
Wow. That describes me to a tee -sans the .25mg of seroquel for a crumb of remeron taken sublingually. My sleep has also taken a major hit in the years I've been without 3tiz. Up 'til then, just a little bit of powder on the end of a wet toothpick and I'd sleep like a log and would wake up refreshed. (never more than 2mg total throughout the night.) @Moonkey, I could also kick myself for not stockpiling when Powder City and everyone else had it dirt cheap!

So given the fact that it's been nearly 2 years since I've used 3tiz in any form, I feel like I should be able to provide a fairly accurate review of the S903's. (I really don't have a baseline for the solution tho because I've never tried it.)
Why do u like 3tiz so much? Do u get a buzz from it or something? What does it do that all of the other sub par rc benz they keep making doesn’t do? They all just get rid of anxiety and help sleep with small differences. Clam was the only one that actually gave me a buzz and I still have to drink with it for it to for it to pop
@unsui, I'm confused... above you just said you bought a gram. Back on the 26th, you said it was sent as a replacement? Did you buy another gram after you were so disappointed with the replacement?

Not trying to bring friction, just to understand.

@antonio7, I have had the 3tiz pwd and bars and am very familiar with it, if it's not the real deal I would be amazed and if you search most of the recent posts you'll find positive reviews. I didn't get clam when I could have years ago because I had gotten flu br0 mazey lam and the two were compared to each other (at least in potency) and I didn't care for the "case of the flu" so I foolishly missed out on clam, but if what Rhodi sent me is clam I should have gotten kilos of it, it's awesome whatever it is and EldritchMusic says it matches his memories... whatever it is, the few careful tests I've done with my machine so far make me want to test bigger amounts for sure!

The br0maz powder, I have, but the 2mg tablets from the other vendor mentioned are too powerful for the way my machine is calibrated. 1st assay was all it could do that day, and I ran a couple 4th before bed one night and woke up to find my machine was way off from usual... I think I was coming down with something so it may have affected my interpretation of the data, who knows, but I felt headachy and off from the tablet but probably coincidence.

Another hypothesis about the bro mazzy situation, It's been made illegal in China and I saw one Chinese vendor advertising a "new Bromazolam" (see quote below):

New Bromazolam,

CAS 105470-75-5
have not short name still, as its too new item
4H-[1,2,4]Triazolo[4,3-a][1,4]benzodiazepine, 8-bromo-1-ethyl-6-phenyl

please, compare with Bromazolam, its 98% the same item


Now I have no idea what's going on or where Rhodium gets his brom from, he's resourceful enough to have what others can't get and it amazes me to no end.

That being said, could his supplier have sent the "new brom@z" and it was close enough to be mistaken for the original on an LC run? I could easily see that happening. But anyone who knows their pharmacology 101 knows that a 2% difference in chemical structure can be night & day difference in effects

Also, the reality of the amounts vendors need to invest in a bulk purchase to get a decent profit margin after all the domestic fees and everything it takes to keep us all happy and supplied is a lot! I know what it's like in business to get stuck with sub par material, and I know the tough choice of having to take a hit that can set you back in a way that could be a threat to stability... yet from what I have seen so far, Rhodium will make it right if someone has a legit complaint, once he realizes it. He deals with his own "customer" scammers (and people sabotaging his menu, and imitating his email trying to ruin his reputation AND scam his customers). It's not an easy position to be in and hard to tell when someone new has a legit complaint about inert material that weighed under, or there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed and will mean taking a loss for who knows how much...

Just saying, put yourself in the other guy's shoes. It's not an easy job, however it may look.

There's also the sad fact that some people are never happy or try to complain and get free stuff for no legit flaw on the vendor's part.

Looking back at the recent complaints (and I mean no disrespect or accusation to anyone), most are from new members and many were just confused and came around once it was explained that 3t1z is different from regular b3nz0s, and long term members are leaving solid reviews.

I'm going to have to take one for the team and assay the br0maz as soon as I can find a day to spend on the data interpretation... who knows, maybe I'll like it better than the heavy hitting stuff? I'll report back as soon as possible but it may be a few weeks before I can risk being out a day...

Recent reports of solutions being weak etc., could be a tolerance issue (etiz can help you sleep at less than a mg, near miraculously, as Aeon Flux observed... but a whole bunch can be shrugged off too by most people with any willpower even if they have zero tolerance, at least from what I've seen... it's not like what 16mg @lp would do to an avg person. But it's great for what it does.

Okay I've said enough for now. @EldritchMusic or anyone else who knows a good 3rd party lab that can help set the record straight, I will be happy to cover testing on what I have as a favor to Rhodium, he's done me a solid and if I can clear his name and bring peace of mind to new customers... it's the least I can do.

