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Be careful. I registered with this site this morning and within a few hours my Twitter account was hacked by someone in Mumbai. Signing up for an account with this site was the only unusual thing I've done today. Interpret as you may.

So Doc’s had my money for a week now and I keep getting “I’ll ship within 24 hours” over and over again. This is not the Doc I used to do business with. Anyone else had this problem. I don’t want to see his good business go by the wayside but I’m getting increasingly frustrated.

This is certainly not the real Doc. After I placed my order 2 days ago. He made all these comments bashing DBG, with accusations I'd rather not share regarding this forum (most likely lies, I smelt total BS). I had no idea the thread was closed, or I would not have ordered. The first red flag was that, He told me to change my email address to Gmail which was odd. He claimed his emails were not going through. So, I did. The following morning, gmail sent me a notification stating there was a security issue. If you follow the thread someone else posted right after they ordered, an account of theirs was hacked very suspiciously. So, thank goodness before they could take money - I called and had my credit card reported lost. The big red flag, is his website was changed from .com to .net. But most people disregarded it. I'd totally steer clear until the admins of this forum says it is ok. Unfortunately I was bit too late to look at the thread being closed. But, luckily whomever is posing as doc, doesn't have my money. Lesson learned to always check the threads first. If any of the admins want details of what he said, feel free to PM me. Yet I am still here, I  trust this fraud posing as DOC as far as I can throw him. 

I made an order with Doc two days ago (didn't read the updated posts on his thread until yesterday) for $54 used the visa I always used. Well my bank called me, text me at 2:00AM asking to verify a $350 purchase and a $54 purchase done within the last two hours. Coming from same place. I denied the transactions and now the bank has my account closed until I call them back and ask them to unlock it.

I've made a couple of orders before and had lunch but my last attempt was a rip off. Ordered Sept 4

8 weeks later I started emailing every other day about it and doc gave me some BS excuse about a hold up at a mail hold up at such and such location bottom line never showed then they blocked my ip totally. Can't email or even go into their site anymore. Got me for my dough don't let them get yours

Same to me ordered over a month ago and nothing when I used to receive from them in 10 days or less. They gave me the usual bs of airport hold up etc. Just gritted my teeth and suck it up that I’m never going to get my order.

I got an order from "Doc" placed back in July--it was a very slow ship (probably 6+ weeks), but items rec'd were legit (I believe), most in blisters, not one item unaccounted for--I was on pins and needles until I got my order, but Doc came through for me. I placed another order beginning of October & have not rec'd any birds yet, and am concerned that I can't access the website for some reason, but hopefully all with be OK--I did have an order come up missing earlier this year, and Doc actually sent me 1/2 the order on a free reship (I got no LL, so supplied him w/no proof, but he's a good enough guy that he came through for me--now on the reship, I had ordered probably 5 different items, & the more expensive one I did not get 1/2 of, he sent 1/2 order of another vitamin in same category I'll call "relaxation", but what he substituted I have prescription for, but I count my lucky stars to have gotten a response, and to have gotten a partial replacement).  Whoever I have had e-mail exchanges with, he certainly sounds like the original Doc--very polite, offers a lot of reassurances & the grammer and syntax seem to be authentic--I am holding my breath and have fingers crossed, but he has always come through for me in the past...Anyone else getting birds landing from him recently?  I do know the postal system in his country is not reliable--they seem to go on strike about everytime I am wanting to replenish my goody box, but he is nice enough to tell me that & even suggest that I delay my order until the post is caught up...Interested to know what other members recent experiences have been.  Thanks to all & Godspeed, Leigh Anne

I've been using doc for years, several years! The past few years I've seen a significant increase in receiving delay (almost doubled), shipping has always be reliable but transport has slowed. Doc is always good about answering email though.  I am currently at the extended wait time and tried to log onto PPE to inquire on my order status only to find the site down. It does concern me a bit but PPE has been through a few domain servers over the years (com, org, net). I am not OVERLY concerned but there was another popular vendor (TTM2) in the same region where PPE2 is located. I was a long standing customer there but they eventually went dark and burned several of us. That's always in back of my mind with PPE. If my order is coming it should be here in the next 3-5 days, if not I do not expect it will ever show. Will update.

