Anyone have experience with Etiz solution vs bars? I had no luck with the bars, but maybe solution would be more effective.
@rhodium - I can’t remember the answer so apologies if this is a repeat question - are you anticipating getting stock of Pyraz?
The S9O3tiz barz are legit af, from the analysis I've run on my old machine. It's not the most sensitive, state of the art newfangled contraption it once was but I spent the past year fine tuning it as best I could and the peaks resemble what I remember seeing from a decade of periodic analysis on the old stuff that I had once ordered so easily, so long ago.
How familiar are you w/the molecule? It's not technically a b3nz0 and the peaks are different, it shows up much sooner on your chromatogram than most of its relatives and perers out after a relatively short run time compared to what you may be used to.
You mention pyraz which is also more subtle than most yet in a completely different way, very different wavelengths between the two. I once considered 3tiz "weak" in the way the peaks registered in my machine and now could kick myself into oblivion for not having gotten so much more years ago!
I like the way I don't have to wait so long for it to register on my chromatogram, and then how it seems to have less longer lasting UNdesirable effects on the machine if ran too much too often compared to its cousins (personal experience only, of course, ymmv).
Point being, depending on how your machine is calibrated it may not register in the way you may be expecting from what you're used to, or may not be what you'd expect, which is exactly what I've come to love about it ironically now that it's not as easy to get as when I first found it.
I'm more interested in optimizing the functionality of my analytical equipment nowadays so if you have less sensitive equipment, perhaps alternatives like br0maz, cl0br0 or others may be for you? But if you like pyraz (and have had the real thing, which is hard to find but worth it for "functionality" IMO), even then the two are very different in the way they run on my machine
If you know 3tiz and you've for sure had the real thing just don't seem to get what you expected, are you sure it's "preban" you're comparing the bars to? From whst I understand, lots more stuff now is being sold as 3riz (and pyr@z too) but it's really other stuff. Many report thar it's more common to find fake than real now... just mentioning you might be comparing the real stuff in the bars to something that you had before that wasn't really 3tiz?
Solutions do tend to absorb better, so you may have better luck there. I like to make my own, but was gifted samples of the bars by Rhodium who is also proving himself to be legit af to me so far in every way. So if you got the same batch of bars as I did, they seem on point to me.
So much so that I figured the least I could do was write this and hope it helps you, and Rhodium, and anyone else interested in researching his offerings. From what I've seen so far they are the real deal, top quality. Same for Rhodium, and if any mistakes are made he won't stop until you're more than satisfied as long as you're chill and give him a chance to (as we saw above with B2N - Biz2, glad to hear you got everything and were satisfied, patience is a virtue bro, & "virtue" and "power" have the same linguistic roots)
<3 to all, and THANK YOU RHODIUM for EVERYTHING! I will be emailing you again soon for more!