
@Bigshot I have a similiar story although mine doesn't start as young as yours but... Make sure you get counciling with the SUbx treatment. Filling the physical need gap only only does so much for you.. There is extreme amounts of mental rubble/damage left over from being a opiate addict and more specifically an IV user. The is a hole in you that will never be filled except by that rush and blanket effect. I wish you the most of luck. I thought I had myself totally cleaned up after 3.5 years on done I went a year clean (tapered off successfully) and just ehen I started feeling totally normal again with no lingering WD from the years of done I decided i thought I could try it just once more... well once was twice and twice was everytime I needed motivation and that was everyday... I haven't been back on the train too long and didnt go back to the IV use but still I realize no matter what it is a lifelong struggle... and I wish you only good things.. no matter what tho you will be bangin up in you dreams when your 80 still... But counciling and groups (I know lame right) really help and talking about the cravings and feelings regularly will help prevent you from going back to the using.... I have no experience with subx the couple time I tried it made me sick as f*ck and I tried once switching from done to subs and I went 72 hours since my last done dose and was startign to go into mild WDs... I took the 8m sub in the dr office(was prescribed 4x 8mg per day)... walked out the door from my first visit and by the time I was driving away from the dr office a cold swear hit me and about 15min later seriously the worst WD I have ever had in my life!!! Thought that I might die... thank god I wasn't driving... never filled my script and went striaght back to the done clinic once the sub wore off

I really genuinely appreciate your good words and hope wolverine. Its not very often that I hear from someone who can relate to me being an IV opiate user. I just recently started seeing a counselor. I went threw a couple in the process trying to find one who could help me. Only in the past year or so have I come to realize that I will never be able to stop addiction. The subs keep my brain happy and most of the time content but as you know....some days those cravings get bad and night after night of trying to get high in my dreams I find myself looking for some h again. I try and stay busy so I don't think about it much but its always on my mind almost obsessive even if its been months of steady sub use. I moved from FL up to SC to try and distance myself from it all (liven with mom and pops again atm) and I realy got my head clear  but I still found dope up here. Im moving back home to FL to start a new job here in a few nervous and excited. Ive got a lot of good clean homies to help me keep strait. All in all im pretty happy with life now....I saw you said you got prescribe 4x8mg a day....that's a strrrong dose. How long you been doing opiates>?/ m-done?p

Wow, this all sounds familiar. I, like bigshot, grew up in the Deep South. In the good ole days we'd drive from New Orleans to Mississippi then on to Florida, hitting a couple drs on the ride. Used to hit up Houston as well. Stupid greedy ppl ruined the legal aquitition of our beloved meds. Remove the illegal element, allow us to use our health insurance and almost all of the drawbacks of using these meds disappears. 10 years on meds and I still had a great job, a nice home, and a loving family. Add in the criminal element forced upon us by gov't regulations and many of our lives have fallen apart. I have rebounded but there were many trying years in there that were totally avoidable. I am not saying I did not make terrible mistakes in the past. I know this. All I'd like to convey is the easy to aquire medicine era and it's eventual destruction was a catylst for many of our problems.

@Bigshot I have a similiar story although mine doesn't start as young as yours but... Make sure you get counciling with the SUbx treatment. Filling the physical need gap only only does so much for you.. There is extreme amounts of mental rubble/damage left over from being a opiate addict and more specifically an IV user. The is a hole in you that will never be filled except by that rush and blanket effect. I wish you the most of luck. I thought I had myself totally cleaned up after 3.5 years on done I went a year clean (tapered off successfully) and just ehen I started feeling totally normal again with no lingering WD from the years of done I decided i thought I could try it just once more... well once was twice and twice was everytime I needed motivation and that was everyday... I haven't been back on the train too long and didnt go back to the IV use but still I realize no matter what it is a lifelong struggle... and I wish you only good things.. no matter what tho you will be bangin up in you dreams when your 80 still... But counciling and groups (I know lame right) really help and talking about the cravings and feelings regularly will help prevent you from going back to the using.... I have no experience with subx the couple time I tried it made me sick as f*ck and I tried once switching from done to subs and I went 72 hours since my last done dose and was startign to go into mild WDs... I took the 8m sub in the dr office(was prescribed 4x 8mg per day)... walked out the door from my first visit and by the time I was driving away from the dr office a cold swear hit me and about 15min later seriously the worst WD I have ever had in my life!!! Thought that I might die... thank god I wasn't driving... never filled my script and went striaght back to the done clinic once the sub wore off
Hi Wolverine! That was one prolific post! Beautifully said! Man i had to up your star and reputation count for that. Xo

