Paxton-Pharma --- a gift for you guys.

when I first saw it, that was EXACTLY what I thought...WHAT IN THE HECK is that doing there?

Then, I looked again...and it was gone...I must have saw it somewhere else.

Holy shit these guys are the most professional suppliers I've ever dealt with, prices communication quality and delivery time to the U.S. simply the best one out there be placing an order soon but they don't carry clenjet anymore :(

Why do their injectables (specifically the tesosterone) have no manufacturer/brand information?

How do I know they are selling Human Grade? Looks like bath tub gear, bathtub advertising with bathtub products.

Can anyone say otherwise? Real vendors post real brands, gear guys like me prefer to know what kind of test-e we are looking at before we order.

Tell me I am wrong? And please cite your personal experience with the injectables and explain how you know this is not UGL bathtub and is HG pharm grade?

Followup on bathtub suspicion....

Tren is NOT a human grade item. Its made by UGL, even the "HG tren" is made by bathtub pharmacies in India. It is not a HG item because its not a human prescription of any kind.

EQ is not a human grade item, it is made by UGL.

Test 400 is NOT a human grade item. Who manufactures these things? I had to step in here because I saw people believing this site was HG Pharm grade when it appears to be glorified UGL / Mexican / Indian

I would steer clear until we can get some real information on the products, as 3 or 4 of those injects are absolutely not produced by any licensed pharmacies in the world outside of bathtub pharmacies in India.

Paxton is NOT in the least bit Human Grade product, some of their products have been tested as underdosed on other forums.  Ironmag is a hangout for poor vendors I would not recommend it.  There are a lot better UGLs out there, the good ones you have to dig for, they are not so public as to post on ironmag forum.  And to tout paxton as HG product is ridiculous.  Most UGLs make crazy claims about how great their "laboratory" is when in truth a vacuum filter and a vial crimper is all they have/need.  I'm not saying UGLs are not good, I use one for my HRT because pharmacy test is so damn expensive, but it took me awhile to find one that was consistent on quality.  Like I said, the more secretive boards are the ones you are going to find the better sponsors on and even those are rife with scammers and garbage gear. Also, concerning NAPs, there is enough drama and pissed off people lurking around that I would not use him either.  Lots of stories about half packs, bunk gear, 2mo T/A, etc.  Like I said, this board has very poor steroid sources listed.  I would trust MM before anyone else listed on this board, he sells HG products and I've come to trust him, but never used his roids, he is just a vendor who has earned my trust.

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hi guys i guess someone have been busted or something because the email addresses dont work at all, any hint guys??

There hasn't been a lot of action in this section for awhile. The member who initiated it is long gone. Would be great to see the new members with an interest to revive it. If this place is done, we'll lock it. @BennyDiazapine where you been buddy?

@2earls Doing my best to get a bit of interest going in this section. I'm not sure how far I can go with vendors and labs? I've got my got to's which I'm happy to share. This one isn't around a lot have disappeared, goes with the territory I suppose.

Paxton turned scammer and disappeared from all BB forums a few months back. They had a horrible pip issue then a big sale that many fell for and then poof. I know this is my first post here but I am have been in and around the bbing scene my entire life and also ran my own ugl for quite a while. There's more shitty ugl's this day than good. 

That's why you find a good ugl ans sticks to them like glue, alpha, pharmacom have never wronged me. Onyx is getting a descent rep and cyber. Some of the establishment limbs are coming back bunk. I'm Sticking mostly with pharma grade...the ones that aren't being faked.

That's why you find a good ugl ans sticks to them like glue, alpha, pharmacom have never wronged me. Onyx is getting a descent rep and cyber. Some of the establishment limbs are coming back bunk. I'm Sticking mostly with pharma grade...the ones that aren't being faked.
But then you have other people that you might be helping out that don't care because they shouldn't be taking anything anyway. . They want the cheapest, shortest route to Kai Greene because they can't afford to do it the right way and I must tell 6 different people a day I do business with after they tell me their bunk junk works, that they have no idea how they would look if they actually used and cycled properly.  8 years of competing and they want my advice, but as soon as I give it to them, they have it all figured out. That's my rant.  Peckerheads.  I know more about gear than most girls and experience to back it, but if they think they can do a cycle with 100.00, go ahead.  What do I know?  I've just competed and placed in every show I have been in.  

seriously. I'm done, I promise. I don't even think you were talking about what I was.  Lol. 

