Yes. Anyone interested in this vendor should go to their website to contact them... also, a good rule of thumb for ALL vendors is... ALWAYS e-mail the vendor you plan to place an order with BEFORE you send ANY funds, PERIOD! As touched on in this thread, and many others, vendors are always/constantly changing receivers, so if you have been ordering from the same vendor for a few weeks (Say 1 to 3...), and each time you placed an order, the receiver info you send funds to has been the same, doesn't mean that the next order you place will be the same receiver/info as last time!
So if you happen to send funds to an "old" receiver before e-mailing the vendor to double-check (Even if the orders are placed a day apart), if the vendor has indeed changed their receiver info, the funds you had just sent to the "old" receiver will never be able to be picked up... and even worse, if you happen to use a different name than what is on your ID, you will NEVER be able to get a refund/get that money back! So this is definitely very important for EVERY SINGLE VENDOR ON HERE... ALWAYS e-mail the vendor to ask for the MOST CURRENT receiver info AND NEVER send any funds before hearing back from the vendor with their MOST CURRENT receiver info first!
TRUST ME... this will definitely save any one reading this from a potentially HUGE headache!
Sorry for the rant and thanks for reading!
Take care and be safe all!