I really genuinely appreciate your good words and hope wolverine. Its not very often that I hear from someone who can relate to me being an IV opiate user. I just recently started seeing a counselor. I went threw a couple in the process trying to find one who could help me. Only in the past year or so have I come to realize that I will never be able to stop addiction. The subs keep my brain happy and most of the time content but as you know....some days those cravings get bad and night after night of trying to get high in my dreams I find myself looking for some h again. I try and stay busy so I don't think about it much but its always on my mind almost obsessive even if its been months of steady sub use. I moved from FL up to SC to try and distance myself from it all (liven with mom and pops again atm) and I realy got my head clear  but I still found dope up here. Im moving back home to FL to start a new job here in a few nervous and excited. Ive got a lot of good clean homies to help me keep strait. All in all im pretty happy with life now....I saw you said you got prescribe 4x8mg a day....that's a strrrong dose. How long you been doing opiates>?/ m-done?p[/quote
I just wanted to wish you the BEST! I know you will get a tremendous support here. I will think of you often. Xo
Not all of us here are currently using daily, myself included. I was hooked on zos and soma. Went cold turkey. Had seizures and everything. I was in the hospital forever and a day. I got 5150d and stayed for the rehab. I took it seriously. It was my second time in rehab. My Mom had just passed a few months before so i did not want to feel anything. The second time my husband found me (now ex-husband) bloodied and broken at the bottom of the basement stairs is when i took it seriously. Broken cheek bones, broken ankle, broken arm, two black eyes (how the fuck do you do that?) and a concussion (hey! I was doin laundry) that was pretty fucking sad. I heard my Mom telling me to straighten the hell up. And i did. However you get there, know what I am sayin. There is nothing lame about the 12 steps, that shit is hard. Everyone should work the 12 even if you are not an addict. IMHO anyway.

I had a serious coke problem in 1988 smoked it every day& night for 2 yrs. when I went to treatment I had 5 warrants for hot checks & stood to lose my family. When I got out of rehab I really had that obsession bad. I had to drop all my so called friends. It stayed on me for a year before I started to not think about it every minute. I had dreams almost every night. Slowly over time it got better. The 12 steps really saved my life. I think that is why I am so careful with my pain meds & try to only take what I need. People who have not gone though it really don't understand the obsession. It kicked my ass quick. It was my drug of choice from the moment I tried it. I thought I would never get that monkey off my back. I also want to wish you the best & say hang in their & I hope it gets easier for you. Don't give up & reach out to others during the weak moments.

Aw cripes nickiean, i went through that the exact same year, but for only six months or so. Dealer was my boyfriend. One day i decided to try it and BAM. Six months straight. Yeah, i know those dreams. I remember smoking that shit and laughing about flight 103 crashing over lockerbie. LAUGHING. I had a beautiful condo and a great job and a brand new car. Everyone moved in with me. One day i had HAD it with everyone looking out the windows all of the time and threw themall out. They went to a hotel. I caved and decided I needed the drugs so I went to our hotel of choice. Drove in a saw police everywhere! My bf and our friends getting perpwalked out of the room. They got busted with several keys. I never looked back. Glad you made it out too.

@Bigshot I live in the city on the Gulf Coast one state over (I call it the Florida part of Alabama) and had no idea about the pill mills in northwest FL. I always thought it was a central/south Florida thing. In hindsight I'm king of glad I didn't because I would probably be 10 times more of a mess than I am now.

Yes I am very careful with my pain meds. My doc is very generous but I don't take near as much as I could. I don't take my Oxee at all . I take the Percs & do fine. I never want to be out of control like that again.

