Palmira Drugstore

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Well it's been 16 days for a WU order from PD with 1 email reply 9 days ago and nothing (total of 16 days). I say if they are advertising WU gets you US to US service yet no one has received any orders through this part of their service AND they keep advertising 2-3 days shipping time (which is technically true AFTER Fedex actually has it 7-12 days after you paid) then as far as I'm concerned they are SCAMMING especially with the WU part (flat out take your money and you get nothing). No making up for shorted order, etc. So I'll be the first to say it flat out - Palmira should be black-listed with a notation of "you may still get an online order but 10 to 15 days later but buyer beware). So f$$k 'em I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what such a drop for a service that has been pretty good for 5+ years then starting in late Nov. 2012 to early Dec. 2013. it all started to change. But be damned if I'll send any more money to these frigging crooks.


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Hi, everyone.  I wish I could say I hope you are well and mean it but with all this nonsense surrounding P that would be a lie.  I have a quick thought / question.  For a long time, things with P were great (except communication), but you got good meds, cheap price and FAST delivery.  Then all of a sudden, all these emails start coming out of nowhere.  New products, WU payment only, US/US ship etc.  They come from the "pastor" (whom at least I had never heard of before) and the imploring us to buy this new way to help the poor families.  Oddly enough, around the same time, P's delivery time turns to $hit.  I seem to remember talk about a fake P site and a real one and the way to tell which was real was that on the home page the pharmacy name "waved" like a palm tree in the breeze.  Any chance that the WU / new med emails are from the "fake" P and that they put a bug in custom's ear about the real P?  I know I sound like Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory, but to me it seems at least possible (or something like it).  No one who ordered new med selection via WU has received.  Everyone ordering from real website is still receiving, albeit at a much slower pace (for a rip off delivery charge of 40$).  I know if you read my post in the blackout of 2013 thread, I'm sure you all think I'm sitting here with my padlocked can of coffee while I type this.  But seriously, does anyone else think there could be any remote possibility of this?  Just curious.  Anyhow, just a thought.  Have a nice night. S-

First hi everyone! i have been a long time lurker. Just wanted to say I used the WU option and have not heard back in two weeks. Not sure if it was the real palmira or not. But I would think so as sent money to same location that the real palmira ships from. I should have known better as I havnt been burned in years and have other good sources I should have kept to. But palmira did sell bulk when they first opened years ago so that's why I bit the scam. They should be blacklisted in my opinion.

That's just horrible. I do feel for you. That's thievery.

I input the URL they sent me via their usual hysterical email promo--just today--I did check to see if the palm was waving. It was and they listed the cards they take. Nothing about "we only do WU now." SO, you could be on to something, in which case thanks for being kind enuff to warn the rest of us. Not saying I'll get my order, or when.  Wish there was some way you could get your dolleros back. 

I actually haven't gotten any of their promotional emails regarding their WU scam. Do they use the same email address to take these orders? If so then it's been long enough to call that section of their operation a scam and to throw this thread onto the DBG blacklist. But just like I've seen with those loyal to Club Alp, it might not be enough to keep the die hards from ordering via cc. I refuse to order from them and am just here to help those who did. Once this thread hits the blacklist I will have no choice but to discourage anyone from ordering from them at all. I would just like to know for sure where the hell this WU deal is originating from.

For everyone who ordered via WU, have they picked up the funds yet? I know that GC reported that it took them a very long time for them to actually grab the funds so there still may be time for some to retrieve the funds.

Until I know all of the info, the jury is out for me on whether this site should be on the blacklist. I mean, people are still receiving their cc orders, it's just taking a lot longer than usual. And we all know that sending these guys money via WU is risky. I feel bad for everyone who lost money on this, but if you were following the threads closely you did see GC take the leap for us and get nothing in return several pages ago in both threads. Everyone should have waited until he received before taking the leap themselves.

That's how it works. Somebody takes a leap then reports back the 'all clear' then the rest of us order. Why it didn't happen this way is beyond me.

There gonna continue to take CC for a while and ship those because otherwise CC would shut them down(which im sure they wont care when there finished and closed down) and prob make millions through WU and MG while they stay open. They are a scam. And there are plenty of good sources that are not ripping off thousands of people. I know I'm new to this board, but others who got ripped off are not and I think would agree to ban a site that's scamming our community.

