@Jesse I seriously doubt anything thats said on this forum would be admissible in any way shape or form to put someone away. Unless they witness exactly what happened in person and have a strong desire to come after you for any particular reason, the words on this forum are hearsay. It would not be worth anyone's time, expense or effort to come after someone who purchased a lil bit of this and a lil bit of that. Im not saying it wont happen or couldnt happen but they would have to want you incredibly bad in order to come after you or me for that. I probably just jinxed myself on this Friday the 13th but I am not overly concerned. I track because I have tweekers in my neighborhood that will rip off anything that is not nailed down. I have come to an agreement with them and hopefully they abide by it. I wont sic my dawg on them or shoot them, if they stay off my property. I think with the advent of online purchasing, the sheer volume of things have made it virtually impossible to stop something unless its reeks, rattles or comes from a place known for sending illicit things. I personally prefer using the red, white and blue carrier because they just cant open anything willy-nilly. There is a process that they have to use that involves a significant amount of effort and usually the things that are shipped are not worth that effort. The other companies are privately owned and can do whatever they want with a letter if they deem it suspicious. I doubt any one is hacking me or attempting to glean any info off my computer. I also doubt anyone would want to steal my identity cuz if they did, they will be sorely disappointed when they discover I am not rich and I am not having loads of diamonds from Africa or loads of gold shipped from Ft Knox. I am a ham and egger and not particularly worried about too much. Oh and I live in a decent middle class neighborhood. One of the people that live there just happens to be the grandson of the owner of the house. Its amazing what family will do for family. They were just raided by the fugitive t. force because someone had a warrant. That was an interesting morning. I live about 6 houses down from them and I have no interaction with them whatsoever and it will stay that way.
Swim posted this in an effort to waylay any fears and hopefully provide a lil insight on my experiences. In my 5 years of doing this, Swim has only had one letter absconded and that was years ago during a major operation to confiscate as much stuff as they can to make it look like they are doing their jobs. Ive read numerous articles where it was determined the a significant amount of letters contained something illicit and that the red, white and blue are the number one dealers in the country lol......
Either way I still get a lil anxious until things arrive and are in hand.
@DoomKitty sorry for using Swim but I could not resist lol....

I just dated myself as well.....my how the times have changed.
SY is a region of the country that used to be popular years ago before things change. It took me awhile to figure it out too but unless you donate, its not easy to figure out. I havent traveled in that region in a couple years. The reliability of magazines, letters, reading material or whatever anyone wants to call it has dramatically fallen off.