the teeth cleanings and teeth work are outrageous. I know vets have to make a living too, and i think they know if we are willing to take our pet to the doctor (many would just let a pet be sick or in pain and die) then we will do everything in our power and pay all the money we can to help them. Like they are our kids. My mom's dog had a parasite and they went to the vet last month - $350 for exam, looking at something (poop i think) from the dog under microscope, and medicine for a week. As much as $150 I could have understood...the whole visit took about 40 minutes. Maybe someone on the boards is a vet or knows a vet and can explain it...but it just blows my mind. Im going to get pet insurance for my dog at least, I'm looking into that.I paid last year my little guy had 6 small tiny no root teeth pulled, & had 2 moderate 1 root & a small 2 root tooth taken. I was given 4 tram 50's broken up 4 ways each. Cost $60.00. As I thought he'd need them & not wanting him in pain, being in chronic pain myself, I went a head & bought the meds. He took 1 & You could tell he preferred to just deal w/ the mouth pain & me 2 be right there w/ him. That Vet took me for nearly $1,100 In less then a month for a $250.00 tooth cleaning..Long story, but thank God he made it through. His teeth are VERY VERY bad again, but hes getting to be 11 yrs old. After the last exp. Don't know what too do. Have called around, plenty of vets want to see him vet visit 1st then range from $750-1500.That's just until what they see..
comment moved...Archieangel said:New here, but not new to the game. But I guess all new relationships have to start somewhere with building trust. So here is my contribution to our four legged friends that we love, but sometimes forget about. If you ever need meds or drugs for your pets, no prescription is required unless you live in the UK. It's a legit pharmacy. Shipping to USA was 7 days and was cheaper than what my vet charged. I paid $56 for a 2 month supply of Vetmedin for my husky with the vet. But for $72 (included shipping), I was able to get a 6 month supply from them and no expensive vet fees even for just refill.
Just checked with the vet, they dont manufacture it anymore.Does anyone know if Betamox (oral liquid antibiotic)
is off the market? Ive been told by local vets it is. It was great for clearing eye infections.