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Every single order is dropped even the ones from this morning.

You should have received an informational “dropped” email if you had an order. If you didn’t please email us.

Any customers that had order that took longer than 6 BUSINESS days to arrive will receive 15% off next order. Please use code “LateEarlyNOV” on your next purchase. We know who you are (whiskey, hyena etc)

Some loyal customers were given random 15% codes last week. Please give them to us exact when u order. Some had diff amounts of c and k etc. “imbacckkkkk15” (copy/paste) exact please.

We are so much committed to shipping for DBG especially that any order that runs over 6 business days EVER in the future you will receive 15% off the next one!

Thank you,

Ever evolving.:unsure:

Never Stagnant.:sleep:

🥷-Team PHX-🥷
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I threw this at a customer i love deals and showing yall some love.
Even if he takes it ill let one more fly. And ill drop tonight, BC im hungry lol and were gonna get some food.

Bro i got lab tested 3.5 mg @lprazolam. With labs i can show ya.
And i got the best Euro brand ksal0l by Galenika 1mg(always in blisters only) PHARMA As a first time customer ill do you a deal these other vendors *************** (oops lets taake that out)

5 Ksal0l Blisters. 90 pills. $100
100 3.5 mg @lp presses $120

That is a package deal only sir. But im negotiable i love to haggle

Okay i got one more deal in me. I actually thought of this earlier today but never posted it lol. So this is the owners choice deal. This is my dream deal considering our current products.


Okay what we got here is

50 3 mg Etiz0lam bars $100 $200
50 2 mg phen/clobro $50 $100
50 4 mg Brom $50 $100
10 ksal0l 1 mg x@nax-.10 blister 150 pharma pills $150 $250☝️🥴😪
16 ml REAL GHB. BEST EVER and it’s out of my own personals. Now I’m crying $35 $55
1 gram apcyp citrate $30 $45
1 gram ketamine nasal solution $50 $90 ( do u have any idea how much teams charge for a simple nasal spray lol?)
1 gram 4 me Tmp nasal solution $25 $50
1 strip of Belbien euro ambien 10 pills $5 $30
2 microdots of your choice $15 $30
Oh and 250 mg of super good DXME thrown right in. Since I never heard from LDA FREE $35

Done deal. If your an opioid lover you can interchange on of our selections that don’t exist, for the ketamine/tmp.

Total: call it $500 shipped

Alright but now no drop tonight, its too late, but ill leave either deal open till 7pm tomm. both deals only 1 person. and if no one takes the second deal... we are all insane. thats about $500 off ill post the savings lol

there ya go sale price is in bold.....
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I owe @PHXINC a review for my second order that was received recently.

Communication 10/10) All comms w/ PHX have been nothing but positive thus far. In every email/IM, they’ve been very friendly, informative, and he takes time to thoroughly answer any questions I may have.

Quality/Price 10/10) It’s hard to beat PHX when it comes to price + quality. All items that have been received so far are top of the line. Considering the rarity of some of the items that come across his menu, it’s very refreshing to see how reasonably priced the majority of them are.

Shipping 7/10) The only part of the process that was less than perfect was the shipping time. It was a bit under 2 weeks from payment to receipt of goods. Although part of that time was at the fault of the 4 letter mail carrier being slower than usual. I will give credit where credits due because the next order I placed shortly after was dropped off that very same day, and should be arriving much quicker than the last.

Stealth 10/10) very good stealth. Nuff’ said.

Overall I’m one happy camper when it comes to personal experience with PHX. I make sure to treat PHX, and everyone else in my life, with fairness and respect. By following this rule, more times than not, that same fairness and respect is reciprocated fully by those that I interact with, including PHX. Oh, and another good rule to follow is to refrain from blowing up your vendor’s email every hour to help ensure they’re not in a poor mood once they have a chance to respond back ;).

Thanks for your business @PHX! Can’t wait to review these next inbound mags in the coming days 😎
Can you check your email when you get a chance , about those labs you offered to send for the alpraz I ordered
No I will not reply to you sir you have sent 53 emails now, I’m sorry but you are blacklisted. It’s completely uncalled for and not funny. I’ll post the labs public thanks. Sorry but this will be your last order but u knew that bc your trying to be funny, yet you fell way short.
PHX is hands down the best vendor on here or any clearnet or possibly dark net site. Opsec is 11/10, quality 10/10, response time 8.5/10 but when I made the order there was a lot going in. (You know who you are ya scam artists) [They are the real deal and 50-75% of these other guys on here are just dropshippers. That's why you don't find out the product is out of stock until 1-3days after payment.]
PHX are the best hands down. Don't email them 50 times if you don't hear back right away. And absolutely follow all the rules. Take their advice about your own OpSec too! Can't say enough about how great PHX team are!
No I will not reply to you sir you have sent 53 emails now, I’m sorry but you are blacklisted. It’s completely uncalled for and not funny. I’ll post the labs public thanks. Sorry but this will be your last order but u knew that bc your trying to be funny, yet you fell way short.
Dude I sent you 4 emails about it after you stopped replying to me about something YOU offered to send to me. Not sure where you got the number 53 from , I was in no way trying to be funny, I don’t see what would be funny about that ? Was just asking for what you offered, but okay man , no worries. Communications were great and you were friendly and responsive to me until I just simply asked for the labs. I apologize if that somehow offended you ? As I always say in my emails ,

peace and love PHX. Not sure what even happened or what I did wrong.

