Without a doubt, I would be a wee bit freaked out as Cajun was...but...
I couldn't help but think to myself, 'Cajun's in Time Out! Cajun's in Time Out!'
Especially if you
look at the time frame that Cajun was posting it was only within minutes he made all those posts - he had not had time to regain hold of himself,
was agitating himself even more by thinking the worst.
Blindly reaching for help & hope.
Even if he didn't handle it the best way at that time due to his panic.
I believe with time to reflect/calm down, Cajun will realize he was out of line and apologize for freaking out on the board.
Hopefully, H'berg will relent and allow Cajun another chance. Being a fair-minded person, I believe H will give Cajun another opportunity at dbg.
Hopefully Cajun will either get out of the kitchen if it's too hot or learn to handle the heat.
Should've calmed himself a bit before trying to communicate with people at dbg.
Just speaking as a nurse with training on the stages of anxiety I could see Cajun's fear and anxiety growing - that's what I saw ....
because I am used to dealing with anxious people in my job - recognizing and intervening before they move too far into panic.
Google 4 Stages of Anxiety or read below!
People in the 4th stage of anxiety ARE NOT ABLE TO LISTEN TO REASON. It's not their choice - panic has taken over! (Anyone who has had a panic attack knows what I mean.)
The person
must calm down first before they can be reasonable about anything.
I'm NOT defending Cajun's behavior, I'm explaining he was PANICKED!
He physically (due to adrenalin and other stress hormones) and mentally could NOT communicate on a rational level at that point - We see it in hospitals all the time and try to intervene at Stage 1 or 2 to calm the person before they reach Level 3 or 4.
When someone is at Stage 4, like Cajun was - they DO need to be in Time Out because they are just a non-thinking, reactive being at that point - totally irrational, focused on their fear, and often cannot remember things they said or did.
1st stage- mild stage
During this stage vital signs are normal, not very much muscle tension. you are aware of different stimuli in environment, thoughts are random but controlled you feel comfortable and safe. relaxed and calm. doing habits normally.
Example: Asking questions in calm manner and able to process answers w/o problem
2nd stage- moderate stage
vitals are normal but slightly elevated. have tension; might be uncomfortble. you are alert and attentive. at perfect state of mind for solving problems. you feel ready, energized and ready to learn. voice and body language are interested and concerned.
Example: Slight increase in body movement (restless), asking questions little more often or with more concern
3rd stage- severe stage
When you are going through fight or flight, beginning alarm stage, vitals become increased, appitite decreased. problem solving is very difficult. have selective attention= focus on detail. trying to block out threatening stimuli. might have aches and pains. might feel irritable, increased need for "own space"
Example: May start to pace, be a little edgy in their questions or rude, or more persistent about getting answers
4th stage- panic stage
Physical symptoms escalate to dangerous stage. might be pale, hearing might mess up, might not feel pain. People say it feels like having a heart attack. feel helpless and have lost total control. Feel angry, lost and completely disorganized. Some people get panic attacks through heredity or through psychology. perseptions are poor. Some people learn panic ways through life experiences (ex. loss, change etc) or worried about being accepted.
Example: Pacing rapidly, gesturing, talking loudly, unable to listen, extremely emotional, demanding, even violent.
Now as adults we are all responsible for our actions and behaviors, but mental health & status is a legitimate mitigating factor that should always be considered in these situations.
It is a valid, scientific principle. One I've always defended as a Registered Nurse with psych degree/cert - it gives me a totally different perspective from other people, I realize, but I already had that....guess it's why I ended up where I did - to work healing people's bodies, minds & spirits....
being an empath steered me that way, I suppose, and made me good at helping people.
So I don't condemn Cajun or think less of him - I hope he is not in any trouble, esp with a wife and child.
I will never stop trying to help other people if I can...... I'm just not much use these days, needing help myself to survive.
"This, too, shall pass."