Well finally off work for 2 days so time to have fun..
My info will be on P z following products.
Onax 2 mg -one broken no biggie not fragile which is good and ate one 20 min ago N feeling it.
Purlpe 1mg footballs that say xan. Haven't tried em from P but in future good.
Tranax 1mg. Haven't tried yet.
Vanilla Valz. All Blue with a 10 on it but a medicine taste no vanilla like was expecting.
And supposed to be Ksalol 1mg very small white with no markings. Haven't tried...ps this is all coming from someone with a 10/10 very high tolerance. ...Would like other's input feel free to post most these meds new brands for me.tks ur friend Zonkedup. ....Ploopin one of the best I have met...To me Speedy shipping is everything. ..A++++4 ploop on this one 36 hr.del. time
Hi ZonkedUp,
How;s it goin' ?
I got five 0n@x from P but they were crumbly, so I took just one and I didn't really feel them like I thought I should so I didn't really think they were that great at the time. I only have a few to work with but I'm gonna try them again.
Let me qualify this: I have never had the Ks@l0lz direct from a Serb!an vendor right from Gal3n!ka so my only experience is P's, but let me tell you - I think they are great. Am considering getting a bunch from max I liked them that much. But they are
blue. I've never heard of little white K's but maybe someone else knows. Everything else I've read say they s/b blue.
If you read back a few pages I wrote about the vanilla V@ls, too. I haven't taken them yet as I can't confirm what they are. Mine were blue with blotches of white, and were tasteless but slightly bitter, and just have a light-stamped "10," scored on the other side. What I mean is that d!@z has a distinct, recognizable taste and these don't have it. If you use it regularly you would recognize the taste so I'm not going to try these yet.
I like P. Good list but always check hist stock before buying the MP card because he is out of things often. That's how I ended up with products I didn't know or want (The 0n@x and Van V@ls). If you are in the US, I think he's good vendor, cheap, quick shipping.