SN: After a little research it does not look good, in fact it's about as bad as it gets. 

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@CodyKowl OMG! I got burned by TTM, too, and then also have placed and paid for order in early October from PPE, and have not rec'd anything...It has taken 6 weeks to get an order, but what really concerns me is that Doc is not answering any of my e-mails, even to say that things are running slowly or the postal system is having problems--I have sent a few e-mails by now, and I have never had Doc not answer me before--it may take a day or two, but this is complete radio silence, so I am extremely concerned.  I know that TTM and PPE are out of the same country, but the people running TTM were not nice at all, but Doc has always been a dear.  I saw somewhere that there was a raid in that area, and sites busted, people arrested--all the crap you never want to hear, yet I would really love to know the truth.  So now I am seeking another supplier--the great thing about those suppliers was that they accepted credit cards, which being a dinosaur, is really the only comfortable way I know to send money...this site has always been helpful to me, but they don't accept paypal, & I just cannot figure out the whole bitcoin thing, so therefore I cannot the threads I need to find a new source.  I need one quickly at this point, as I was counting on rec'g my usual vitamins by Doc, and now am close to running out.  Going to give it another shot, I know this site needs donations from members to keep up and going, so I need to learn some new payment methods, and also refamiliarize myself with the rules of the forum--I see as I type that my content has to be approved by a moderator prior to posting, so I am not sure if I have done something wrong as far as the rules go, or if it b/c I don't have enough seniority, or b/c I have failed to make a donation--I certainly never mean to step out of line or be offensive.  Anyway, best of luck to you, & hopefully we'll both find a reliable supplier that I am able to pay in this digital age.  Godspeed to all, Leigh Anne

I've made a couple of orders before and had lunch but my last attempt was a rip off. Ordered Sept 4

8 weeks later I started emailing every other day about it and doc gave me some BS excuse about a hold up at a mail hold up at such and such location bottom line never showed then they blocked my ip totally. Can't email or even go into their site anymore. Got me for my dough don't let them get yours
I am waiting on two from very early July and a reship from end of August.  So far nothing has showed up and Doc has not replied to my Email since his site went down.  PPE and TTM are 100% the same people.  The Doctor running TTM just got busted this month but they kept taking money until the Police took down both web pages.

I got an order from "Doc" placed back in July--it was a very slow ship (probably 6+ weeks), but items rec'd were legit (I believe), most in blisters, not one item unaccounted for--I was on pins and needles until I got my order, but Doc came through for me. I placed another order beginning of October & have not rec'd any birds yet, and am concerned that I can't access the website for some reason, but hopefully all with be OK--I did have an order come up missing earlier this year, and Doc actually sent me 1/2 the order on a free reship (I got no LL, so supplied him w/no proof, but he's a good enough guy that he came through for me--now on the reship, I had ordered probably 5 different items, & the more expensive one I did not get 1/2 of, he sent 1/2 order of another vitamin in same category I'll call "relaxation", but what he substituted I have prescription for, but I count my lucky stars to have gotten a response, and to have gotten a partial replacement).  Whoever I have had e-mail exchanges with, he certainly sounds like the original Doc--very polite, offers a lot of reassurances & the grammer and syntax seem to be authentic--I am holding my breath and have fingers crossed, but he has always come through for me in the past...Anyone else getting birds landing from him recently?  I do know the postal system in his country is not reliable--they seem to go on strike about everytime I am wanting to replenish my goody box, but he is nice enough to tell me that & even suggest that I delay my order until the post is caught up...Interested to know what other members recent experiences have been.  Thanks to all & Godspeed, Leigh Anne
So you are currently in contact with Doc?  Cause I'm pretty sure he is arrested and charged with running both TTM and PPE.  You can look the article up, they busted him at the SAPO with envelopes full of drugs about a month ago.  So if you are chumming it up with him, you might want to think about to whom you are speaking.  The last packages from TTM/PPE were mid September and nobody has heard anything since unless they have gone on the TTM board (which I don't know if it is up) and sifted through the lies and shills to see what's real.   


