That's good to hear...MD still has a lot more to prove before he makes it off the blacklist, but thanks for posting your "order received"...Received outstanding order from MD
Ordered 3-26
TN received 4-3
Package received 4-7
There are still a couple good one's left..(depending on what you're after) I'm guessing the SY region if you were dealing with Mike. Read the latest posts first, and look for a string of orders received...I also didn't receive last order from ol' MD that was placed on May 10. That's what brought me here! I was a long time customer of his and he SHOULD be on the blacklist. I'm going to do some reading and find another vendor.
Mike Diaz is OVER and OUT....He's Not even running his own show anymore...You're better off flushing your money down the toilet...Sounds like he still has a few peeps shilling for him out there... /default_wacko.pngThis vendor has been good to me still to this day. I don't know what to make of the selective scamming. I have asked questions to him in regards to comments that I read on boards, they go ignored. He signs off as M.D. but definitely not him as many have said in previous posts . Just the simple email replies are different. Always been the same email as M.D. though.
My orders are being filled.