Ive read through Nacho's activity and it just seems like someone really desperate to find good sources for some chems. I don't see any conspiracy happening or the birthing of a master-shill-account-plan. As with all RC b3nz0s and their us3rs, reviews are always all over the place because everyone's tolerance is different, as well as their delusions of sobriety, as well as quality of p0wd3rs people are making solutions from and many other factors. If Nacho has never tried cl0n they possibly have no idea how much they required to successfully research and so just didn't use enough. And if they regularly research BZs it appears from their statement "i have no tolerance to clon" that possibly they don't realize there is cross-tolerance with ALL b3nz0s, not just individual ones to themselves. Maybe there wasn't a need to say "waste of money" without further research, but like Mgd said, there's no need to try and censor someone's review. If people cant leave their honest feedback, there's no point to this forum except as a pop-up shill fest.....
As for your reputation, it seems all you did was let people know about a vendor you've had a couple good orders from. No one is gonna get mad at you if they turn out to not be a good vendor for others. Besides all vendors have positive and negative reviews whether people post them here or not.....