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Hey I want to clarify this is my fault, as I wasn't checking this forum after I sent my order last mont and didn't know that he changes emails every month, and I was in the hospital and couldn't check my proton in time before they turned over to a new address. I just sent a message to the new email and I'm confident it'll get worked out, so really the above post was MY BAD, and I should have done some more digging around.
I will update yall soon but I have a good feeling this will all work out and again, my bad for the bad review, pls disregard! alright, thats it, be safe and have fun everyone
Vendor is continuing to ignore my messages...."all orders will be resolved"??? this is for an order I placed a month ago. I followed all of his opsec rules, sent hundreds of dollars, and not a peep from him?? Cmon man this fucking sucks ass makes me think this whole thread is burners giving fake positive reviews for all I can tell at this point. Make things right, cmon man fuck
PHX came through with the requested mags, just as he promised he would! Although the pack was shipped slightly later than stated, PHX hooked it up with plenty of extra pages to make up for the very minimal delay.

Huge props to @PHXINC for offering a stellar menu that’s constantly bringing in once lost treasures, for the A+ quality products, and for answering any and all questions that were asked of them in a very quick and professional manner.

Overall the order process from start to finish was an easy 10/10! I will without a doubt be a repeat customer after this first great experience. Many thanks @PHXINC! ✌️
Doesn’t suffer fools and is always on the move, but if you can be respectful and hang with the goat personality you’ll find some goat mags. 👍
Mags arrived. Packaging was simply stellar; impressive even. Haven't read the mags yet, but thus far, it's been a fine experience.

Thanks dude - you're the man.
Vendor is continuing to ignore my messages...."all orders will be resolved"??? this is for an order I placed a month ago. I followed all of his opsec rules, sent hundreds of dollars, and not a peep from him?? Cmon man this fucking sucks ass makes me think this whole thread is burners giving fake positive reviews for all I can tell at this point. Make things right, cmon man fuck
why do people lie? so drulls here was emailing our verry first email on this site. were on our 3rd email dude. then he igured it out rexched out to me correctly and i said look into it. he said he was in the hospital, i have proof. he doesnt even know what he ordered. i found our convo though, and im going to guess at it bc obv i cant see it now. your order will go out monday.

PHX will stand on 20 years of no scams friend. Take care, sorry u were in the hospital.
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Every order is dropped incuding the one from 6 pm today. As i said we are back to our standards and have adjusted for the volume increase. so bring it,

We are scouring for the best we can get, will keep yall updated

I wanna spend more time here bc u guys are really integral to our business. but if you cant reach us ( We rarely check pms)

We are creating a session group for issues ect as a secondary line.


please add my new account
Every order is dropped incuding the one from 6 pm today. As i said we are back to our standards and have adjusted for the volume increase. so bring it,

We are scouring for the best we can get, will keep yall updated

I wanna spend more time here bc u guys are really integral to our business. but if you cant reach us ( We rarely check pms)

We are creating a session group for issues ect as a secondary line.


please add my new account

Oh reminder here is our menu, please read the top for new items arriving.

Password: soeasy
Session: 05f3319f3bb4fc4f6742646449d55bde62e36a2fe0801b4cc6fd995f3369a6f13a
Signal: @TeamPHX

We are killing the signal group. We are focusing sollely DBG and DARK, with a 50 customer list of private clientele. Illl be moving us to the password area if possible.
Well look at you friend, sitting over here running your mouth? Okay.... we're how it is.

There ya go guys. The vaulted xtals as promised. To anyone running their mouth that has not emailed the correct email

We're not gonna hold your hand any more. Read the menu or go buy from a different vender. Trike I'll be waiting for our apology? Thanks.
Whooah dude please chill out ok. I seriously can't understand how you read that and decided that I was "running my mouth " I was legitimately just logging my experience and I've mentioned multiple times about how it was my fault if I accidentally sent my payment to the wrong vendor and you can even go back and look at other people's comments who had decided that you ghosted or scammed them and see where I told them to be patient and wait because I still had faith in you.

I don't have anything to apologize for because not even once have I implied that you had done anything wrong. I've rooted for you in every single comment I've made and the only neutral, not negative but neutral, comment I made was over a little confusion on the domestic vs international thing because I was not expecting an order to come from overseas. I never even complained about it, just wanted to know if it was normal or if I'd accidentally done business with an imposter so again, I am confused by your hostility here.