I just hoped you actually shipped out what I paid for like you claimed to and didn’t just take my money, the last I heard from you was “shipped “ early Tuesday morning and I have nothing showing on my informed delivery. Again I apologize if I somehow offended you, our conversation was going great and you were super friendly until I just simply asked about the labs .
Peace and love PHX
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Dude I sent you 4 emails about it after you stopped replying to me about something YOU offered to send to me. Not sure where you got the number 53 from , I was in no way trying to be funny, I don’t see what would be funny about that ? Was just asking for what you offered, but okay man , no worries. Communications were great and you were friendly and responsive to me until I just simply asked for the labs. I apologize if that somehow offended you ? As I always say in my emails ,

peace and love PHX. Not sure what even happened or what I did wrong
I'm not commenting on how many emails you sent him, I'm a fairly new customer of theirs. But just look back a few pages to get the menu. It explicitly says don't send emails asking for a menu. You have to look a few pages back on this thread but the menu is there. PM me for other questions, and wait and see what PHX decides. I am in no way a spokesperson for them. Nor do I want to step on their toes or out of line. Just trying to be helpful to other magazine enthusiasts
I'm not commenting on how many emails you sent him, I'm a fairly new customer of theirs. But just look back a few pages to get the menu. It explicitly says don't send emails asking for a menu. You have to look a few pages back on this thread but the menu is there. PM me for other questions, and wait and see what PHX decides. I am in no way a spokesperson for them. Nor do I want to step on their toes or out of line. Just trying to be helpful to other magazine enthusiasts
Thanks man ! Ya this was my first ever order with PHX and Yeah I did exactly that , never asked for a menu , just inquired about an item that I saw on the menu but had no price listed . Then we chatted for a bit back and forth , all friendly and then he offered me some other deal for a different mag I was interested in, I said yeah man I’ll take that deal for sure . Followed all of his instructions, made payment in Xmr and then just asked for confirmation 20-30 mins later and he just replied “shipped” . That was the last I heard from him , then I sent like 3 or 4 emails asking for the labs HE offered to send me and got no reply so then I asked here in the dms , no reply, so finally I asked here in the thread and you can see the response I got, wild and totally taken out of context to make me look bad .
Our email chain was 53 emails long, of which I counted 23 were sent from him. Just weird , he seemed super friendly and like a good vendor , I was impressed he got it shipped out so fast and thanked him for it , I was very grateful to be honest, I just hope he actually shipped them out and didn’t just take my money, I have nothing showing up on my informed delivery and he replied “shipped” on Tuesday, so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. He did actually send me another email late last night saying his “G was $300 per 30 ml, a great price “ . When it’s listed on his menu for $100 , so seems like he’s just fucking with me at this point
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Never got my last order. It was awhile ago. Like September but I went to rehab. Stopped hearing from @PHXINC not bad mouthing you just wondering what happened.. idk
Never got my last order. It was awhile ago. Like September but I went to rehab. Stopped hearing from @PHXINC not bad mouthing you just wondering what happened.. idk
@Tilemaster29 isbtrying to be funny no one pay him any mind. He knows what he did…here take a look. 1 single order.

56messages and we have other thread, dude your a total jerk and of course you’ll receive your order. Your childish and I hope you get what you deserve, me I don’t let it bother me any more u wanna make smart remakes…. Well..
There’s the pic. Dude is a total jerk and probably giggling like a 2 year old. Sad…


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Never got my last order. It was awhile ago. Like September but I went to rehab. Stopped hearing from @PHXINC not bad mouthing you just wondering what happened.. idk
Maybe….you went to rehab?? Hmmmm seems plausible? Lol. I don’t understand… so if u went to rehab for months ummmm I think I even remember it was alps and adderall. Def were sent lol wan them sent again? I mean you just went to rehab man. Respectfully. I dunno give sobriety a shot. It’s a beautiful thing.
Dude I sent you 4 emails about it after you stopped replying to me about something YOU offered to send to me. Not sure where you got the number 53 from , I was in no way trying to be funny, I don’t see what would be funny about that ? Was just asking for what you offered, but okay man , no worries. Communications were great and you were friendly and responsive to me until I just simply asked for the labs. I apologize if that somehow offended you ? As I always say in my emails ,

