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Phx is prompt in communication ships quickly and is willing to help out if there are any issues! Would recommend to others for sure!
edit: Guys what is this trike talking about? who are ya and can u send an email. wtf are you on bro? You are getting scammed and now your info is being sold it seems like. Send me an email please. Jesus. We may even take care of u bc we feel bad. but cmon guys, verify our PGP everytime please.



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everyone who receives or has received recently i need reviews posted its like we forgot about our dbg representation.

We got your donation Jai. You are locked in. We got you. Just tell us when to drop it. You are packed and loaded sir.

Update on Ket Carson: Turns out he is as disgusting as we thought. We have pics of him starting rumors of people raping infants? what kind of loser sick mind even thinks that way? We do not know and do not want to know.

Your disgusting bro. Now we even take care of our enemies. We will stand on over 20 years no scams/no non receives/no seizures.

He has been sent 1st item. upon him saying received we will send second. neither will be OUR exclusive merchandise. But they will come from the finest vendors on all of darknet. So we are just waiting for him to lie and say something is laced lol. Then we will expose and let our friend the huge vendor know. ;)

Shit, we cant even scam our enemies. We love yall.
No you don't, you have screenshots of me telling people that YOU threatened to rape Petro's kid then deleted the comment.
You know I was just willing to let this go now, but you just can't shut your mouth. I have all the screenshots proving that you scammed me and that's how this all started. People need to know that you save customer info on your burner phones to use against them, have textbook narcissistic personality disorder, and treat people like shit.
Just remember—YOU started this. All you had to do was honor my refund, but you couldn't do it.
DBG members can look at my profile and reputation points and do the math. I'm honest, I don't scam, and I'm good for my word. The vendors I've dealt with can all vouche for this too.
Here's his final vendor profile before he asked them to remove him from the list so people wouldn't see it and know what he is.
The second screenshot is him saying he'd refund me
The third is his reaction after I repeatedly asked him for my refund. Do you want a vendor like this?
I have dozens of these showing that he blackmails people and threatens to turn them in. It's a stupid way to spend a Friday night, but I'm not letting you do to DBG patrons what you did to me.
So he never refunded me like he was supposed to, but he's sending me a "package" he says. I wanted a refund—that was the deal before he decided to scam me. Whatever he's sending is likely laced with fent or reported to law enforcement. There's no way I'm touching it. I'm not one of your junky tools you can control, PHX. I was getting those things for somebody else and that's why I wanted the refund.
Like I told you before—the smartest thing you can do right now is just forget that I exist. That's it.
This is the last I'm directly addressing you, but I will warn everyone I can about you and any member who wants to know more can DM me for questions or screenshots. I can back up everything that I just said. He can't.


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Okay folks let me handle baby Ket Carson - So why would i say those things son about "petros child" and delete them? lol....your so stupis and no one got aa screen shot?

No, those are rumors from Ket Carson because onlty a sick mind would think of talking about raping infants and thats your mind son and i exposed you to the world.

TO EVERYONE: Yes, that is me in those screenshots he posted. After 24 hours of thinking, you know what I did? I said why would i refund this man? Who has caused so much drama, who has a sick mind and my ultimate observation: He is a tad mentally challenged in some way. I would say he is a some what smart kid with a mental retardation and that's okay. But that does not mean you get to steal from me son. I said, why would i fully refund this crazy person when i already have sent 1 of two items to him? no, not anymore. We aern't going to get scammed anymore. So thats why I left it alone and he is getting sent his products. He is getting sent the finest 1 g of MDA crystal you can get to complete this saga. ;) 20 years folks we wont even rip off our worst enemies.

Oh really ket carson are you really going to accuse team Trypta****** of sending you laced items? Is that a smart route son? The most famous and authentic producers of MDA, 2cb ect

Are you going accuse Hard**** of sending you laced #4? is that a route you want to go son?

Yall that know darknet know these vendors thaats who his products are coming from. ;) We picked fine upstanding vendors. so that he could make his accusations against them like he just did.