It was fun while it lasted. I grew up in Destin FL and Fort Walton Beach FL.....I remember when the pill mills first popped up. I believe I was 15-16 and selling weed back then. I had a mutual friend who also sold weed introduce me to an older cat who had some tabs and percs for sale as I was buying them to re sell to some of my friends in the younger age group. He told me he had roxys also...Didn't realy know what that was at the time. He gave me one for free and also a few to his other friend that had linked us up. I remember snorting a quarter 30 for the first time and was blown away by how much I enjoyed it....Word spread quick about how awesome they were and none of us new how dangerous and addicting they were....There was probably 20 of us that hung out in a group on the reg...of those 20...10 of them got addicted...of those 10...5 stayed doing them for years and even currently do (including myself)....None of my crew was old enough to see the doctors...the age limit was 24...don't ask me why...that's just what it was...We would find a dude old enough who had broken a limb or anything dumb like that in the persons life time...didn't matter if it was a broken finger in the 3rd grade...if you had an MRI with your name on it. You were golden(or if you knew where to get fake MRI's...but that's another story) We would drive to the nearest pain clininc...for was in Pensacola FL.. about 45 mins away. (dr.sheradon). We would get there around 6am as there was already a line out the door waiting to see him. Our guy would get in line while we bullshitted in the parkinglot talking to other dealers and users.(Got high all day) It usuially took anywhere from 4-6hrs to see the doc and be back on the road with the written script. (some pill mills had inhouse pharmacy but he didn't) the first part of the journey was done....The most important part was knowing where to get the scripts needed a privately owned mom and pop type pharmacy because not fill these huge scripts to crazy pills....So we would drive an hour north to Baker Fl...Spend 600$ to fill the 90 2mg zany bars. 180 oxy 30s and 180 oxy 15s....or dillys or opana or oc's when they were still around...the doc would write you whatever you wanted realy....Years went by..Docs got busted...pharmacys got busted....lots of the youth was wayyy strung out....pills skyrocketed....heroin hit my town...started using that because it was on subs....never realy got clean.....7 years later and still on subs and always craveing heroin...oxy...w.e it is....its been a crazy ride thus far
It is such a shame that most pan not get their pain treated. I for one think it's no different than treating any other disease. I really had a hard time before I found a good doc who would treat my pain. It's amazing how much calmer you are & you take less meds when you know you have them when you need them. I know it's not all in my head because I have a lot if pain issues. Having them addressed has made a big difference .

I was taking oxcee after spine surgery and was getting real good euphoria with 15mg doses.

I have since started taking roxcee and I am getting good pain relief from 15mg, but I'm not getting that strong euphoria as I was getting with my prescribed oxcee's.

Anyone have any tips on how to get a better affect from it? Try snorting it? Would I snort the same dose size or adjust it? Also anything else worth trying in the op8 family? Like dilotdid?

I was taking oxcee after spine surgery and was getting real good euphoria with 15mg doses.

I have since started taking roxcee and I am getting good pain relief from 15mg, but I'm not getting that strong euphoria as I was getting with my prescribed oxcee's.

Anyone have any tips on how to get a better affect from it? Try snorting it? Would I snort the same dose size or adjust it? Also anything else worth trying in the op8 family? Like dilotdid?
What you are describing is called "tolerance." Be careful, because this is a sign of addiction. That said, usually the only way to get around said tolerance, is to up the dose. In your case from 15 mg to 20 it would look like. Oxcee and roxcee is the same stuff. I guess you could snort it, and I'm not judging anyone, (god knows I have no right to) but that seems like something an addict would do. And we come to that word again. It comes in pill form for a reason. Oxcee has a high enough oral bioavailability, anyway.

If you can stand to taper your dose down to 10 or even 5 for like a week or so, the 15 will pack a better punch again when you come back to it. This is also a good way to check how deep the stuff has its claws sunk into you.

The other op8 you mentioned has low bioavailability in most routes other than IV. I don't know how far you're willing to go to chase that dragon. I would advise against, but you're your own man.

I would like to state that I'm not a doctor or a lawyer so you might want to do some googlin' before experimenting.

Stay safe.


Well said Two . I really have cut my pain meds down to just my Percs. When I do have a really bad pain day & have to take the roxi 30 mg they really work well . Now I find I usually only take my Percs. It's also nice to have a nice stash on hand. I used to run low because I was taking way to many.. I get 180 of Percs & 90 of oxy4g a month & I would run low. I also feel better now also . I have only taken mine orally. It's dangerous also because it can suppress your breathing. It can be a fine line. Please be safe!!!

Yes they are all but gone very few and far between. Even if you can get a script then you have to deal with finding them down there and that's about impossible these days. I have been told that you have to fill in the county that the script was written in and if you have a fake ID and address with another county then that even lessens your chances. 

But if I have to say i like the M's the best then the A's but as another said i never had one that i didn't like.

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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!