
Hey Rift! I really hope you can find a printing press of Nitraz!!! By far my fav next to etiz.
Yes it is unfortunate. My suppliers said they would continue production if I placed bulk orders. I even offered to pay in advance of the production, but they changed their minds. I haven't been able to find it anywhere else.

For those that have not read my website, we are on our last batch of Nitrazolam and after it runs out we will be removing the product.

We have restocked green bromaz tablets. Pyrazolam is out of stock for now.
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Yes it is unfortunate. My suppliers said they would continue production if I placed bulk orders. I even offered to pay in advance of the production, but they changed their minds. I haven't been able to find it anywhere else.

For those that have not read my website, we are on our last batch of Nitrazolam and after it runs out we will be removing the product.

We have restocked green bromaz tablets. Pyrazolam is out of stock for now.
If I just placed an order for some 3 hours after seeing this, is it safe to assume I got some of the nitraz?

Sorry they bailed on you Rift, supply chain issues are 😤
All emails responded to

Anyone without a tracking will be sent one tomorrow.

Wait on Pyraz, rilmaz, and seeing whats going on with the nifoxipam shipment, as well as the 4fmph and 2fdck crystal.
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Good amount of stock in this batch, another 3-7 days worth left.

Damn, I'll likely miss the last stock, then. So it goes. I'll settle for the Bromaz and Clobro, I suppose. I was planning on making an early morning purchase, but purchased Crypto using a Fiat Deposit from my bank. Everything listed claimed it was "Instant" and "No Fee". Welp, I got the coin, but can't touch it for 7 business days until it "clears" my bank.

Going forward, I'm just using my bank card and will pay the fee for the actual "Instant" usage. SMH.

Happy Sunday Rift and all others! Have a good week, and a better start to the day than my small annoyance.

I'll be placing an order with ya once again in the next week or so. Maybe some new products/info will have come down the pipeline and this small deterrence I've experienced won't all be for naught.
Tracking has been sent for all orders.

Nitrazolam is now out of stock for good unless we find another supplier but highly unlikely.

Pyrazolam, rilmazafone, and nifoxipam are still coming as well as 4fmph and 2fdck. 4F-mph 10mg tablets will have to have a price raise if we restock due to supplier cost increase on new routes.
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Taking a short break today as I have some admin stuff I have to tend to. Will respond to emails later in the night. Orders with tracking will be sent out today and orders made today will have tracking either tonight or tomorrow.
Not complaining or anything as Rift is awesome, but apparently someone got the clobro and bromaz tested a few weeks ago, and on average the bromaz contain 1.3mg, while the clobro contain .25mg (I'm assuming this was when they were being sold as .5mg tablets). Just wondering now whether the new 1mg clobro are actually .5mg. It seems like everything is pretty underdosed. I received my more recent order of bromazolam and pyrazolam, and he was awesome to send many extras of the bromazolam. However, I literally took 10 of the pyrazolam over the course of 5 hours or so and barely felt a thing... had to eat a bromazolam and clobro to start to feel anything.
Not complaining or anything as Rift is awesome, but apparently someone got the clobro and bromaz tested a few weeks ago, and on average the bromaz contain 1.3mg, while the clobro contain .25mg (I'm assuming this was when they were being sold as .5mg tablets). Just wondering now whether the new 1mg clobro are actually .5mg. It seems like everything is pretty underdosed. I received my more recent order of bromazolam and pyrazolam, and he was awesome to send many extras of the bromazolam. However, I literally took 10 of the pyrazolam over the course of 5 hours or so and barely felt a thing... had to eat a bromazolam and clobro to start to feel anything.
Unsui, I wish I could DM you bro... this is the second time in the past 24hrs I've found myself wishing I could donate to upgrade your account lol (all positive!)

Can I ask where that testing was done at (if you know)? My own machine is old and I lack the proper reference standards. But my interpretation of the limited data from the few runs I've done on it so far has indicated some *possible* variation between presses from the same shipment. Can't say high or low w/o proper certified reference materials, just hints of variations between runs, but again it could be my own flawed interpretation of the data.

Chromatography is not the exact science most ppl think it is, data between labs varies significantly and different people at the same lab (or even the same person on two different days) can be off by a surprising margin with even the most recent, high dollar equipment. But so far nothing of major concern registered on my old, outdated equipment (take that for what it's worth, lol)

I've been meaning to search for 3rd party lab recommendations on here, if you (or anyone else) can share? Also, you said "average," do you know how many were tested and what the range of variance was?

