Maybe there could be a "greylist" created for some vendors. Because Palmira doesn't 100% fit in the blacklist category, at least considering some of the blacklist nightmares I've read about, (except for that WU debacle.) People ARE receiving, and for the most part in a remarkably fast manner.
If there was a pinned post warning people, especially newbies, not to pay with anything but a credit card, not to expect any email responses to their questions, not to expect a tracking number, not to expect a confirmation email, not to order the new stuff because you may get the wrong medication entirely and the the hard stuff is probably shit, ignore the spam emails, understand that the amount charged will always be a little higher*cough*, not to sweat it because it's most likely going to arrive, and that doing a chargeback is always an option. THEN they can feel a bit safer about ordering.
Oh fuck it, as I'm reading back over all this, perhaps it's just easier to keep them on the blacklist after all.