Will continue to update on my own amateur assay runs as well, as time permits

Love to all, only through objective discussion and sharing experience can we find truth, and one great truth is that there's always mystery in life. I can only share my experiences and have no desire to invalidate anyone else's
Yes, you are correct. I did not have an item show, and so he luckily replaced it with bromaz and 5-apb, but not sure how that's relevant to the quality of the bromaz...?
Id like to weigh. in I just bought a g of bromaz from Rhodi. Before this I have zero tolerance. Nobody has CHEAP bromaz powder so I thought id give it a go. I have to take around 4mg just to get an effect and 8mg to get good sedation. A couple of years ago I remember bromaz hitting harder. It could be cut or a different substance. Also the pack was short between 75-150mg Overall 4/10

I really want to give the clam a go, it used to be my favorite benzo
I also had someone get some to test out and same reports as you, they are experienced with researching this chem though. They usually research 4mg, yet with this powder they needed 8mg to achieve affects that were slightly weaker.

No hate on rhodium as it’s not 100% in his control, just sucks to receive product that is approximately half the quality.
Had anyone tried the clam or clobro from Rhodi? The whole point of buying a g of benzo powder was so I could have something that will last me a long while. As I said before I need 4mg of this just to get started and recreational effects don't t until 8 mg.

I'm ready to give them another shot on a different benzo powder. I'll let you guys know what happens
Followup. He made right an order where he short shipped me 2,000 sticks. The he said he would send extra 300 to make it right. He did not. Not a big deal, whatever, hes going thru tough times rn. The blue sticks he sends with bromaz are shockingly weak, my machine barely detects anything. The others he sent are supposedly etiz which would be excellent but after breaking the 3mg stick in half, the machine spent the entire night fogged out and booted up this morning still funky.

Bmaz powders apparently being cut dramatically. Not sure, never ordered. If his reviews improve soon ill place a big order and get back to business.
Followup. He made right an order where he short shipped me 2,000 sticks. The he said he would send extra 300 to make it right. He did not. Not a big deal, whatever, hes going thru tough times rn. The blue sticks he sends with bromaz are shockingly weak, my machine barely detects anything. The others he sent are supposedly etiz which would be excellent but after breaking the 3mg stick in half, the machine spent the entire night fogged out and booted up this morning still funky.

Bmaz powders apparently being cut dramatically. Not sure, never ordered. If his reviews improve soon ill place a big order and get back to business but for now I'm going to use BestBenzo
I wanna add. Working with Rhodium has been fire up until recently. The guy had dope communications, products on point. Overshipping stuff. I can understand one dude doing all this just running out of steam and sanity to deal with all of it. I'm just gonna have to lay low on it for a bit til i see some improved reviews
Placed my first donation through Rhodium roughly two weeks ago and it arrived roughly a week after donation was completed. I've been interested in subscribing to his service for a long time but never got around to placing a donation.
@rhodium recently added a mag to his catalogue that I've been hunting for over ten years. My jaw hit the floor when I saw the listing and I immediately pulled the trigger on placing a donation. Rhodium was easy to work with and communication was mostly smooth once I got a hold of him. Grabbed several different mags and he informed me ahead of time that the books would be arriving in 2 separate units. Really appreciated the heads up on that.
Tried a few of his quicker reads and the quality was on point. Haven't gotten a chance to sample his mag that you could say I've been waiting an eternity to get, but I'm very excited to read it.
Will definitely be placing another donation in the near future as it seems like Rhodium is constantly adding new books to his catalogue that are nearly impossible to find elsewhere. He has one of the most impressive catalogues of any vendor in this community. In fact, his catalogue is so diverse that I bet there's a book on there for everyone.
With all that being said, I did have several issues with this donation and I cannot in good conscience neglect to mention them in this review. 1. His OPSEC wasn't bad but admittedly, it could use some improvement. 2. Communication was excellent once I got a hold of him, but he took several days to respond to my initial email. 3. I've sent him several emails asking for more details on his magazines and inventory and he never answered my questions. Would love to place another donation this week but don't feel comfortable doing so until I hear back from him on those inquiries.
Overall I'd give my first donation with Rhodium an 8/10.
I'm awaiting subscription payment for the same thing. I'm also a lover of and been looking for an Eternity
Why do u like 3tiz so much? Do u get a buzz from it or something? What does it do that all of the other sub par rc benz they keep making doesn’t do? They all just get rid of anxiety and help sleep with small differences. Clam was the only one that actually gave me a buzz and I still have to drink with it for it to for it to pop
@Sn0wman420...I accept your argument to a certain degree as tiz is similar to lorazepam in terms of onset of action, duration and effect in my experience. Unlike lorazepam tho, I can use it for months on end without developing major tolerance at doses of 1-2mg. But maybe the best thing about it is its short half-life which makes it great as a middle-of-the-night sleep aid.

