I posted my actual experience 2 orders on time in a 4 day period. Try clearing the cookies In one of the responces from them he mentioned they doing something to website and if I had problems clear cookies. Truth....I hope I'm wrong but this just screams scam to me...there is no way of contacting vendor from the website or am I missing something ? Are the people ordering from the vendor contacting the poster that started the thread to get the contact info?
Not sure whats "screaming scam", or maybe you're not reading through this thread all the way. He is LEGIT, he is trustworthy, and he will continue to come through for whoever orders from him.I hope I'm wrong but this just screams scam to me...there is no way of contacting vendor from the website or am I missing something ? Are the people ordering from the vendor contacting the poster that started the thread to get the contact info?
No question he is very accomindating. Hey AR its better for the people that use him right now that only a few can hear. You know once they get to busy (pharm) then we'll lose that feeling that I have. Right now its like having "my own private pharmacy". AR thanks for the 411 on Juan. If he was any more responsive, it would have to go to phone calls.Not sure whats "screaming scam", or maybe you're not reading through this thread all the way. He is LEGIT, he is trustworthy, and he will continue to come through for whoever orders from him.
If youre too nervous to take the plunge, just wait a little while while the positive reviews keep coming. Not sure how many good reviews you need, but just keep reading.
"J" is a good guy, and i hope he can help anyone on the forum here that needs someone they can depend on every time to come through.
NO CHANCE this guy is a scam. Not even close.
I some how think they all have the same.......Lets just say CEO........and they are all just franchises, A franchise (Mcdonalds) in the business world is given guide lines and some equipment, most of all the hamburg meat, buns etc....They work off the same menu and little price diviation.Is this guy related to Health Providers Rx? I noticed in the upper left hand corner of the home screen on the website it says "...you have an outstanding HEALTH PROVIDERS RX online pharmacy solution"...anyone else notice this and if so, what's your take?
I'd be willing to wager whatever's left in my wallet that a more accurate statement has never been offered. In my opinion anyway, and that of a few others I know, Riccc's hypothesis is very much on the mark. An hour of Google research on our neighbors to the south and related business activities should reveal enough information to allow one to arrive at an education opinion if nothing else.I some how think they all have the same.......Lets just say CEO........and they are all just franchises, A franchise (Mcdonalds) in the business world is given guide lines and some equipment, most of all the hamburg meat, buns etc....They work off the same menu and little price diviation.
Most burger franchises will have somewhat of the same menu but when one offers something that another doesnt have the one that deveiates will sell the other items haven't sold because, put this way your not going to Carl's Jr and get an Angus burger and then go to Mcd's for a coke. I realize that Carl's and Mcd's are not owned by the same but they both have some of the same stock holdersI agree. But what I can't figure out is why only 1 or 2 of the franchises have those 2 or 3 extra p.meds that the other dozen places do not... If all the stock comes in from the same main supplier.
For example, they all have R...., but only a few also carry Mo or Me or Fa.
pretty much nothing.The Customer Service response time is AWESOME for questions so far....for what that's worth.
I've seen a couple members (I think) post good reviews so far...posts somewhere above.So has anyone else had success with these guys besides the person who started the thread?