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And there it is boys and girls? See the nice tan color? Where's the guy running his mouth about our products? Care to try sir? REAL high QUALITY @pihp?


  • ISIMG-719544.jpeg
    887 KB · Views: 63
Shipping day is tomorrow. Enjoy y'all. 1 ounce only and I'm trying to get DBG clued in. I made a nice little kit with some of our products. It's a work in progress.
check it out bro.You emailed the good address. Boom. Look on your ID. You are already packed abd ready to drop. once again our next drop is tomm after noon. thank you. love yall.
Rock on... appreciate it man. Looking forward to future business. :D
Heres the menu for anyone having issues.

  • Yellow and dark orange are Orange Sunshine LSD: Another vaulted xtal. This xtal is Nick Sand's Orange sunshine recipe that was made by a group about 7 years ago. Really pure amazing LSD. If you are a LSD connoisseur. you should definitely get some of these and all the other vaulted xtals. They are pieces of LSD history and once they all run out they will probably be gone forever (until someone else synthesiezs the recipe that is) .Very limited supplies
  • Purple: Flower of Life xtal mixed with the brand new . Has a super 60's feel to it. Really high quality microdots. Enjoy :)
  • Red:Owsley #42 xtal microdots Another vaulted xtal. This one is probably the rarest on the list. Some Owsley #42 xtal. Owsley recipes are legendary and they dont really come around too often anymore. This particular xtal recipe hasnt been synthed in a very long time .Another legendary xtal from the past. All these xtals where preserved very well that are used for these legendary microdots
  • Light orange: Super Fluff LSD Another famous LSD crystal. The Super Fluff LSD is the highest grade white fluff available. Highly purified LSD. For all the fluff heads out there you dont want to miss these! I know a lot of you got to try the Super Fluff LSD tabs I had earlier in the year. Only got a few hundred of these so supplies are very limited
  • Finally, the blue: Blue Cheer Microdots This is a vaulted xtal no longer in production. Super amazing LSD. The raw xtal is needlepoint shaped xtals that have a tint of light blue. Tests 99.7% pure. One off three legendary recipes I have in microdot form <3 Supplies are limited for all microdots right now. Dont sleep on them!
  • 1-4 Microdots - $20 EA
  • 5 Microdots - $90
  • 10 Microdots - $160
  • 20 Microdots - $300

A-PihP (Awesome Batch, Domnestic Synth- a must have- No more than 3.5 g per person to PHX vet Customers. 2g per person otherwise)
  • 1 gram- $90
  • 2 gram- $180
  • 3.5 gram $290

MXP - (I could get very little of this. Now this is a COOL item. $40 will get you a very nice trip on a very rare chem. This is for conniseurs)
  • This is a Psychelicious product. So we know its legit.
  • 100 mg capsule-$35 (75mg is a good dose) So you get a nice trip.
  • 5 Capsules - $175
  • 10 Capsules (1 Whole gram) - $320

4-ME-TMP Crystal - (Awesome quality- a better and more euphoric 4fmph. Better than classic 4 -ME-TMP. We are going to pulverize this in a coffee grinder so it will arrive as a fine powder for you.)
  • 1 gram- $50
  • 5 grams- $200
  • 10 Grams- $350

O-DSMT - I told you guys. We are NOT buying that fumurate brown crap unless we are literally forced into it. If we have to do it we will sell it for no profit. The fumurate is weaker by about 20% and has bad absorption. It does not dissolve in water you will see. So if its already impure just imagine how bad? We have connections. We are going to try our best to not touch CRAP. You know it. This is high purity white HCL just like we always have. Not bought from those 2 teams in asia that everyone else buys from. We had to reup domestic so its a little expensive. We are sorry.
  • 1 gram- $45
  • 5 grams- $215
  • 10 Grams- $400

A-PCYP Citrate - Nice and smooth powdery light tan rocks.
  • 1 gram- $45
  • 5 grams- $180
  • 10 Grams- $300

Clean adderall presses- Amphetamine only - Lab results posted below! *
  • 10 for $60
  • 25 for $130
  • 50 for $210
  • 100 for $350
We wont price match because we know ours are real and better....You be the judge, its a fair price anyways. Of course. Only amphetamine in ours. We have testing, We will never touch a dirt meth pill that is 20 cents.

SR-17018- The jump kit. As always we remain the club dedicated to helping people get off opiates. As elitest and top "vendors" ignore opiate addicts, We provide the solution to get off, maintenance, and comfort meds at no cost!!!
  • 1 gram - $50
  • 3 grams - $135
  • 5 grams- $215

Ketamine S- Honestly I havent really been pushing my ket bc we didn't really like whats on the market. Top to bottom very few good batches. Bad percentages, analogues ect...Its rampant and people have no clue. Well We think its time to get excited so now we will plug it. This batch comes from Red Labs in India. Pharmacy level Ketamine that we know ourselves arrived in a sealed drum. Let us know.
  • 1 gram - $70
  • 3.5 gram - $200
  • 7 gram - $375
  • 28 grams - $700

  • 3.5 for 220
  • 7.0 for $380
  • 28 $800
  • up to wherever it needs to go.

