If you take some time and looked around long enough you (or anyone) could obtain blister packing, foil sealing and foil printing equipment. Same thing goes for pill pressing equipment, not impossible to get your hands on, which is why you see people receiving "fake" pills which "look" completely legit.
Just because it comes in blisters doesn't mean you are guaranteed to receive 100% real medication. The oldest "drug dealer" trick in the book. Obtain a drug, use a "cutting agent" of some kind to increase the amount of the drug you have. Now they turn around "repress" the new pills with the cutting agent in them. Repack them in blisters, print & foil seal them and send them off.
Now, let's just say for an example, you ordered Xanax 1.0mg tabs. For example purposes, let's say you actually received Xanax .5mg tabs. (50% cut). Now, less the money involved in repacking, the "dealer" has almost doubled their profits.
To be absolutely clear, I AM NOT saying this is what these folks are doing. I have not ordered from them and have 0% experience with them. I'm simply replying to the above post concerning sealed blistered meds and trying to shed some light on the situations you MAY encounter using IOP's.
The best advice I can give is do plenty of research and once you have pick the IOP which seems the best to you. Sure it's a "pain" taking the time to do the research, but believe me, you'll be glad you did at the end of the day.