He was s shillI don't know, that's a pretty wild guess... /default_wink.png
He was s shillI don't know, that's a pretty wild guess... /default_wink.png
Good catch!A south american pharmacy that we do not allow here.
Well GMs, /default_wink.png
My dude J came through again! I received my letter with the usual less than 24 hour turnaround time. The blue tictacs are 100% legit, and in typical J fashion I received a few extras!
I can't comment on the Vikings (all credit goes to HB for the new urban dictionary term), but the 30 Blue TicTacs have 100% potency!
J has delivered again, hopefully he continues providing us with reliable and quick source that caters to our needs just like before the whole "weak Kaynaeen issue" happened.
Amen to thatWell if you are a shill someone will figure it out and admin will kick you out. They are pretty good about keeping the boards safe. Promote to your hearts content. If your guy screws people over it won't be more than once. Hopefully someone will try him out. I for one don't have the cash to waste
You might already know this, but as you use certain substances their effects and how you experience them can change over time. Initially, 0piods act as a depressant for a lot of people but then a large portion of those people begin to experience them as a more "speedy" fashion. Also, have you considered that you might have developed a tolerance? Just some things to think about, if you haven't already.If I wasn't I wouldn't be talking to my customers and fixing their crap.. I'd be falling on my ass and passed out. But sadly I'm not. =(
Absolutely. I think what you gotta do (if possible) is stay away from ALL 0piates/0p1ods for that two weeks and then try these again. I hate to say it, but even without escalating the dosage, just doing (especially) Vikings over time will give you a tolerance. I've also found that hydr0 tolerance develops the fastest. 0xy is a lil better when it comes to keeping tolerance down -- not that I'm advising you to switch over to a more potent med.I have been thinking about that all the time. Spoke with a member on this forum in PM about it. I've been taking different kinds of vi kngs in past few years, all were 5 em gee. I would take 2 of 5emgee and get a decent effect every time in morning. I ordered 100 of ten em gee eight fifty three from J for first time - they were great. I would take one or two at time in morning and night and every time i will feel it. I never took more than 2 at once, during the first batch of 100. Then lil more a month later I bought another 100 and wanting to take less a day, not total 4 a day as they are pricey as hell. I never took any for two days before I received the second order of 100s, took one.... nothing, another, again nothing. Took 2 more, nothing. 3 more, bingo - feeling something but by then i was getting tired as hell. This morning I took 4 and got nothing. Now got over half leftover. I just never had this kind of problem before.
I will do 2 weeks of nothing after this weekends and see how that goes..... and I will be getting some five em gee pink spec ks from a friend next Friday or so.