I don't want to double post but thank you @sandrine for your condolences. I sent them western union 2-3 weeks ago before anyone had taken the plunge. I' did not lose more then I could gamble with but can't help but be bummed about it. Life goes on and I'm having a great day so can't complain though! /default_wink.png

I don't want to double post but thank you @sandrine for your condolences. I sent them western union 2-3 weeks ago before anyone had taken the plunge. I' did not lose more then I could gamble with but can't help but be bummed about it. Life goes on and I'm having a great day so can't complain though! /default_wink.png
If you are new to this board then how do you know if you ordered before any of us took the plunge? You , know, just wondering.

If you were a lurker who didn't join, well, thanks for nothing and have a beautiful day.

Dear Members,

With that said, this is my last post on the Palmira thread.  Remember, it is up to you as members to decide where this thread goes.  I've had a great time getting to know some of the regulars who order from this pharmacy but I've come to the conclusion that I have much more important matters to attend to on the site.

I hope and pray that eveyone gets their orders, and if not, I'll be checking the blacklist for it's newest tenant.  I would hope that someone would go back to page one in these threads to see that this used to be a really great company.  Not so that you can see how their reputation fell, but why I used to be proud that my avatar was displayed on such a popular thread.

See you around the boards!


I was thankful to get my cc order. It took for ever compared to the good old days of 4 day in your hands. But the WU email was too good to be true so I just stuck to what I felt was safe. I was amazed when they bumped up to 500 mc's and had several great orders. The strength of them on this last order was powerful compared to any other orders. Must be a fresh stock. The vals were not as good. But I get some from my local pharmacy and when I ran out of them I did not get sick do they do contain the actual medicine. Just not sure how much. The prior order the footballs were excellent. Hence the higher cost I would imagine. But with that always remember. If it seems to good to be true like a WU thing. Don't do it. I hope in some time soon I see a flood of I got mine posts. Even if that takes 2 months. I got to crash out. Super tired. But I will keep subscribed to this post to check in on how things are going. If anyone has a better lead on soma that are strong as a good old fashion DAN . Hit me up in a pm. Cause for now I think I will go back to the 15 day air mail. Oh and xanys preferably for the same price or less than palm. Thanks my dbg friends.


I have only gotten one  WU email and that was long ago when they first introduced the MG and WU offers, and I'm wondering if it in fact came from the real Palm folks or some fakes posing at Palm. It's a real mystery because  I've always ordered off the web page with a CC and always get the order. The recent orders I got took 10 days total from the date of ordering but I got the product and I got the  K brand Diaz, in yellow, which I always get from them and the tablets work just fine with me. The product is a harder tablet than the Pax brand I've got from another IOP but it works well so I have no complaint.

Today I got another email from them saying shipping is now down to $20, which is $5 less than it was a few days ago, if you order off the web page. They put the web site link on the email just below the $20 shipping offer.  Maybe they have read the complaints about high shipping costs I dont know but they did lower it.  All my email transactions have been with the female  " M"  or the male  " D "...    Is it possible that the WU and MG funds are sent to someone else? Its possible that someone other than  M  is answering the emails reguarding WU shipments?  I guess time will tell.   They have always been a good vendor, although email communications are just about little to none with most people the orders did go through.  It's to bad that all of this has come down to the possiblilty of blacklisting the vendor because something is not right as far as  WU, MG, different added meds that are not on the web site, but we don't know what the problem is or whats really taking place.  The cost of my orders is not large, so I will most likely place another one eventually via the web page and hope for the best. 

If you are new to this board then how do you know if you ordered before any of us took the plunge? You , know, just wondering.

If you were a lurker who didn't join, well, thanks for nothing and have a beautiful day.
I have been a long time lurker. Wish I could have helped warn people earlier about them scamming. But I thought palmira would come through. Now I'm glad to be a member so I can help people out more in the future! /default_smile.png

If you are new to this board then how do you know if you ordered before any of us took the plunge? You , know, just wondering.

If you were a lurker who didn't join, well, thanks for nothing and have a beautiful day.

If you are new to this board then how do you know if you ordered before any of us took the plunge? You , know, just wondering.

If you were a lurker who didn't join, well, thanks for nothing and have a beautiful day.
The SS,

Sorry to see you leave this thread but I'll see you around. I took the WU plunge (small order) on March 5. Nothing since then. The receiver was David Leonardo Matamoros, who is the sales manager for the real Palmira. So I don't know if it is a straight rip-off or their US to US source was a third party and did not come through for them or just took their (my/our) money and ran. That's maybe why they have let off on the advertising for WU.

