How did Scammer-Jesus roll out endless.....ENDLESS!....websites exactly like shown above. The minimum is never under $115(I was shocked to see $100!)and sometimes they sprinkle RC's in there too. (Again, at a set quantity $115-$1000+.
I tried a site that escapes my memory, but I paid them $97 in BTC for 30 8mg Burprenorphine. It all seemed ok until their emails all explained tragedy that just suddenly happened and fucked their the building having a gas leak & turned to ash.
There are 100's all with the same characteristics. What stops anyone from buying the domain name or site and just sittin back and getting a trickle of free crypto? Why not try harder than leave them as they are?
So many questions, comments and answers I have right now
It's Kind of a shitpost. Sorry folks!

I tried a site that escapes my memory, but I paid them $97 in BTC for 30 8mg Burprenorphine. It all seemed ok until their emails all explained tragedy that just suddenly happened and fucked their the building having a gas leak & turned to ash.
There are 100's all with the same characteristics. What stops anyone from buying the domain name or site and just sittin back and getting a trickle of free crypto? Why not try harder than leave them as they are?
So many questions, comments and answers I have right now