Yeah ive been getting their emails.
I've got myself into a situation where I haven't been able to order as Palmira is all I know, and the only one that will ship to a place other than my house using that certain carrier.
Can I ask your opinions? I am very experienced but suspect i could psych myself out nonetheless
What do you think about a 20 day BZD run, the one in particular brom, medium acting, coming to an end quite suddenly.
A 20 day time period with the highest #s in the start and a slow decline towards the nice moderate therapeutic agent that it becomes for me.... I dont mind a "holiday" being imposed by bad planning, but 20 days isnt so bad?
Right now it would be the equivalent of about 2mgs of clon a day, with a peak of about 6-8mgs for about a week. Last 4 days have slowly declined bromaz to about 9 mgs a day. (They come in 1.5, 3 and 6)...last order i went lower with 30 1.5's and 60 3's.
If anyone knows a way that with cash I can use another pharmacy that uses the same carrier as Palmira that would be great help.
Or if you think 20 days is no big deal, and should be easy to ride out. (Like I would say if this were 3 months of daily and I was wishing I were coming off 20 days).
I have a 20 month old who we are getting tested for early autism signs, I myself am diagnosed Aspergers, with anxiety a normal part of life, but treatment of it with BZD's not something common in south florida, still rebounding in the other direction from their liberal ways
Have a family to run and dont want to fall apart when everyone needs me. Do you think 20 days of it will be a serious reaction.
I apologize for this post, I Wish I was able to worry bout whether it was on its way or not. I just have a cash only situation at this second and cant use them. Those gift cards only work in the USA..
This is about Palmira in the end, so please let it Remain for advice.
Thanks family.