peace and love PHX. Not sure what even happened or what I did wrong
Bro same thing. Placed an order yesterday morning as he wanted outlined forgot to send xmr address so I asked and received one and he got his money. I messaged multiple times trying to making sure everything went smooth finally receive an email saying I sent the funds to a closed wallet 8 hours later claiming So I provided multiple proof of the address he sent to me a txid and hush note which he said I never had. Not true I have screenshots. Finally said are you dumb I already said it was. He didn’t even attempt to take any responsibility just insulted me the blocked me when he asked me to stop so many emails and I sent a thumbs up and was blocked. I understand you get a lot of emails but reply to just one and people will get off your email.
Stump don’t call yourself a douche. Just research your vendors ya know. I I were to research this thread this I would say okay the vendors kind of a hot head, comes through though, seems to some what care - and is arrogant about getting better chems but does get a lot or neat stuff, sporadic shipping issues have happened but he seems to make up for it. (Edit: So yeah we try to improve everyday, our customers constantly tell us to take it easy with the scammers and were trying, pretty much just ignoring them now and yeah it does work better….i hate thieves though…but thank you guys i think,for myself- my blood pressure is better ;) anyways if you look through a thread and 3 newbs have received? No bueno. You see the vendor making advertisement and advertisement no bueno. Look for consistency, honesty, value in price, constant tds, the occasionally scamming idiot is going to come along I could care less to be honest. 97% outweigh the 3% that are jerks.

See these are tonight’s orders to drop which I’m heading out right now so nice day off right? But that’s okay maybe I should do something else if I wanna whine right? You’re okay buddy. Just stay calm,

Oh and check out the y2k. In second pic
@PHXINC still confused why you decided to blacklist me. I sent you an order yesterday morning. You didn’t put an Xmr address on it so I asked you for one and I sent the money to you at around 9:30 in the morning now as you know I’m new to this and I asked you several times if you had received the money and I got no reply from you until 635 when you told me that I had never asked you for xmr address Winan fact you gave me one at 9:01 and every bit of the money I owed you plus some was sent. At 6:35 you told me you have never heard from me about my second order or was asked about an accent xmr address, which made me worry that my money had just disappeared so I sent you all the proof that I had including the TX ID a screenshot of the transfer and the address you sent me I didn’t receive another reply from you about anything having to do with that if you had the money if you didn’t have the money until 830 or 9 o’clock now you’re making it seem like I was bugging you for no reason when in fact, it was made clear to me that you didn’t read any of my emails from yesterday morning in which I sent my address in a hush note and a TX ID which confuses me even more because it seemed to me like you were ignoring the fact that I had paid you and you then proceeded to call me dumb because you said you had already told me that you received received it, which was not true at all it was a vague reply. There was no straight up answer to it so I let it go and then you replied to stop emailing you so much or you were going to block me to which I gave you a thumbs up meaning I understood that and yet you still block me , the only reason you were receiving emails from me is because I wasn’t receiving response about the money you said you didn’t receive it now I thought you being a savvy vendor would understand why I would be kind of sending you messages wondering what’s going on with the money? What’s going on with the order yet you still block me I gave you a thumbs up. I feel you unfairly blocked me because you were upset with maybe something else going on in your life I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but I do know that I didn’t deserve to be blocked when you said , please stop texting me. The only response to say I would give you the benefit of the doubt being as this was my second transaction with you and it had hiccups in it now I get it. You don’t like me you made it really clear you’ve made personal attacks on me a few times and I let them slide , I would really like for you to reconsider how you handled that situation thanks for your consideration
There’s the pic. Dude is a total jerk and probably giggling like a 2 year old. Sad…
Man almost half of those messages were from you and you know it , calling me a jerk is uncalled for. I’m not trying to be funny , I simply asked for the reports you offered and you ghosted me. But you’re trying to post screenshots totally out of context when I did nothing to offend you man. You just decided to single me out for some reason , very weird .
But there’s some more context , I didn’t send you 53 messages dude we were politely chatting back and forth and you were pleasant and easy to talk to , I thought you were a great vendor dude . So even with you singling me out and calling me a jerk I’m still leaving a positive review of my experience, because it was positive man . I honestly don’t know what I did to offend you , but you just ghosted me after you got paid basically. I’d still work with you despite all this because I know we all get stressed or busy , we’re all just humans man, and I choose to be compassionate and understanding. Not name calling and freaking out over nothing. I could easily show the real context in screenshots just like you tried to do , but out of context . Yeah we sent 53 messages back and forth , but almost half of them were from you and you know that man , come on . Why can’t people just be friendly, I don’t get it
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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. E @ EldritchMusic: theresearchchemslab
  2. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  3. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  4. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  5. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  7. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  9. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  10. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  11. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected
  12. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Hey Dolor! Hope you're having a good week friend, and everyone too! And hopefully everyone getting hit by this latest snowstorm is staying safe and warm and off the roads if ya can!
  13. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  14. D @ DolorCero: @bigblueallda - i replied to your inquiry
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: bam bam bam bam bam bam bam!
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @crimp half the website is flat out broken, i wouldn't touch this
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @PennyE first come first serve you might be able to get a sample from new vendors but if you're contacting an established vendor as a new *customer*, it's not very likely
  18. P @ PennyE: So I'm back after about a year, quick question. And y'all's opinion, How often do vendors offer new customers discounts? I've been doing a little shopping and it doesn't seem to be as normal as it year to be
  19. P @ PennyE: Sorry 🤦🏻‍♂️
  20. D @ DolorCero: @PennyE yes i replied to your email