any idea on a time frame to the north east ?Had trouble with my first donation about a month ago. I think I worked the kinks out and I'm confident I just made my first successful donation.
any idea on a time frame to the north east ?Had trouble with my first donation about a month ago. I think I worked the kinks out and I'm confident I just made my first successful donation.
well , what i was hoping would not happen , happenedORDERED - 13 / 6
MAILED ( 2 packages ) - 19 / 6
ARRIVED ( 1st packages ) - 29 / 6
still havent received the 2nd package , which was a much larger order ...
it also looked like my 1st package had been opened up & taped back together but nothing taken out ...
will wait a lil bit longer before emailing doc & will update soon as to what ends up happening .
ps - v happy with delivery time 10 days from sent to received & im in Aus so expected longer .
anyway fingers crossed i get my 2nd package .
I really don't see how customs would go out of their way to test the active ingredient as , the way I see it, they would only be wanting to stop the stuff from getting but BUT then again, having watched several TV documentaries about Australian customs, they have some very sophisticated kit available to them.well , what i was hoping would not happen , happenedh34r:
got up today to a Seizure Notice from Aussie Customs for my 100 Myl@n @lpz ... in the description of what was seized it says they came in tested @ 0.25mg as well which was a bit of a shock to me .
not too sure what to do now .. whether to wait a while before ordering again , or jus give up completely now .
i feel like i should tell Doc also , anyone elses thoughts on that ? coz i dont want him to resend 50% without knowing & getting into trouble on his end .
also if there is anyone from Australia here who has received one of these Love Letters & can chime in about what they did would be much appreciated & helpful .
thanks guys .
our customs are strict as & it doesnt help that @lpz are in the highest schedule of drugs here . to be completely honest i dont get how they can be 0.25mg @ all .. ive had them in the past along with the @dc0z & if anything they seemed pre spot on in dosing , maybe a veryvery small amount under 1mg but i dont believe they were as low as 0.25mg as with a 6mg Clon a day habit i was able to feel one Myl@n . so to clarify im not trying to undermine Doc & what he does or seem like hes selling bunk products or being deceptive @ all . hes a great guy & has helped with any question ive had .I really don't see how customs would go out of their way to test the active ingredient as , the way I see it, they would only be wanting to stop the stuff from getting but BUT then again, having watched several TV documentaries about Australian customs, they have some very sophisticated kit available to them.
If I were you, I would send Doc and email and tell him what you have told us and also send a copy of the report that you were given. If tested at 0.25 then it's very concerning as they are not the cheap alternative and one would hope they would test just a little bit higher than the 1mg they should be.
This forum is extremely good for sorting the wheat from the chaff. I would also get in touch with admin and send the same report to them. It's not right to be paying for something you expect to be a certain strength but then get a LL telling you they were not that strength.
In the first instance I would DEFINITELY be emailing Doc and BEFORE he goes on holiday and give him the chance to redress this situation. I know we are all aware of the "business" we work within but to get only a LL and be told he goods were only one quarter of the strength, well, that's very naughty.
Personally, I've only ever heard good things about My land. To give Doc some wiggle room, maybe there was a mix up in processing but I don't see ANY 0.25 @lps on his site.
Good luck
It happened to me back in March - 2 packages seized by Oz customs and letters saying the goods were completely different to what I ordered (though they look very similar)our customs are strict as & it doesnt help that @lpz are in the highest schedule of drugs here . to be completely honest i dont get how they can be 0.25mg @ all .. ive had them in the past along with the @dc0z & if anything they seemed pre spot on in dosing , maybe a veryvery small amount under 1mg but i dont believe they were as low as 0.25mg as with a 6mg Clon a day habit i was able to feel one Myl@n . so to clarify im not trying to undermine Doc & what he does or seem like hes selling bunk products or being deceptive @ all . hes a great guy & has helped with any question ive had .
i will be emailing Doc as i said before i feel he should know . i dont think he has that many Aussie customers but with our customs it might time to switch up the way stuff is sent here or whatever . last thing everyone wants is this operation shutting down due to us in the land down under lol .
also i found it kinda funny that in the LL they offered me the choice to get them back , bit of a trap tho after reading more , but if i had a script written then it would be fine & it says theyd give em back ... another thing i found weird was the fact that they obviously opened the Tr@mz & put em back nicely but i guess coz it was a smaller amount & in blister packs it wasnt as bad as compared to a bunch of blue pills with no identifying marks & loosely packaged , who knows what they thought they were @ 1st lol .
anyway , i will leave this for now & update when ive emailed & heard back from Doc about where to go from here ..
from what i've heard just like most others from the sending country of origin: 3-4 weeks.any idea on a time frame to the north east ?
Nothing is being shipped until they are back and I think it says not to expect regular replies to emails.Website says something about not being available from 22-30th. Does this mean products won't ship or that customer emails will not be returned?