No. I had his addy from years ago. But I do not have his or anybody's permission to post it, so I don't know what to tell ya. It could be in the thread, I am sure that is where I got it a long time ago. ALSO DO NOT ACCEPT PM'ED EMAL ADDYS! AGAINST THE RULES AND PERFECT SCAM OPPORTUNITY!

If you want it bad enough you will have to read it.
Also that is why the senior people on here slam a lot of newbies and they get all butthurt. You have been a member for 9 days, and state you will not search for the info when it is 99% most likely here. We do not spoonfeed people here.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Teach = Read the thread. Feel free to curse me out all you want. My butt is in the same condition it was before I read your post about not wanting to look for the info you are searching for (butt is not hurting). I admit I was very rude by telling you where the info is, and that you would actually have to put a slight bit of effort into it to find it. And even ruder to tell you not to accept a email by PM to help you not get scammed! I really am a POS aren't I?
Good luck!! We need more respectful new members as yourself, welcome aboard! Good luck!
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Teach = Read the thread. Feel free to curse me out all you want. My butt is in the same condition it was before I read your post about not wanting to look for the info you are searching for (butt is not hurting). I admit I was very rude by telling you where the info is, and that you would actually have to put a slight bit of effort into it to find it. And even ruder to tell you not to accept a email by PM to help you not get scammed! I really am a POS aren't I?
Good luck!! We need more respectful new members as yourself, welcome aboard! Good luck!
I would have no problem you saying THAT instead of what you originally said...I'm not "butthurt" (btw how do you expect to say that to someone and then act all surprised when they get nasty with you?) I just hate the unnecesarry rudeness that 99% of the internet feels obligated to do.

Yes...tie me to the stake and burn me for not wanting to waste a good 40 minutes reading 141 pages. WHAT WAS I THINKING?

And btw...I'm REALLY enjoying seeing your "SWIM" in your comments as I am now reading through the thread. You obviously are a master at discrepancy as well as manners  /default_rolleyes.gif


Im new here, I have found that you can find most of the info in the first few pages of the thread. if you don't find after 10 pages move along.

Hope it helps


Im new here, I have found that you can find most of the info in the first few pages of the thread. if you don't find after 10 pages move along.

Hope it helps
Maybe it will! I was actually going from 141 back and stopped at about 121 to go do some things and am now taking your advice. My whole life is backwards so makes sense lol.

I am not sure if I wanna try these guys after seeing alot about weak meds but I would like to see the menu atleast.

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June 20th post by a mod is where you would find it.    I wouldn't get any Vikings from this vendor yet FYI.


Don't take it so hard. People reply like that because we all had to do it and they may have gotten a reply similar to the one you did when they asked. If you had really read a lot, you would have seen this before you asked as it happens quite often with new members and they usually always get the same reply. I'm new and just had to read through everything to find it as my last recent post was meant to show. It's not fun but there are good reasons it is done.

Now you owe rtgvper19 a thank you and it wouldn't hurt to apologize for your reaction.

Peace, love and understanding. I sound kind of lame huh? LOL

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Please let us know when you have tried them and what they are. Thanks
I wouldn't order pk's right now.  I don't know the rules for describing what I got, but I really don't think it's real.  I ordered 0p40, but it was substituted with my approval, so I received some per('s instead. They didn't do much if anything, but I am not an expert on pk's.  The z0lps I received were real and the timing was great.  My guess is that there is obviously a supply problem for pk's in SY.  It's hit or miss.  I got chalk from R last month and J provided the real thing, this month it appears the other way around.

Man the last 6 months have been no fluke.

Obliviously there are big changes in the way this business is going to operate in the future.

I guess all we can do is to ride it out and continue to support on and another.

I think it's possible they will be buyers clubs created. At least there could be some consistency and reliability. I hope I get into Matthew McConaughey's club.

It blows that so many people are getting ripped off.

LE must be having the time of their life!

neptune said:
Mkay. First off...I have been a member of THIS forum for 9 days but I been into IOP's for a couple of years now and was a member of another well known forum. I know how forums work.

Second off I tried the search bar.

Third off, a bag of dicks. There is just no need for the condescending tone especially when I asked politely enough. So you been a member since 2011 and have only about 200 posts? Gee let me get my praying carpet out now and bow to your greatness...dick..

Fourthly after reading the last 15 pages of seeing people thinking they are getting bunk PK's. I think I am going to pass. I actually like my money unlike others. that bag of dicks. i see why you have a 1 star rating after 4 years of a member.
Hey? what's with all the name calling? Peanut was just being stern and telling you what you need to do in order to find what you need. I'm going to tell you right now. With that attitude Especially being a newb, Is going to get you absolutely no where. And yes. Your going to have to read 1,000 more pages then that. If you dont like it? Then leave. Its that simple. Reading through here is really not that hard. Read and take notes. God gave us eyes to read. Use them. And i promise you will find what your looking for. I was told to read read and read when I was new. No, I didn't like being told that I had to read. But then I'm glad I did. I learned a lot. Please be nice to others. Be thankful you were accepted into dbg. Because you could also be given the boot just as quick. Good luck.