PPE and TTM are the same guy, he was a shady African Dr and ran it with his wife.  They got busted earlier this month at SAPO mailing packages.   That doesn't explain the months and months of missing packages over the last 6 months.

I've been using doc for years, several years! The past few years I've seen a significant increase in receiving delay (almost doubled), shipping has always be reliable but transport has slowed. Doc is always good about answering email though.  I am currently at the extended wait time and tried to log onto PPE to inquire on my order status only to find the site down. It does concern me a bit but PPE has been through a few domain servers over the years (com, org, net). I am not OVERLY concerned but there was another popular vendor (TTM2) in the same region where PPE2 is located. I was a long standing customer there but they eventually went dark and burned several of us. That's always in back of my mind with PPE. If my order is coming it should be here in the next 3-5 days, if not I do not expect it will ever show. Will update.

SN: After a little research it does not look good, in fact it's about as bad as it gets. 
TTM and PPE are same guy, he got busted by the cops dropping off shitloads of drug filled envelopes to SAPO last month.


Here is what happened to "Doc" "Seth" and all the rest at  PPE AND TTM (don't be an idiot, they are the same people) ARE DONE FOREVER. PRISON FOREVER.  The reason PPE appeared so conveniently is is was 4 years ago, just when TTM fucked everyone over for the first time.  SAME PEOPLE, BOTH SCUM>

A few orders after the strike showed but by around Mid September there has not been 1 thing land to my knowledge.

So you are currently in contact with Doc?  Cause I'm pretty sure he is arrested and charged with running both TTM and PPE.  You can look the article up, they busted him at the SAPO with envelopes full of drugs about a month ago.  So if you are chumming it up with him, you might want to think about to whom you are speaking.  The last packages from TTM/PPE were mid September and nobody has heard anything since unless they have gone on the TTM board (which I don't know if it is up) and sifted through the lies and shills to see what's real.   

The last communication I had with Doc was on Oct. 6, 2018--he responded to my e-mail order of 5 various items, and confirmed that 4 or 5 envelopes had been sent to me, & that I could expect longer wait times than usual d/t same post office problems, he said up to 8 weeks, I have rec'd nothing yet, and he has not responded to any of my recent e-mails, & I cannot access the site either (.com or .net).  Look, I am not happy about losing my order and money, at all, but I am curious as to what actually went down--if he is actually in jail, I feel sorry for him, at the same time, are his customers at any risk should his data base be accessed by authorities?  And when I traded e-mails w/him, they were brief, but consistent with his level of being extremely (unusually) polite, same grammer, same reminders about long delay to be expected.  I know PPE and TTM were out of the same country, but my e-mail exchanges w/TTM were very curt, & the last one downright insulting--I wrote b/c they claimed to have been the victims of a rogue employee that did not send mailers out for whatever reason, so they were going to send each person in that time period half of their order w/o cost, I did not get anything, & was told when I informed them of going to post not rec'd order as promised, they said people on this forum were "junkies", "liars", & that they NOT did want our ilk to be a part of their customer database anyway, since we are the thieves...I know the menus were similar and prices pretty close, but really surprised to hear the same person was running both...I am going to try and find the article someone mentioned about them being caught and arrested--I mean, you can't blame him for not sending an order if he is behind bars, but I am eating a crow sandwich since I always recommended having a back up vendor and extra vitamins for emergencies; I absolutely did not see this coming, and am now scrambling to find another reputable vendor with similar offerings--I did have communications with Moda (he sent me some EXCELLENT cl0ns back in August, but he has very limited menu).  God, I feel like such an idiot....I am trying desperately to figure out donations (again) so I can access some other vendors, shaking my head, sorry folks, Leigh Anne

This is silly stalking type stuff,  but I went on SAPO facebook page and got a few ZA to USA tracking #s for USPS parcels.  1 was mailed in early June and showed up just last month mid October, and another that was mailed October 3 has yet to get from the origin post office to Jobu Inernational.  So the fact that the guy got busted actually delivering envelopes to the post office, there is a fair chance that some of us may receive something for Xmas that we had long given up on.   Of course Priority mail is going to go out first, but considering that first priority parcel landed less than a month ago I haven't given up that there are a few generic looking envelopes covered in  stamps sitting at the bottom of a "Nobody gives a fuck, you cheap prick" bin.  I honestly do think that my July order will someday stumble though the door, half pulverized.  In any case it will make a nice Xmas present for myself if it shows now, the most horrible time of year.