You talk about raping infants? we will expose you to the whole community and you will be excommunicated. you see i tried to sit down with Carson and give him some advice but he just didn't listen. Im sorry kid. you've been exposed. Oh, and his first screen shot? lol thats been fixed that was a list by my own representative and an error. lol....go check the list yourself. its made by my own moderator who apologized profusely. Which was nice. but.... ;)

EDIT: Now im going to end this here. I dont want to post the screenshots. i dont want the drama. I dont want to espose you further Ket Carson. Im going to leave you be but i suggest intensive therapy because only a special mind would say something like rape an infant child. Your truely gross bro. but i dont think its in your soul. I think your mind has an issue. Please get to a therapist. and after this we will not ever EVER sell to you. You are IP banned so dont even try. now please stay off our thread this wwhole thing has grossed me out. stomach curdling dude for real....
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Now reviews only please and we should have plenty coming. Even the name or though of Carson just grosses me out. take your drama elsewhere dude. and as my old buddy used to say: Go find some other vendor to buy curly pin balls from. US? Were not for you kid. Go pick a random thread i dont care go anywhere. But your not deserving of our fine products. No sir.
I received some impressive real deal materials, and fast! even sent a generous extra treat that I’d been looking for for a while now. it tested fine, and no zenes! He made sure I was satisfied and that the items met my needs. Also very fair prices, and gift wrapped with the utmost care. really extensive and interesting menu. there’s something for everyone!

many thanks!
Thank you. This is all we want. Fine upstanding members of the community. That is all we will accept from now on.
Now anyone on DBG or Session. Enjoy the extras. Every order from the last 2 days we just felt like tossing them out. It means we trust you.

Now elsewise: Recently we got an influx of customers from ghost town. If ya know what i mean. alot of them. Now what did yall do to that poor man?

Lol, its sad; I've had many conversations w/ Ghost and he was a good hearted guy, but not too computer saavy. What your doing is simple simon dumb. Trust me and just stop.

Weve embarrassed 4 already that tried to switch-a-roo us. (Oh you switched uo the packs?) No we dont switch any packs, its impossible the way we do things. its 1 order 1 label at a time. It happened to a couple only because we were in hotel. But then we had a second accusation when we were back on normal grounds? it was small so we complied. Nect 2 teams tried to do it again. And they got what they deserved.

We aernt ghst.

Weve been doing this 20 years.

Your transparent . your stupid. We dont need DBG to police for us. Weve already found you. The last 2. And the one that is playing games with an extremely popular members email? I know who ya are son. and WE are coming. BC you took it too far. you shouldnt have involved an innocent and you gave yourself away like an idiot. you made a statement on one of "her" emails that only me and you had talked about. not another soul on earth.

You better touch grass kid. Find solid footing. We wont be scammed and we wont allow you to use others as bait. and we dont sit back and wait.

All oother GOOD customers from ghost town - welcome! Were with you. But now i see why the man was driven crazy. we will make the bad ones pay.

Thank you. And thank you to 97% of yall honest and loyal custtomers. suckss we have to deal with these low life scammers. other teams take it. WE DONT.
Just received my first order 👍 A little late, but I won't complain too much. He made up for it with generous extras. Excellent reading on the Mercedes mag. I'll definitely be ordering again!
Partial delivery that rook 2 weeks, says I'm trying to scam him after agreeing to the mix up and knowing exactly what got mixed. Even with all the convos saved, it's "me" scamming.
Guess I'm out a couple hundred bucks.
First order late and incorrect pack sent missing product, and (2 minor) extras on another.
Acknowledged he knows what happened.
Then proceeds to say I'm scamming.
No partial refund. Out a couple hundred
I've now sent about two dozen emails to PHX to try and get an order I made in SEPTEMBER and he keeps ghosting me. I keep sending him the btc transaction screenshot, but like others say, he thinks I'm scamming him for some reason? I'm not trying to cause drama over 250 bucks or so, but I do need to say that this guy has not been a pleasure to work with, esp since when I place my original order in September I followed all his rules, and he even at one time actually printed out the label (I have ID), but it was never received and eventually it just disappared from my dashboard.

He told me I'm making problems because I can't remember exactly what I ordered (because I was using disappearing messages), but multiple times Ive emailed telling him what I'd like for the ammount of donations I sent, and he continues to ghost me.