As has been repeatedly pointed out here, everybody reacts differently. I for one don't get any 'buzz' from consuming alcohol, no matter the amount. And I think most people on this forum would agree that alcohol alone doesn't possess any worthwhile anxiolytic properties, which is probably NOT representative of the general population.
Now, on to solutions: @EldritchMusic, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the recommendation of Kykeon! That testing for impurities part sounds almost too good to be true! I got something sold as 3tiz from another vendor who I have nothing against, but I attempted to dissolve it in pure ethanol and it left all kinds of yucky residue and the solution was orange and smelled weird and I haven't wanted to run it in my machine just from that (one more reason I prefer powder over presses). I did the exact same thing with the 3tiz from Rhodium and the crystal clear solution is so beautiful and does exactly what the stuff I made from what I got a decade ago does when assayed in my machine.

I will do my best to get samples out and prove the legitimacy of everything I know I've gotten that's good from Rhodium. I feel like it's the least I can do for the guy

It does sound like there may be a problem with some of the brom@z and I empathize with the position he must be in if so, and encourage everyone else to do the same.

I highly doubt he said to his source: "hey, send me a bunch of "pseudo-brom@z" and destroy the reputation I've worked so hard to build, it'll be great!" I strongly suspect the "new brom@z" from my earlier post that one place from China at least had the decency to admit was a different molecule and "98% the same" which could mean anything pharmacologically. I don't think Rhodium would have knowingly bought a bunch, and the guy's probably in quite an awkward situation with the whole thing...

I don't want to lose this vendor. I feel like I should start a "go fund me" to raise donations to help him recover! @rhodium I will email you soon and help you make some back, at the very least.

Everyone else, I implore you to consider the big picture... from what I have seen of how this guy operates, he'll find a way to make it right with everyone but if he got a lot of it, it may take a bit.

Just ask yourself what's better, wait and get it made right and continue being able to order all these things no one else can even get, or be impatient and demanding and risk losing the only vendor I've seen with half the stuff on the menu here and a genuinely chill and righteous dude from my own interactions with him and every review I can recall from anyone who knows that people have lives and things happen and all one can really ask for when they do is to find a way to make it right, which every review I've seen from anyone who had the patience to do so eventually posted that they were satisfied, and usually "blown away" from what I can recall.

Okay I'll get off my soap box now, thanks to everyone for your careful consideration and if I've offended anyone I apologize, it was not intended and I really want to see everything work out okay and this one hiccup be a thing of the past while amazing new stuff continues to appear on this vendor's menu for years to come
I just wanted to update. My bromaz I ordered was no good. Clearly it wasn’t just me, several people reported the same problem here. Also never got my kp’s either from approx 2 weeks ago. Rhodium did reach out to me to addressing my complaint within 24-48 hours or so. He is attempting to make it right as soon as possible. So I gotta give him credit for that. I’m sure he’s busy as ever. Things happen with suppliers, and shit happens in general. Will update
I just wanted to update. My bromaz I ordered was no good. Clearly it wasn’t just me, several people reported the same problem here. Also never got my kp’s either from approx 2 weeks ago. Rhodium did reach out to me to addressing my complaint within 24-48 hours or so. He is attempting to make it right as soon as possible. So I gotta give him credit for that. I’m sure he’s busy as ever. Things happen with suppliers, and shit happens in general. Will update
Shit does happen. From what I’ve noticed he seems to be making the bromaz problem right with everyone, which is absolutely solid
To everyone posting information about 'lam presses/powders, fucking thank you for sharing your input, even when you're out of money :(. There isn't a lot of current information out there and I have preban drugsdata.org (RIP, hopefully their lab gets fda approval again) tested stuff and a incoming mag better be like it. I'm kind of disappoint regarding the clam sitatuation and I'm glad I went the other route but nothing is for certain.

Fuck I think I got the orange bullshit.
Last edited:
Placed first time order with @rhodium of etiz Solution early last week.
Will leave review upon receivin

Second order from this vendor touched down today. Magazines were exactly as described, high quality and packaged well. I was a little concerned when the first one arrived two days earlier, but the vendor kept in good contact and reassured me that they always ship each different mag separately and that it is not unusual for them to arrive a couple days apart. All contact has been helpful and brief which I always appreciate. Looking forward to this mutually beneficial subscription with high hopes
How long did it take to get your first roughly?
A DBG member mentioned in passing that Rhodium domestic shipping is highly erratic. This was several months ago - have others found this to be the case recently?
I placed my order for my first mag on March 2, still waiting but I'm not sure if it was domestic or not. Anyway he offered shipping tracking for $50 I thought that was a gouge. Just my 2 pennies
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for Coolchems.com?
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone