I was thinking about bucket lists...the things I aspire to do. Then I began remembering all the awesome "Peak Experiences" I've already had. Those moments that took my breath away, give me reason to believe there's a higher power, things that humbled me.
By themselves they may seem quite ordinary to someone else...added up they form a life...my life. They make me who I am.
These are not earth shattering or in any particular order. I just think it's important we don't forget where we've been.
Adopting 2 little girls from Calcutta in 1984 and now they're beautiful young women and have blessed me with grandchildren. Believe me as a gay couple in the 1980's that was against all odds.
Falling in love at first site and my partner still make my heart skip a beat.
Being blessed with a huge supportive family.
Making 127 free fall jumps and living to tell about it over beers.
Getting my doctorate even though I was broke and it took forever.
Having friends today that I've known my whole life.
Holding my fathers hand, and my grandmothers hand when they passed away.
Sleeping on beaches in Mexico under mammoth blood orange moons, when it was still safe.
So I think if I never cross off one item of my bucket list I'll be content.
PLEASE SHARE....It makes you feel good. Thanks everyone!
By themselves they may seem quite ordinary to someone else...added up they form a life...my life. They make me who I am.
These are not earth shattering or in any particular order. I just think it's important we don't forget where we've been.
Adopting 2 little girls from Calcutta in 1984 and now they're beautiful young women and have blessed me with grandchildren. Believe me as a gay couple in the 1980's that was against all odds.
Falling in love at first site and my partner still make my heart skip a beat.
Being blessed with a huge supportive family.
Making 127 free fall jumps and living to tell about it over beers.
Getting my doctorate even though I was broke and it took forever.
Having friends today that I've known my whole life.
Holding my fathers hand, and my grandmothers hand when they passed away.
Sleeping on beaches in Mexico under mammoth blood orange moons, when it was still safe.
So I think if I never cross off one item of my bucket list I'll be content.
PLEASE SHARE....It makes you feel good. Thanks everyone!