Mundipharma Oxycodone 40 mg / 80 mg - We buy in bulk from Poland so we can offer these prices. Stop getting ripped off by "Vendors" and "Telegramers" charging $1 a mg or more. These are same as Purdue pharma name brand. Remove coating crush and do as you wish. NEVER faked. ALWAYS legit.
  • 40s - $27-$35 each depending on amount. (10 minimum)

  • We will start 10 at $300. Yup we are not about ripping off our customers. We leave that for everyone else. I guess thats why we are staring at full email bins daily.

  • 80s - $50-$68 each depending on amount (5 minimum)
  • We will start 5 at $300. Shocker.

1-4, BDO 99.6%
  • 30 ml Black Glass Bottle - $70.
This is Yoshimoris product. So you don't need to question how good it is. Ill let him rant a little though.

  • Note about other vendors selling GHB/GBL, especially GHB:
  • There is no such thing as a. 99,9% pure ANYTHING. Literally not possible unless you are running a gc/ms in the vacuum of space, which is not possible. - Two things you and these wannabe vendors should know - a. The closest/highest purity any chem can be tested is 99.7777%, and that's under perfect atmospheric conditions incl kpa and moisture and at sea level, exactly.
  • So all these vendors claiming they have 99.9% pure anything are just full of shit, they don't know what they're doing, and surely endangering your health and likely your safety by not knowing shit about OpSec or the USPIS score system or the real truth behind the flagging system. and b. There is especially no such thing as (lol)"Super Concentrated GHB". It's either above 99% or it isn't, also 99% of GHB unless prescribed as Xyrem, which no, you aren't going to get an Rx for, is made by adding NaOH aka Lye to GBL, usually by dumbasses that don't know or have either a 35nm wavelength UV light setuo, a proper vantum black back pad, the right expensive glass pipettes, nor the correct lab equipment liike wide mouth beaker bottom vials, or T-stands to hold the pipette perfectly still. If your clandestine "chemist" doesn't have at least this, plus knowledge of how to check for micro contanimants on top layer with a micron microscope, i8 lit means not only is almost all GHB not even close to >99% pure, it also has either a lot or trace amounts of NaOH still in it, which, when combined with a molecule that already is quite neuro and cytotoxic and lacks the efficacious activity in your bloodstream that only prodrugs like 1,4-butanediol can provide, you're pretty much drinking poison. And don't even get me started on how few labs in the world now, since China forbid GBL, can properly convert GBL from 1,4-BDO...
You guys get it? PHX fucks with people that know what theyre talking about and have superior products or we just aern't about it. GHB is GBL they use lye to convert and often times dont have the right equipment to get the contaminents out. So you are fooled and POISONED. 14 BDO has its issues but this has been purified by a pro to a legit 99.6% purity. This stuff is great and i will never touch GHB unless its coming from the elite vendors that care about keeping their customers safe. Can't get into it. This is why we stick to ourselves. So much hate and ugliness in this game and on top of that just terrible product and let us tell you- some terrible people and no one has a clue. You see the people we are around and its very few squads you know they are good people with good programs. We see through all the lies. We are connected. We are good being away from it all.

3.5 mg Alprazolam bars/ 1.5 mg Adinazolam
  • Lab test available below.
  • 10 - $50
  • 25 - $100
  • 50 - $170
  • 100 - $300

Etizolam Solution 30 ML 10 mg/ml (Low Stock)
  • 1 for $75
  • 3 for $180

1.8 mg Phenazolam Presses B707
  • 10 - 25
  • 50 - $100
  • 100 - $180
  • 250 - $380

Avizafone solution - 20 mg per ml 15 ml
  • $25 (Low)

Deschloroetizolam Solution- 8 mg 15 ml
  • $25 (low)

Soma 500 - Strips of 10
  • 1 Strip - $40
  • 3 Strips - $105
  • 5 Strips - $150
  • 10 Strips - $270

Soma Tap Royal 225 - (125 mg Soma/100 mg Tapentadol per pill)
  • 1 Strip - $40
  • 3 Strips - $105
  • 5 Strips - $150
  • 10 Strips - $270

Pregablin 300 mg -
  • 10 Pills - $40
  • 20 pills - $75
  • 30 pills - $105
  • 40 Pills - $120

20 mg Zopiclone
  • 10 pills - $60
  • 20 Pills - $110
  • 30 Pills - $150
Modafinil 400 mg- 10 for $35(low)

Cialis $10 each 20 mg

Ambien - 10 mg - $7 each

Gabapentin 600 USA Pharma- $2 ea

Email me your order and ill give u an XMR address hopefully. Im very close to not accepting BTC but okay for now.
How many times have you changed email address now?
For the menu is this recent?

