I wasnt sure where to post this ?... I have been a member of dbg for a while, And have ordered many times from moda, ttm and jim, because i have only needed benzos and sometimes mj.....i recently had a bad knee injury, and was on perks for about a month...knee started to get better, but reinjured it a few days ago and same dr did not want to prescibe me anymore opiates....im now willing to start using sy vendors, but i have only taken perks or viks, and not a fan of the xtra tylenol......i would like to order oxycodone, but not sure if the roxy (fast acting) or oxy (longer acting) is better for pain. I also dont have insurance right now, so this is a convenient way to treat my problem. I see many sy vendors have the roxy as more expensive than the longer acting....is that because it is more effective?? I would like to place an order asap with a vendor, but because of the steep prices, i want to make the"correct order"
if anyone can help me understand this difference better, please pm me or respond to thread.....i was on taking about 20-30 mg of 7.5/325 perks or viks....thank you in advance
if anyone can help me understand this difference better, please pm me or respond to thread.....i was on taking about 20-30 mg of 7.5/325 perks or viks....thank you in advance