Good morning. BTW.... was staying on D/L here given the situation with Palm and all... I did place an order (small about $250) on 09/25. Rec'd today... both products there and are what I ordered. No time to do a count check yet though. Will only re-post if they shorted me, but by eyeballing it, they look about right as far as counts.
That said, I have somewhat of a higher risk tolerance than many.... so I figured give it another try. I wasn't spending $ I could not afford to lose if I ended up living the groundhog day LL. So... I am still not encouraging anyone to order from them unless you expect to lose your $ and get a LL or possibly even a CD at this point, based on the number of people around reporting LL's coming in.
I just think I happened to get lucky, like hitting the straight flush at 3 card in LV, with a 100$ chip on each play circle. Have a good one. S-