It still lists the old email, too confusing.
So it’s
check it out bro.You emailed the good address. Boom. Look on your ID. You are already packed abd ready to drop. once again our next drop is tomm after noon. thank you. love yall.
is the email listed on the first post correct or because I thought you got your email hacked and I’m confused now. We have had conversation in email I was just confused a little on the process. I was waiting for an order total/confirmation to send. Where’s I think you was waiting for me to send currency first
How many times have you changed email address now?
For the menu is this recent?

It still lists the old email, too confusing.
Hey dude we change it monthly. Always have and and always will...there's some reasons we're the biggest club in the game. One of them is safety. Yes brand new email every 30 days: everything wiped....that's how we roll, You can shop somewhere else? It's right there. Yes I missed the bottom. Sorry, but these frivolous comments....okay stop clogging up our thread.

Awareness and intelligence.
To the guy that ordered yesterday the 3 etizolam solutions that said he ordered in the old email, we're sending you a 4-me-Tmp nasal spray w your order on the house. Wanna pick something different? A microdot? Let us k ow in the next 2 hours please.
Here's what's on the way guys: (and what price will be)
- A PvP - Last 7 grams - $150 a g (in customs)
- Bromonordiazepam $65 a gram
- N, N DMT Freebase $75 a gram (natural, yellow)
- DMT Cart - $50 each (.7 in each cart)
- 5-meo-DMT - $75 per gram and we will make some carts.
- 2cb hbr freebase (sample run- only bought a couple gs, let's see how it is)
- Allyescaline $65 per gram
- Temazepam (200 units available)- $8 each
- Phenobarbit@l - 60 mg - $20 each (Very high demand for this item)

-Possibly I might have a lab tested high 90s purity special synth of ODSMT from Europe lined up. So that we don't let this filthy Asian fumurate touch our gloves.. ;)

-Finally a trial run. A holy grail at the moment.
-A-PHP...first we gotta get it here... then we gotta test it....then we gotta get it here again. lol but we will have some available if it tests real.
-arriving with it? 3- FA.

Stay tuned. As always we're looking for you guys.
Still waiting on order been almost two months lol not expecting much at this point tho 🤷‍♂️
lol excuse? watch this. send a neat email with NOTHING but your drop address and the items owed. thats it. do it now.

And i know every order so i your trying to scam? well (bc i reemember talking to u a few times and could have sworn there is no more issue)

If it legit got over looked then we will make u whole.

Send the details now please. youll haveb a tracking number tonight.

Does it seem like we need to rip you off????
I think I was just overlooked, not trying to be a hater and def not a scammer. I apologize if it came off that way.
I love his boldness, I know it ls not necessary to say but his attitude alone makes the store more attractive. I appreciate a bold person who doesn’t care to speak his mind but still has integrity.
well i mean what the heck. i never even got my email. at the end of the day the store only stays open bc of the products and the service. we dont and never have ripped no one off. quite the opposite im begging this guy to send an email and he still hasnt done it... ONLY 2 GRAMS A-PIHP LEFT. COME GET THE LAST OF THE TITTIES BATCH
Super excited to have got in on time to sample this titties batch ;). Can anyone that’s received theirs yet comment on the quality?

Also curious to hear feedback on the 300mg pregabs. I can’t remember the last time I ran across these precious little Easter eggs
Hey just DISCLAIMER, this vendor has ghosted me after I donated over 300 bucks in btc. It's been nearly 4 weeks, he wont answer my emails anymore, though did respond a couple times asking me to "resend the details".....this was after I already asked for confirmation and he said "all good, got it, Im sending out packs right now...."
I've given him plently of time to make this right, and I don't like to snitch on folks but I spent a lot of time researching to find this vendor, and this is what I get? Fucked up man, fucked up. Buyer beware.
Hey I want to clarify this is my fault, as I wasn't checking this forum after I sent my order last mont and didn't know that he changes emails every month, and I was in the hospital and couldn't check my proton in time before they turned over to a new address. I just sent a message to the new email and I'm confident it'll get worked out, so really the above post was MY BAD, and I should have done some more digging around.
I will update yall soon but I have a good feeling this will all work out and again, my bad for the bad review, pls disregard! alright, thats it, be safe and have fun everyone
So annoyed to see this awesome vendors thread and other vendors threads filled with a bunch of shit that is not reviews.

PHX is next level. All packs have come quickly and have been filled with high quality items, some of which are very rare. Was able to test out last batch of the @pihp and it was 🔥. Also happy to have a reliable supplier for all my gaba related needs. Pregabs and gabas are not easy to find. He also purposefully prices certain items very low to make them accessible to people who need them. One example is SR -highly doubtful that anyone else is offering that mag for that price. PHX - you are awesome and I appreciate you!
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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!