I know he can be a decent vendor based on this forum, but I have to say it does not bode confidence in this vendor to be treated like this--especially when I mentioned many times I was looking forward to developing a long-term relationship with a solid vendor, which I thought he was...

Again, I'm not gonna cry over 250 bucks, but cmon PHX, with all due respect, what's the deal man?
whoa whoa meph sito i told u we were investigating. correct? nothing more. you will be made whole after our investigation. one way or the other right? so calm yourself son and when you get a bunch of free shit thrown at ya. maybe apologize? or if we find proof your scamming then maybe dont. we got u bro. as long as your pure. I need everyone to post their reviews. watch this.

As long as you are traveling bob then your probably okay. if your not traveling bob.....

a couple hundred man...cmon. Im appalled. 200$? Cmon. we gonna take u for that?
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Just received my first order 👍 A little late, but I won't complain too much. He made up for it with generous extras. Excellent reading on the Mercedes mag. I'll definitely be ordering again!
DM me your name that i know you as, so i can see what a little late is and keep u in mind. We will make it up to you. but all our shipping is back timely now. people on the inside know what happened. that we had a death of ya know just whatever. life happens guys. but we never screw one can say that. now let me collect my 5 groups and make sure everyone starts leaving reviews again
DM me your name that i know you as, so i can see what a little late is and keep u in mind. We will make it up to you. but all our shipping is back timely now. people on the inside know what happened. that we had a death of ya know just whatever. life happens guys. but we never screw one can say that. now let me collect my 5 groups and make sure everyone starts leaving reviews again
just emailed you cuz I can't DM
DM me your name that i know you as, so i can see what a little late is and keep u in mind. We will make it up to you. but all our shipping is back timely now. people on the inside know what happened. that we had a death of ya know just whatever. life happens guys. but we never screw one can say that. now let me collect my 5 groups and make sure everyone starts leaving reviews again
Emailed you 👍
Multiple orders with PHX. Dude is the man 10/10 product quality. Huge fan placing another order soon. Highly recommend
whoa whoa meph sito i told u we were investigating. correct? nothing more. you will be made whole after our investigation. one way or the other right? so calm yourself son and when you get a bunch of free shit thrown at ya. maybe apologize? or if we find proof your scamming then maybe dont. we got u bro. as long as your pure. I need everyone to post their reviews. watch this.

As long as you are traveling bob then your probably okay. if your not traveling bob.....

a couple hundred man...cmon. Im appalled. 200$? Cmon. we gonna take u for that?
I am bob, yes you are investigating without responses on agreed times, yes 200 is nothing i agree (as i said guess its lost and oh well), and i don't scam, have others ive bought from on here and never any issues that weren't resolved.

Either way its done from my end.
I am bob, yes you are investigating without responses on agreed times, yes 200 is nothing i agree (as i said guess its lost and oh well), and i don't scam, have others ive bought from on here and never any issues that weren't resolved.

Either way its done from my end.
Son, you read what I said right? I can't be any clearer. I said if you are him then you are probably okay. Now you do understand as stated in my email tomorrow is a usps holiday? That gave us great time to complete all our investigations, and get rid of 6 more scammers just like ice cold and his little buddy what was that guys name? I don't remember. Now friend do you know us? Heard about us? Are you with us? Bc we've never had a scam in over 20 years and you won't be the first. Now I want you to sit back and relax and enjoy your pack when it arrives. All these scams involved microdots for some reason. Like I said the bad ones? They got what they deserve. And will continue to if they pop up under diff accounts, we got 1 more scammer and we know who he is. I guess he's just hiding like a little....ahhh shit let's have a great night.

Thank you to anyone that competed in the auction today on signal. Youlll are some great folk. I'm about to go find the winner. Enjoy your bag and please provide proof of your donation to the charity of your choice. Well hopefully a dbg member donated the most ;)

We got you meph Sito. Please don't worry, we could have handled this private and the result would have been the exact same sir. I'm sorry that you are dragged into this. But everyone sees how we deal with issues. You'll be treated very well on the next few orders including the rest of this one ;)

Stay calm friend.
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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!