Stop it man, you have made your point.

If you know exactly what you're looking for then it shouldn't be a problem getting the information you need.

And you're allowed to asked questions to confirm something you read or maybe you want to confirm a particular step of an ordering process or how to approach a vendor. If your question shows that you did research then I'm sure members will give you pointers or a push in the right direction. Flat out request for info is frowned upon.

Okay end of all the bitchin. PM me if you like. We have all been new at one point and frustrated trying to navigate spending a lot of time and not finding the answer we were looking for. Try asking just for a tip instead of the whole story.

Peanut you and me are going to have a talk! Meet me behind the main forum board at 8:00 PM and we'll settle this like nuts and bangers! /default_smile.png

June 20th post by a mod is where you would find it.    I wouldn't get any Vikings from this vendor yet FYI.
Neptune, did you miss this post?  rtgvper19 told you exactly where you can find what you were looking for.

Because there are scammers and theives that like to hijack venders Addy's. Im still learning about all this from reading. Im not an IT expert and have know idea how these people hack into others accts. One was a member here for quite a while and pretended to win trust... and he just recently and hacked and hijacked one of our very important sources Addys and pretended to be him. Thank god Someone brilliant here figured out who it was and he was banned from dbg. And a lot of people here lost their hard earned money. And suffered greatly. Financially and physically. That is why everything is really hush hush here. They are doing a god sent service for us and we are doing our best in protecting them.

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I'm not sure of this is the reason, but I have a theory as to why this(not easily giving out the info) is done and that is so it isn't so easy for unwanteds, like scammers, Elle E and the like to just come on here and find the info they want and we don't want them to have so easily They will have to put some time into it instead and then may not want to waste their time. Same thing for using codes.

neptune said:
I am going to refrain from saying what I really want to say.

Truth is I don't get it. I don't see how just helping someone out is really that terrible and a dis-service to the forum especially when there is roughly 141 pages. I first began backwards and got to 121 (that's 20 pages) then I thought maybe better go the other way and am on page 9. So that's 29 pages. I do not see how "taking notes" is going to help me at all unless I get a random drug pop quiz. I personally always help others on other forums. And frankly I'm not very fond of this forum because it appears that a few IOP's are very obviously being favored. I now mostly just browse through. But I will say this forum is far from my favorites. I only come on here to talk about etizolam mostly with other like minded people in the eastnootropics sub-thread.

Frankly after reading 29 pages and seeing alot about weak meds I am seriously doubting I would risk an order from here anyway.
Well, I guess you just admitted that doing all that reading helped you make a more informed decision.

neptune said:
I am going to refrain from saying what I really want to say.

Truth is I don't get it. I don't see how just helping someone out is really that terrible and a dis-service to the forum especially when there is roughly 141 pages. I first began backwards and got to 121 (that's 20 pages) then I thought maybe better go the other way and am on page 9. So that's 29 pages. I do not see how "taking notes" is going to help me at all unless I get a random drug pop quiz. I personally always help others on other forums. And frankly I'm not very fond of this forum because it appears that a few IOP's are very obviously being favored. I now mostly just browse through. But I will say this forum is far from my favorites. I only come on here to talk about etizolam mostly with other like minded people in the eastnootropics sub-thread.

Frankly after reading 29 pages and seeing alot about weak meds I am seriously doubting I would risk an order from here anyway.
Wise to refrain, frankly.

This is a community and while we sometimes have different opinions etc we do our best to get to know one another (as best we can obviously under the circumstances) and look out for one another. We don't take too kindly to newcomers hating on us for no reason.

My suggestion, Neptune, is you step back and see if you can contribute something to this group rather than insult most everyone you've come in contact with. Seriously.

Or go hang out in the other forums you like better.

I would suggest we ignore these little temper tantrums from here out.

Some info for anyone interested.

I emailed J late Friday night around 1am. He replied today @ roughly 1:30pm. Although not immediately, very timely IMO being the weekend. He sent list and MANY items had the dreaded OUT OF STOCK next to them so he is probably swamped. He did have what I am interested in so I am going to pull trigger and will report back with how it goes from now until delivery which will hopefully be Tues. topic briefly. Sorry that comment by Neptune sat there for awhile. I have been super busy. Neptune has been suspended for one day and put on mod queue. Sorry you all had to see that.

We are going to try really hard to put the most current contact information in the first post in each vendor thread. I am going to try and get this done as soon as possible. I will start with the SY.......i think this is a great idea by Admin! topic briefly. Sorry that comment by Neptune sat there for awhile. I have been super busy. Neptune has been suspended for one day and put on mod queue. Sorry you all had to see that.

We are going to try really hard to put the most current contact information in the first post in each vendor thread. I am going to try and get this done as soon as possible. I will start with the SY.......i think this is a great idea by Admin!
Thanks Cat, great idea. :)

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for