Another wonderful experience with the doc as usual, it seems as though he is VERY EXTREMLY BUSY so give it time, but it never fails, expect approx. 4 days from the day you make donation to the day it ships, if a weekend is involved give it 4-6 days.
donation made 5/24/2017
sent out on 5/31/2017
received/confirmed 6/14/2017
expect 14 days in the mail to ne region us, and expect a total average time of 18-20 days from the day donation is made until documents arrive in ne region usa.
best advice is to keep it in mind and keep donations flowing to keep a steady stream of documents coming in.
~1st document 3 sample x20 of Tr@nQium @D van level 1,
similar to gen from here as they immediately start to dis0lv{ on contact w t0ung
in my extensive experience id like to grade them as a B-
~2nd document 1 sample of 1o level I0 adc0-Z01p Hemlt@rtr@te PHENOMINAL!!
as to be expected of adc0 documents grade=A+
I wish we had an option to use ems to get documentations faster, I understand dr is busy but id prefer fater turnaround, just food for thought DOC.
ive been with you from the first few months you opened up and I knew there was something special just by your sincerity and excellent customer service!!!
Happy @sociate 4 life
kind regards,