But then you have other people that you might be helping out that don't care because they shouldn't be taking anything anyway. . They want the cheapest, shortest route to Kai Greene because they can't afford to do it the right way and I must tell 6 different people a day I do business with after they tell me their bunk junk works, that they have no idea how they would look if they actually used and cycled properly.  8 years of competing and they want my advice, but as soon as I give it to them, they have it all figured out. That's my rant.  Peckerheads.  I know more about gear than most girls and experience to back it, but if they think they can do a cycle with 100.00, go ahead.  What do I know?  I've just competed and placed in every show I have been in.  

seriously. I'm done, I promise. I don't even think you were talking about what I was.  Lol. 
Lol yeah sorry I hadn't even seen your comments. We are singing off the same hymn sheet. I'm with you 100% I only have years of competing and placing well. Shit I'm only one show away from my pro but what do we know eh? I've put up a,tonne of content up that I hope is informative and helps with longevity and health in sport. But fuck that IGF 1, GROWTH let's skip the foreplay. It's scary 

Lol yeah sorry I hadn't even seen your comments. We are singing off the same hymn sheet. I'm with you 100% I only have years of competing and placing well. Shit I'm only one show away from my pro but what do we know eh? I've put up a,tonne of content up that I hope is informative and helps with longevity and health in sport. But fuck that IGF 1, GROWTH let's skip the foreplay. It's scary 
Seriously.  I'm a big girl.  I skipped the anavar a long time ago and decided I was committed to competing against the big girls and run cycles guys wouldn't know what to do with.  At 5'3 and 195 lbs, I'm no lightweight, and I decided as long as I was bigger, faster, strong(her), I was ok with waxing my beard.  Ha!!! TMI, but true and im ok with it.. 

On to better subjects.... What brands are you using? 

Crikey I'm competition weight 220lb at 6.1. That's serious muscle mass!!

Ha! TMI is when you start talkimg yeast infections! I go on holiday tomorrow so I'm just cruising on some alpha pharma induject 250 and some old school pharma test suspension 100 oil based. Such a great focus drug that's fallen put of vogue..Then I've got a 20 week prep when I get back. I've put the cycle up if you fancy casting an eye over it. I'll be running bayern primo, orga sustanon (maybe. I have Cooper test) balklan oxy the alpha will be the methyl tren. Letro tbc. I've probably forgotten something. And no its not HGH. I'm using that next year when I need to go up a size. Although according to the judges even though I won I forgot to bring any conditioning. I was really distracted last prep though. 

What are your preferred labs right now.

How long have you two been competing? I compete as well. im stepping into classic this year. been competing for close to 18 years now. Took a 4 year break due to one injury after another. 

Crikey I'm competition weight 220lb at 6.1. That's serious muscle mass!!

Ha! TMI is when you start talkimg yeast infections! I go on holiday tomorrow so I'm just cruising on some alpha pharma induject 250 and some old school pharma test suspension 100 oil based. Such a great focus drug that's fallen put of vogue..Then I've got a 20 week prep when I get back. I've put the cycle up if you fancy casting an eye over it. I'll be running bayern primo, orga sustanon (maybe. I have Cooper test) balklan oxy the alpha will be the methyl tren. Letro tbc. I've probably forgotten something. And no its not HGH. I'm using that next year when I need to go up a size. Although according to the judges even though I won I forgot to bring any conditioning. I was really distracted last prep though. 

