Here is an experience that was related on another board that given current custom weirdness, and the theory I threw out earlier, I feel I need to share.
This poster recently ordered from Palmira. Never had problems before, though this was the poster's first bulk order. got intercepted by customs. They opened it up (ALL the way up), and obviously saw what was inside. But instead of seizing it and sending a LL, they taped it back up--with Homeland Security tape--and shipped it on it's merry way, contents otherwise undisturbed. The poster understandably freaked out seeing that tape, and feels it was a serious warning, and is now on god knows what sort of lists/flags. LLs are easily ignored. Homeland Security (I just want to cough up a hairball every time I type that) tape on your otherwise intact, illegal shipment they gave the go ahead to send to your door is not.
So, until shit settles down, I'm staying away from international vendors. (Watch me cave on this declaration in about two weeks *sigh*)