If anybody has received or knows of anyone receiving after early September please let me know.  Does anybody have access to the TTM forum?  Last I heard it was still up but I'm not a member there. If somebody could pop in and see what the angry natives are saying about when their last packages arrived that would be helpful.  I'm stoked on this Bromazelam though, hopefully with a few decent RC benzos we can stop playing this game for awhile. Nothing beats the real thing though!

Good Luck all, and hopefully your prodigal packages will make your holiday a bit brighter and mellow.   I"m not counting on it, but I'm not counting it out quite yet

.@Leigh Anne did you get my PM?  We ordered around the same time, mine just days prior to the strike.   I saw yours landed recently, can you share some more info?   PPE/TTM is done and they ain't coming back but there are 3 months worth of packages that are floating around somewhere.


Here is what happened to "Doc" "Seth" and all the rest at  PPE AND TTM (don't be an idiot, they are the same people) ARE DONE FOREVER. PRISON FOREVER.  The reason PPE appeared so conveniently is is was 4 years ago, just when TTM fucked everyone over for the first time.  SAME PEOPLE, BOTH SCUM>

A few orders after the strike showed but by around Mid September there has not been 1 thing land to my knowledge.
Wow, I just went to your link and read the article--that is so crazy, but typical of my sort of luck.  I lost $ to TTM, AND now also PPE, know no other vendors that take credit cards or have the kind of menu they offered,

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I've made a couple of orders before and had lunch but my last attempt was a rip off. Ordered Sept 4

8 weeks later I started emailing every other day about it and doc gave me some BS excuse about a hold up at a mail hold up at such and such location bottom line never showed then they blocked my ip totally. Can't email or even go into their site anymore. Got me for my dough don't let them get yours
Damn, I feel like such an idiot...I love your profile pic, poor Jim--another member of the "27 club" (includes Hendrix, Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, et al).  I am a huge "Doors" fan & think Val Kilmer should have won an Oscar for his portrayal in the Oliver Stone movie--my husband & I watch this fairly often (also can't pass up "Tombstone" whenever it airs), but he only wants to watch the first half of the movie--I tell him you have to watch the whole pic to see the price of such debauchery, but I am the dummy ordering controlled online while he just drinks beer....(I did hear that Pamela confessed before she OD'd a few months after Jim died that he had found a bag of her heroin and mistook it for cocaine, & that was actually his cause of death--how did a 27 year old not get an automatic autopsy, even in France?)  I know it sounds like that scene in "Pulp Fiction" but I heard that before I ever saw that movie, and his friends said that there was a closed casket, & at least one of them wishes he had the nerve to open the lid when he was left alone for a hot minute since so many people claim he didn't die then...Anyway, sorry for the monologue, poor moderators having to pour through all my long diatribes...Godspeed to you, Leigh Anne

Doc was TTMs wife, hence the different attitude.  I haven't been on here in a long time and had no idea PPE had started going shady so don't whip our asses any harder please, we fucked up.  I use dusko forever but she stopped responding last June, I hope these couple new RC benzos are worth a shit.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  3. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  4. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  5. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  6. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  7. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  8. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  12. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  13. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  14. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  15. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  16. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.
  18. xenxra @ xenxra: @SeaDonkey you're probably not wrong
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @Moonkey you're fine, i've learned to live with it at this point. it's not the worst spot to start scaling into a position here imo - just don't sell the house yet.
  20. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Ugh I wish I was in a position to gamble some muns, I personally think there's a huge potential in the dip right now