I will write admin and suggest putting them on the black-list and athough you still may get your order through the online CC might as well go with someone else that gives more product for the money and you know your going to have a 10 to 14 day wait!!!   As with The Shattered Soldier I'm off these Palmira threads too. I'll check in time to time to see if things are better but you only have to rip me off once (actually 3 times in the past 3 months) and that's it. Soon there will be a void to fill - wonder who will take up the slack??!!!!!!! See ya around.



@Geocat I just received another email offer from these scammers today saying 50% off OC Was the title of email. And to WU money for best deals. I also sent money to the manager of palmira and have not heard a word since they picked up payment. I will write the admin today and help get them blacklisted! Sad as I'm sure they'll be gone with everybody's money soon anywase whether they get blacklisted or not. When they first opened they advertised bulk and always came through. Sad how over years these companies lose all the few morals they had..

NO NO.. DONT DO IT, Don't WU them because if you cant charge back you will never get it at all. I still haven't Got my Feb 12 order and the last email I got I was told It was on Its way. its way ?  its way to hell. I have noticed that just before these OPs go out of business they start with the WU charges. then every one starts to really lose money and write post on how they got F**KED by them. Oh yea I always use to get from P and was a happy camper at the time, but now I'm out meds and I cant stand to be F**KED over when i am /default_angry.png already feeling anxiety coming on. I tried to tell M or D to change the method of delivery to bottled Vitamins again but they are getting greedy and not wanting to spend a couple of cents on empty bottles. I just ordered a shyt load of vitamins from over sea's and got to me in 5 days with no hang up.  /default_ph34r.png we all need to start emailing them to do this so we can all be writing good forums about them like waaaayyyy back in the day. 

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Hi all.  Was out of town for a few days in sunny PHX (and come back to freaking SNOW) ... left my lap top behind on purpose.  I don't get spam forwarded to my phone so I checked my spam this morning and their were 2 email from Palm in my spam folder.  They are coming from the toprxsavings@hotmail.COM address, not the .ES address. Why would they use the .COM when no one ever can even get through to it... it's bogus.  Now they do list the .ES address in the "reply to"  along with the .com if you want more information on "the products our cc company won't allow us to upload to our website" (which in reality makes no sense) becuase they don't list out WHAT you buy on your CC receipt that shows to the cc provider, just that you ordered merch from the vendor.  Anyhow, both emails were just signed customer service now but that pastor guy's name (David) was down in the "blah disclaimer crap" at the bottom of the email.  As others have said, DO NOT USE cash methods with this place if you are even going to chance any kind of order... might as well light the money on fire.  I ordered big the last time I ordered from them with a cc, so I'm set for a while but I'm wondering if they will fish the scammer out and get back to their state of normal or if they will just fall off.  But if NO ONE does any cash methods and only does cc if you have to try to make an order, at least you have charge back recourse should goods not arrive.  I'm not opposed to possibly giving a cc order another try down the road a ways (a small one) to test the waters depending on how this thread goes.  But while I have not been on this board very long, I do know that folks like SS sure seem to know what the hell they are talking about, so I'm just adding on to the pile I guess, but it's worth repeating as we all know how easy it is to be tempted.  Even if someone, somehow gets a cash based order, unless it's someone who's known and trusted by the people who have been around here, I doubt if I would belive it.  Easy to create an account and say "I received, I just never joined, etc.".  Hate to see people get screwed out of $$$ in this crazy game even though it has happened to most if not all of us at least once.  Idea is to help each other to keep it from happening to someone again.  That's one of the things I love about this place, so thanks to those who have been helpful.  Enjoy the day.  S-

Hi, Pixie.  Hey, 10-12 days is the "new" normal for their express shipping when you use a credit card, so actually not bad.  Questions I have for you is would you mind sharing what you ordered and if you have had a chance to sample your product, how would you rate the quality?  If you do not want to share, that's fine.  If you want to share but not in the open forum, please PM me.  I am really sorta curious.  Thank you very much and have a nice night! S-

Pixie.  Thank you.  I really appreciate the prompt feedback, especially regarding the purples.  Seems the 'eh, they're ok' quality is holding on those.  I sort of think that no matter what x your order, except possibly the xr x, you are going to get purple, lol.  Thanks again for the feed back, I appreciate it.  Have a good one! /default_smile.png S-

If you are new to this board then how do you know if you ordered before any of us took the plunge? You , know, just wondering.

If you were a lurker who didn't join, well, thanks for nothing and have a beautiful day.
uhg.....tried to message you....fell on some hard times myself so i havent been on the forums to much ,but hope everything ok for you......and hope to hear from u soon

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for