Did you get tracking?Placed an order, seemed to go great. Shipped same day payment made, however upon arrival, it was 20 items short. It's been 48hrs w/o response
Did you get tracking?Placed an order, seemed to go great. Shipped same day payment made, however upon arrival, it was 20 items short. It's been 48hrs w/o response
Yes tracking was provided same day as payment, product is good, but was #20 short than what I orderedDid you get tracking?
No it can't and it never will be, ever. Anyway, here's what he says at the very beginning if this thread about the Lemmon presses ...Wrangler said:Anyone have any experience with the Lemmon? Can this be real that he has these available.
There are so many red flags in this thread ranging from the "products" that the vendor carries, to the random pharma bars that they supposedly put in an order, to the essays the vendors writes in this thread - yet so many people are still going ahead with ordering that it's giving me a boost of confidence that if I ever fall on hard times, I can just scam users here on DBGNo it can't and it never will be, ever. Anyway, here's what he says at the very beginning if this thread about the Lemmon presses ...
Also, I carry the LEMMON 714. Quaaludes. Made with methylmethaqualone. That will be restocked within the next 7 days.
They're Methylmethaqualone.
That’s what all his drugs are I’d say. His alprazolam I’d probably flualprazolam. His adderall is probably street amphetamines or meth, and he admits that the lemons are not legitWrangler said:Yeah. That’s what I was thinking. I am under the impression he is making his own version.
Same here, then he ghosted. Mia. Was great while it lasted.Damn had two awesome comic orders with this dude. Sucks he disappeared wtf
whoa whoa whoaWell, you probably want to know a little bit about me. I've been doing this for years. Most of those years were spent behind the scenes. Working my ass off for someone else while they happily took the credit for my work. And every now and again I got thrown some crumbs. So about 8months ago I decided to go solo. I take pride in being honest and straight forward. I wanted a niche. I wanted to provide products that others didn't have. Yes, there are many items on my product list, but I carry a few that you don't see that often. As of right now I have the Oxy 30's made with Isotonitazene. I did have them with Etonitazene. But that stuff seems to run out fast. So it will be a week or so before those are back. Also, I carry the LEMMON 714. Quaaludes. Made with methylmethaqualone. That will be restocked within the next 7 days.
Doubt you'll get a response. It's been almost 2 weeks since anyone has heard from him.whoa whoa whoa
I am so glad I just found you. Where have you been my whole life man lol
Hey I am trying to get some!!
but I read your story and it’s my natural instinct to be wanting to jump on your team bro. Could you send me a price list? Or how would I go about placing an order with you ASAP.
just from what I’ve read in the thread seems like we get along good and please please share the wealth lol.