  Sorry I don't have a better update on them yet, but I will by the end of the weekend.  I can say, I really liked the yellow 1/2 scored, whether it was loraz or alp it was solid.  Felt a lot like an alp to me but having never taken a loraz before, I don't know if they are similar or not (for me 2 purples is nothing like 2 blue 10's etc.).  I guess the Darwin award of the day goes to me (but at least the day is still somewhat young....)  Still I will accept all of the "dumb ass" quotes thrown my way today, duly deserved.  Will have a fair assessment update soon, enjoy the afternoon.  S-

Yellow sounds like a loraz. Yeah similar to alp, not quite as much punch, lil floatier/sleepier. Of course all subjective but physical description def sounds like loraz.

I have been looking at the same   link that I have had saved in my bookmarks,  the one I used on my last order a few months back but I'm still seeing the 2 new products and I'm wondering it it's the scam page.   It looks like the page I have used but  now I read here that the  read  web site will not list the new products?    Whats the   real  link ?    I won't order off the page Im looking at because those new items are on it....

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for