Good morning, everyone. So I called carrier this morning after still no change in status. Spoke w/ rep who said she had to transfer me to "the international shipping department". On hold for about 5 minutes then a guy picked up. He went through confirmation of delivery address etc. with me, then I asked where package is right now as from 08/26 arrival to US, still not here.... he states "the last scan we have is....{long pause}.... oh, (his entire demeanor then became nervous-like) hold on I need to transfer you to a different unit" (not department). So he never gave me last scan info and I have a pretty good idea as to where I was going to be transferred to so at that point I hung up. God bless CID spoof. For me this package is now officially a write off. I will only update on it further if any of the items I referred to in a previous post (1-4) occur somewhere down the road. Good luck on those pending and who just ordered. Hope your luck is better than mine on this one. But really not bitching.... first one interdicted out of so many orders with P... just part of the game. Have a great Thursday. S-