In defense of Rift, I know a few things about pressing and it's VERY difficult to get it standardized anywhere near 100%, especially when rushing to make it available to everyone who wants it yesterday. You can press fast, or accurately, but not both sadly. That being said, I have no complaints so far personally, but I have admittedly found myself occasionally wondering (idly) about the degree of uniformity of them. Not with any dissatisfaction though!

2nd question, are the pyraz's u have pink?

I've only assayed a few pinkys so far and they definitely registered, well enough that I ordered more ;) But, it was with with much "higher frequency" peaks than the bro's, which have much stronger "low frequency" output on the chromatogram, if you follow me. Very different signatures between them.

If you're calibrated toward the lower end of the spectrum, you might not have registered the vastly different signature of the pyraz. But it definitely showed up the few times I ran it, and strong peaks in its own way. I had to be careful not to overload my machine actually. It just registered on a very different wavelength than the bros, so much that if it was calibrated differently I could see it not detecting anything. Same with another analyst on a different machine (one could easily misinterpret the data as "delusions of inactivity" if you will). But I found my own machine actually seemed to function better with the pyraz frequency, and others have reported similar findings. Just a much "lighter" resonance, but definitely there.

But I heard the latest pyraz run was blue? I hope those are on par, I have more on the way. If yours were blue please tell me

Nothing but respect for Rift from my end so far. Will continue to update & thanks for sharing Unsui! Without CRMs I've nothing to compare to, so I can't say "over" or "under" objectively on anything. Just sharing what I have found so far, and humbly requesting details if you have any :)
I have no idea where it was done, just saw a reddit post of someone who sent it into a 3rd party testing company. The reddit poster only mentioned "on average" when it came to the bromaz. They didn't give any info on how many they tested or the range of variance, but I can inquire.

The pyraz I received were pink, yes. I was just stunned 20mg of it barely did much. I'm fairly experienced with benzos and due have a bit of a tolerance, but even people with no tolerance barely felt the nitrazolam at 4mg doses, which would seem like it would fuck a non-tolerant user up or feel something.

That's all I got for now. There's got to be a better way of pressing these tablets, since if there's variance between them, no one really knows the dose they're taking. Not only is that dangerous but it would seem very difficult to do any sort of taper.
Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. xenxra @ xenxra: deleted
  2. Robotanical @ Robotanical: That's a good rule to follow. Offline password manager, too.
  3. RiftChems @ RiftChems: My simple rule to stay safe: diff passwords for everything stored in a password manager, constantly check connected devices on critical platforms/IP logs of logins. Never click links from any email or DM.
  4. P @ psychedpsych: @xenxra oh ya someone is targeting me and it’s caused hell between me, my mom, and family. I got the message universe I’m, in the safest and healthiest way, distancing myself from places that people like that are more prevalent. 🫣😥 Worst part is I have had some things in my logs and such that after awhile I have a damn good idea where it’s coming from. I just want it to stop, like mentally I’m stressed to a scary point(other life bs too).
  5. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Guess I should've read the comments before posting. I hope everyone is well and having a wonderful day!
  6. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: @Strength I got the same email, im guessing scam for sure.
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: seems to be a lot of weird emails going around lately for people here
  8. J @ jsntwg: dr.williamsbro@gmail.com
  9. J @ jsntwg: Anybody else seen an email from this guy asking about acquiring raw materials (nuts)……not kidding
  10. R @ rhodium: @Strength its a phishing scam
  11. Strength @ Strength: Is dbg sending out emails to us about some weird shutdown thing? Dm me if so
  12. M @ Mammasboi123: Be careful out there fam! The idiots with the Seznam.cz email address are sending out mass phishing emails again. If you get an email from them, just delete it and move along 🫡
  13. G @ GABAtastic: @knofflebon lmfao 🤣 @rockychoc good one lol
  14. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc I legit was thinking "Whoa, whatever it is I need to subscribe!" before I realized it was a freaking pun.
  15. K @ knofflebon: @rockychoc 🤣
  16. Y @ Yaugae5121: lol seriously mammasboi! Ive been 5/5 finding vendors on here and have had nothing but positive experiences myself. Follow their advice nfrench!
  17. M @ Mammasboi123: @nfrenched92 you must be looking in the wrong places my friend. If I have any suggestion, it would be to ALWAYS check the first page of a vendor’s thread, and then check the last 5-6 most recent pages of their thread as well to get a sense of what’s been happening recently. If a vendor has multiple negative reviews that have not been addressed, I would probably look elsewhere unless it’s $$ I can afford to lose
  18. rockychoc @ rockychoc: It's impossible to put down!
  19. rockychoc @ rockychoc: I’m currently reading a book about anti-gravity
  20. Gleezy @ Gleezy: Happy new years DBG fam! Finally the holidays are over phew! Time to get back to our regular scheduled program 🤣