However, all that being said I just wanted to add a final update for my experience with a new vendor by saying that I DID receive what I ordered and everything turned out well. For anyone still wondering, PHX is legit and he does what he says he will do but do be careful when ordering to watch out for scammers and be absolutely certain you have the correct email address. That is all.
Look at him e

Look at him cute. Couldnt say anything to our face but hop, skip, and jump for joy. Yikes, you gotta grow up man.
Dude seriously, I'm not trying to be a jerk but please don't take everything so negatively. Every single thing I said in that comment about you was positive. What about that could you have possibly gotten all these bad vibes from?
Its all good man. Lets move on and roll. Were very protective of this business weve created and to be honest we made no money last month bc of all we handed out bc we cant have bad service on our name. Things are calm now. were streamlined and it allows us to calm ourselves. We just wanna roll packs and give people great stuff because the market is full of crap. Thats the truth of it. Apologize for getting hot bro. But i say how i feel direct to the person. I believe u were actually confused for a customer name Tr*** Pri** If your not him, then i definately apologize. But yeah No more bickering. Lets roll.
Super excited to have got in on time to sample this titties batch ;). Can anyone that’s received theirs yet comment on the quality?

Also curious to hear feedback on the 300mg pregabs. I can’t remember the last time I ran across these precious little Easter eggs
did you get the pregabs w your order i cant remember. honestly they are too strong for me lol, in my younger days i would take 900 mgs and have nice euphoric drunken type high. Now? i take 2 i sleep 24 hours.

Do yall have any good ideas for products?

Besides what i listed i ahve a large amount of benzos coming. (ksalol xanax, Belbien valium, Rivotril Kpin)
other benzos:
i have flualp powder i can make flualp solutions? I still have access to the 3.2 clonazolam s 90 3s...

I know everyone is obsessed with etizolam but everytime we make a 20 gram run for 2,000$ it sells out in a day and that margins aernt good bc we dont want to rip u off. so iim thinking taking preorder this time for the folks that want powder. and it will be timely this time, the night before i order. and then taking our 20 grams and stocking solutions. Then we have the tamezepam coming, seen alot of excitement for that one. Im digging into halcion and nitrazepam. Phenobarbital is on the way.

Anyone need antibiotics? i feel for the folks w no health insurance ive been thinking on that.

You see the psyches im adding. Im getting some nice reviews on the ketamine so im thinking of pulling the trigger on the r type now. its very expensive ketamine rock. but supposedly quality is amazing and has already been lab tested.

Our OC game is about down right now. our suppliers are down. i have a nice connect on oxydolor 80s.they are instant release, no gel matrix, they are just bigger.I ve had customers that prefer them. They would be 50$ an 80. And well i already have 100 in stock. 5 minimum purchase.

I got a link on DCK. so thats in the pipeline.

I have a special 2.0 mg Phenazolam K packs for $520. beautiful presses Y21. Also the same deal on brom presses. Everybodys loving phenazolam, its very strong though so be careful.

stims im honestly hoping bulk md pihp comes back. id much rather get a kilo of that than these small runs of fine pyros. If not, you know me ill find the one. As were known for filling the pyro gap in the market responsibly. tmp we are def into again that has had great feedback, we will re add 4f mph. Modafinil will be dropped. Amphetamine adderal these got great reviews we ill reup.

Avizafone u guys seemed to like? so we will re add

Okay, M3th... now we have a dm3th batch (ephedrine based) but its very expensive but weve tested it and our experts say its th fucking shit. an 8th would run $150. You guys tell me. But normal shit superlab crap everyone carries is 150 an ounde. this is 700 per ounce.