What are your preferred labs right now.
I personally prefer the low key private labs. Been using my same guy for 10 years now. To get Pharma is the optimal way to go as long as your Pharma isn't generic counterfeits. Now that I've stepped down from bbing, I no longer need the use of slin or GH. I'm getting ready to start my prep for August 20th show

My prep starts now. I've been competing on and off for ten years mostly injury free apart from a right rotator cuff so I don't bench anymore at all unless I'm wearing a slingshot. I'd say I'm more classic physique than BB'd I'm 6,1 220 so that's the limit anyway. I like that they've changed it, in the UK it's a bit slower so I might have to travel to be in that division but I've got a business to run. I've never used slin or GH but if I do decide to go up I probably will have to. I've had a break since my last comp and its day one of the grind always the most fun!! I unfortunately don't yet have the pleasure of a proper local source but I've been using the same guy for 3-4 years now and every time I pull bloods they haven't let me down. I'm still in need of a few pharma's for my cycle which I hate I like having everything ready for the full cycle and a bit extra but I'll have that sorted by Friday. Just back from the sunshine so I'm getting organised asap. 18 years is a long time, what's your prep looking like for your show? I might learn a thing or two. My conditioning was terrible for my last comp so I'm upping the cardio and using letro for the last run. Which I stupidly never done  last time.

I'm enjoying the classic devision more than bbing or physique. It's designed more for my frame and genetics. I'm 5'6" 185 as of this morning. My comp weight is 165. I'm blessed in the sense I don't have to do much cardio. I know a lot of people who have to do 2 a days. Right now I'm only doing it twice a week after training not fasted. Come crunch time I'll be fasted. I have a very high metabolism so my diets aren't as bad as mosts. Right now I'm eating 300g of carbs, 350g protein and 90g fats on training days. None training days I cut my carbs in half and on leg days I consume no less than 500g. When it come Tim to cut, my carbs will probably be somewhere around 150g I imagine. Depends more on what my coach thinks by the way I look. As far as drugs, my test is at 400 along with npp and mast e. I'll drop the npp 8 weeks out and use test winny and Clen only. I'll drop my test two weeks out. I use letro and aromasin when killing e2. The reason for the aromasin is to control the rebound you'll get when coming off of the letro. It'll fuck your e2 levels up. A lot of guys get gyno from it even though they aren't on any aromatizing gear. 

You really are at that height and weight! Your muscle insertions must be a thing of beauty. My cardio is fairly low I'll run am/pm with my dog then if I feel the need I'll do HIIT twice a week. I was blessed with the fast metabolism my macros are working out to be roughly 4,500cals I don't  change them regardless if it's in or off. I  just stay consistent and try to have my off days before legs or back. So there's no need to cut carbs on those days I'll need them. Especially for the next 15-18 weeks. Your cycle is looking solid, my coach is based in America so it's tough but he's a perfectionist and former champ in all fields, bodybuilding, strongman and powerlifting. He was ready to drop me for not water loading and using letro for the provs. I'll be 2.5 ed + water and carbs and I should choke in solid and dry as a bone. No diuretics or clen T3 works fantastic for me alone should I need it so I have that on hand for week 15-16 if I'm holding too much. We have similar cycles tbh I'm just using primo and 250 sustanon.

Its maybe something folk should take take note of I'll tag as far as I know. But @trinity @MuscledSheHulk @Sherk81 And me @Hammerblow either cycle or compete but if you ever look we aren't running grams at a time.  It's something that keeps coming up with me - 2g test cycles with 1g of tren ace, dbol, winny, halo, DNP...good cycle? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! 

Who wants to help me guide a little more? 

The cycles I see on some of these bb forums is crazy. More isn't better and won't yield better results. Diet will though lol. People forget that. They see us on stage and assume we must be running fuck loads of gear when in reality, most of us run very little. There are a few that run a gram of this, gram of that plus multiple orals but they are few and far between. there is a secret to getting big. And I don't mean average big. But not everyone can obtain it because it's called genetics and extreme dedication to the point you're obsessed with it. 

Typically my prep cycle is different. But we are taking a different approach to the new division. I'm not making a run at any big shows this year, just getting my feet wet to get a feel for what exactly the judges are looking for. This way when I get into my off season my coach and I can formulate a plan of attack for next year. So I'll hit a show in August, sept and October then be done for the year and start to work on what feedback I get. Seeing as how this is a new division, no one really knows what exactly to bring to the table. The judges are still figuring that out as well. i haven't seen any real consistency in a look of any of the overal winners from each pro show but it has gotten better since the beginning of the year. We think by next year it will be dialed in. This is why most pros like Sadik, stepping into this new division are waiting for the Olympia, they're thinking their physique will set the tone. He has a very strong chance to take his class and the overal Olympia title. 

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!