I suggest you remove your trousers and procced to your nearest street corner and dance in the nude. Might I also suggest brake dancing, however the Waltz or the Merengue may be in order as well. Whichever you choose, remember "there shall be, under any circumstances, no parking on the dance floor".
congrats! Im glad J came through! /default_smile.png
Excellent news. I'm sure the Mrs. will be quite pleased, LOL. Please do keep us "up" dated. Pun intended. /default_biggrin.pngDecided to try this vendor for the first time. He promised shipping would happen. I got a TN last night. So it seems my Swedish made enlargement pump is on its way...
Will update upon reception of said order.
WORD!hooter1 said:RD, just a heads up here. Sir, do not, under any cicumstances, think that he's kidding. Obviously he is joking with you but make no mistake, 99 would 100% call your bluff. Just a little supm fo ya
Oh my, tirviner... please read up - on any of the Mexican sites; this one has been off-limits for a bit, so doesn't contain as much information. Read around some of the more recent, highly commented on threads.I am new...I emailed from site and got no response. maybe I am doing something wrong?
yesI am new...I emailed from site and got no response. maybe I am doing something wrong?
I Third that Comment...(is that a correct phrase? /default_blink.png)