What else are you guys into? dont be afraid to ask. There is no stupid question and dont listen to idiots that say something cant be done. Bc it pretty much all can.
Vendor is continuing to ignore my messages...."all orders will be resolved"??? this is for an order I placed a month ago. I followed all of his opsec rules, sent hundreds of dollars, and not a peep from him?? Cmon man this fucking sucks ass makes me think this whole thread is burners giving fake positive reviews for all I can tell at this point. Make things right, cmon man fuck
I still cant get over this man, look at your own comment you took the blame. you dont even know what u ordered. Hundreds of dollars sir? lol i believe slightly less than 200. We have customers rolling 5k at a time. as stated your pack will go out today, now im trying to behave but i contnue to stare at this and he accuses of 23 pages of positive reviews from members new and old? Man pretty simple simon to me dude. Heading to the PO for you right now bud, So cool of you. Take care man. Your lucky i dont post private convos.
did you get the pregabs w your order i cant remember. honestly they are too strong for me lol, in my younger days i would take 900 mgs and have nice euphoric drunken type high. Now? i take 2 i sleep 24 hours.

Do yall have any good ideas for products?

Besides what i listed i ahve a large amount of benzos coming. (ksalol xanax, Belbien valium, Rivotril Kpin)
other benzos:
i have flualp powder i can make flualp solutions? I still have access to the 3.2 clonazolam s 90 3s...

I know everyone is obsessed with etizolam but everytime we make a 20 gram run for 2,000$ it sells out in a day and that margins aernt good bc we dont want to rip u off. so iim thinking taking preorder this time for the folks that want powder. and it will be timely this time, the night before i order. and then taking our 20 grams and stocking solutions. Then we have the tamezepam coming, seen alot of excitement for that one. Im digging into halcion and nitrazepam. Phenobarbital is on the way.

Anyone need antibiotics? i feel for the folks w no health insurance ive been thinking on that.

You see the psyches im adding. Im getting some nice reviews on the ketamine so im thinking of pulling the trigger on the r type now. its very expensive ketamine rock. but supposedly quality is amazing and has already been lab tested.

Our OC game is about down right now. our suppliers are down. i have a nice connect on oxydolor 80s.they are instant release, no gel matrix, they are just bigger.I ve had customers that prefer them. They would be 50$ an 80. And well i already have 100 in stock. 5 minimum purchase.

I got a link on DCK. so thats in the pipeline.

I have a special 2.0 mg Phenazolam K packs for $520. beautiful presses Y21. Also the same deal on brom presses. Everybodys loving phenazolam, its very strong though so be careful.

stims im honestly hoping bulk md pihp comes back. id much rather get a kilo of that than these small runs of fine pyros. If not, you know me ill find the one. As were known for filling the pyro gap in the market responsibly. tmp we are def into again that has had great feedback, we will re add 4f mph. Modafinil will be dropped. Amphetamine adderal these got great reviews we ill reup.

Avizafone u guys seemed to like? so we will re add

Okay, M3th... now we have a dm3th batch (ephedrine based) but its very expensive but weve tested it and our experts say its th fucking shit. an 8th would run $150. You guys tell me. But normal shit superlab crap everyone carries is 150 an ounde. this is 700 per ounce.

What else are you guys into? dont be afraid to ask. There is no stupid question and dont listen to idiots that say something cant be done. Bc it pretty much all can.
Yep I got the pragabs! And you’re damn right they’re strong. I ptfod for 16 hours straight on 300mg the night after getting em 🤣. It was a really nice buzz though, loved them and will probably be grabbing more as I’ve heard they’re good for opi & benzo w/d.

As far as products I’d personally love to see..
3-FA , 4-FA , 3-FMA , and 4-FMA I haven’t seen those stims since 2015. And damn were they amazing. Especially 4-FA & 3–FMA.

5-MeO-MiPT would be a great tryptamine to see again.

Also really miss 5-mapb.. that was a golden age benzofur@n for real.
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What else are you guys into? dont be afraid to ask. There is no stupid question and dont listen to idiots that say something cant be done. Bc it pretty much all can.
Pure d-amph presses or powder, nitrazolam, and (R) O-DSMT, which is the opioid receptor binding isomer of O-DSMT.
man you guys are getting tough lol okay i can get 5meo mipt fumurate so u just need to take a couple more mgs. around 7 mg. I was already thinking of getting it. Alright the FAs and FMAs im with ya on that although i would 2fma in there too.i can get em its just a matter of using a reshipper and getting thru customs. phew damp presses or powder no. Ive been looking forever. closest right now is D-meth ephedrine based though. Nitrazolam not too bad. and is this (R) ODSMT a real thing? Ive never seen this legend. have u seen it anywhere?

Layne now is the time. Its back. weak - medium- and high purity no (F)!
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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!