Just got my Chargeback from PPE. You guys should all do the same thing. Stop whining over some scumbag getting busted, pretty sure these creeps were selectively scamming long before they were arrested.
So you filed a complaint with your bank about not rec'd merchandise & they refunded your money? Is that what you mean by chargeback? I am afraid of what questions they might ask in regards to what items I attempted to purchase and didn't receive...God, I am such an asshat...Just got my Chargeback from PPE. You guys should all do the same thing. Stop whining over some scumbag getting busted, pretty sure these creeps were selectively scamming long before they were arrested.
Jim has alternatives to all the payment methods you mentioned. contact him.Langsense said:I always found Doc reliable. It was a surprise to see his site down and then no response to email. Then I see the post a couple of pages back reporting his arrest. What a shame. I am scrambling now to find a replacement vendor. I use to use starlite a lot (great vendor) but I don't understand bitcoin and I do not have a photo ID for WU or MG etc. I'm stuck at the mo!
I used TTM2U before but I've since read the quality of their Codeine and Xanax were subpar/spotty reportedly at least, and the Codeine maybe even causing stomach burns which I may have felt a little.I did business with TTM for the past 3 years, despite them being on the blacklist. I received 100% of my packages within 30 days max. (usually 14-16 days to the U.S.) I last talked to Seth in late September, and fortunately didn't place an order. Their site is 100% shut down, but be aware of a look-a-like site. There are no recent posts on their twitter account, and no responses obviously to emails. Their payment methods, and prices were the Best! They have been known to disappear before and come back. Can anyone confirm the news article is referring to TTM Or PPE? For now, I will be ordering from STARLITERX...
Some people.... They just love to chime in with pointless comments. "One time I took midazolam and didn't like it, so I prefer valium. Think I'll order some from Tunisia!" Cool story.Well this thread went off the rails! Safe to say that my last order from PPE2 is not going to show. I got it in before the dust-up so held out a little hope but not much.
Oh my Lord! How nuts is that? Well, happy early Christmas to you! I know people are down on Doc, but in my opinion, he got caught being a bit greedy/sloppy & my hypothesis is that he got hopelessly backed up, & when he had (it had to be in the hundreds if not over a thousand...) packages/envelopes taken to post office (keeping in mind these postal workers are pissed anyway & just back up after recent strike), & they blew the whistle on him; If the article I read from link on this forum is true, he was caught with over a million dollars worth of products--these items must have been legitimate, or they would have no case--all this means to me is that he actually had real, not bogus, vitamins, & he was attempting to make good on all of these orders, & walked straight into a trap...I know the mods/admins likely disagree, they did blacklist him prior to this for a reason, & they know all the scoop, & I hope this doesn't anger anyone, but I don't agree that he is necessarily a scumbag.... I know the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but that's how I read the situation...I had many, many successful transactions with him, so he did help and benefit me for a number of years; now this loss is tough financially & I am also scrambling in this digital age to figure out this sh!t b/c I need a reputable vendor ASAP...I have always salivated over the SL menu, but their forms of acceptable currency I was not familiar with, but I see where a mod responded to someone who has my same issues that SL now has more alternative ways to pay which I may be able to figure out, so I am def going to look into that...still also wanting to make donation to forum, not only b/c I want to find a good vendor, but to say "Thank You" to all the mods/admins who made this site possible; you will see, I am going to figure this out, flying blind and no sense of direction, I will eventually land, hopefully w/o breaking limbs & w/o offending anyone. "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof"--King James Bible (I am too lazy to look at which book that quote is from, but it's my mother's perpetual response to me whenever I am fretting about the future, later that day, tomorrow, whatever--focus on the now & stop worrying over things I cannot control). Also, a question to anyone who reads this, would you call the bank and do a charge dispute over items I didn't receive? Won't they see that this was potentially an illegal transaction & grill me re. what it was I expected to receive from "Pet Vets Online"? Really could use that money, but don't want any possible flashback coming back to me, any advice would really be appreciated...Godspeed to all, Leigh Anne@Dumbo88 @Leigh Anne I ordered from PPE in August. 5 weeks later after receiving nothing I emailed Doc and he responded saying that the mail was slow. By mid October I had given up on ever receiving anything.
Then around Nov 10th I received my pack from PPE ...I was happily surprised
I am also surprised and unhappy about this situation, but you sound like me--a dinosaur in a technical world stumbling around in the dark; one of the mods responded on this thread that SL has more payment methods now, so I will be looking at that menu later today....those blue Vals make my mouth water....Best of Luck (and you are not alone, either in getting egg on your face, or having difficulty navigating and finding which stranger you want to trust today and also how to pay---I remember writing checks at the grocery, and I wrote my college papers on a typewriter, yep, I am that old, and I have no pride whatsoever left, it would seem.....) Godspeed to you and yours, Leigh Anne (Oh, and welcome, looks like you are relatively new here--I am not new, but have to keep going back and referring to the rules and rereading general information repetitively, but damn, I am doing my level best).Langsense said:I always found Doc reliable. It was a surprise to see his site down and then no response to email. Then I see the post a couple of pages back reporting his arrest. What a shame. I am scrambling now to find a replacement vendor. I use to use starlite a lot (great vendor) but I don't understand bitcoin and I do not have a photo ID for WU or MG etc. I'm stuck at the mo!
thats what i should have done i wonder if its to late it wasnt that much but still tried to tell me after i didnt get the 1st order that he sent it again on a free reship and never got anything or any love lettersI decided to do a charge-back because “Doc” was so insistent that October order was shipped. Of course it never arrived. Just last week I notified my credit card company. They said 4-6 weeks to look into it but I got the money back in about three days.