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Hello fellow Americans! I am a new vendor to this awesome community, with vending experience for over 6+ years, customer experience since silk was silky smooth. throughout that journey i have gathered a amazing group of solid customers that rely on me. and stuck with me ever since doing biz via DD(direct deal) off market so they dont have to deal with the tedious ritual of booting up tails or whonix and following proper ospec steps, along with connecting to a bridge and ur own node just to log into a market which always ends up getting DDOS attacks just to do it all over again to finalize escrow...that said i have no interest in using the DM's anymore. My stomach churns whenever i think about how much money i lost from market exit scams.... plus nobody wants to go through all of that anymore and i refuse to join a market ever again . since i can provide them as well as sponsors here with all their needs and requests- so there is no point for DM atm and find it to be a waste of time. the customers that still continue to do business with me from the onion days and steer clear from DM's for those reasons alone of and of course  because they got me :)

I apologize if you guys experience any delays in responses for any inquiries... for i am currently working on getting my own site/shop up and  running all while keeping up with customer orders.

I will definitely keep you guys updated. id like my role here as an HR vendor with a wide variety of meds ranging from beauty / self care scripts (i.e retin-A topicals in all doses available) i provide sealed boxes of 2 4mg nasal Narcan nasal sprays, every type of inhaler, ive managed to provide  safe taper plans, i can provide the same option for anyone else here with a customized taper regimen tailored just for YOU or anyone serious about wanting off benzies or oppies . Also everything i offer is 100% real deal  straight from the US pharmacy aside from variety of diff bzd generic mfg's ill offer either sealed, blisters, or loose from US pharmacy. rarely will i ever use other sources (typically only use if im out of stock and or is a custom request  that i dont normally offer.

I also want to note that I always take precaution regardless of how long ive done biz with any sources of mine even though i trust them enough to test it personally b4 sent to a lab. I am all about business and helping others to expand my customer base for i can take on a bit more traffic at this time.. also, i do not get high and or use anymore, neither does the team for iit only causes issues, unless of course, i am simply sampling a batch from another trusted off the grid source..., aside from personally testing meds - should  I ever have to resort to using a source other than my own, i will always send anonymous samples to labs to ensure medication is 100% real deal(ill even have samples from blister packs sent to labs for certain occasions (i.e testing something else) even tho they are boxed and sealed most of the time i am able to confirm batch # for authenticity using the phone number on boxes that offer that) as well. that said, i RARELY use other sources for all meds i list are from my myself and my team.  everything u receive from me is the real deal, should u have any concerns whatsoever, ill will even consider paying for YOUR lab test, should u want to send a sample in yourself(which is the best method so u know nothing is being forged ect), simply provide me with the link, results. and lab you decided on... ill call /confirm batch with photos and if all checks out ill send u cost of the lab test.

also expect at least 15-25% off most orders,*the first 5 customers that place orders @ a min of  $150, will receive quite a fucking treat. the first 5 members that place a min order of $100 will be receiving  some love as well... and finally the first person to place an order @ a min of $450, will be a happy camper.  please try to keep order min at the 100$ to 150$ range would be appreciated. that said, im aware the hesitation from ordering from a new member but i wont let you down... ever. should something happen, i will definitely make it up to you. that being said ill take a total of 10 orders @ a min of $50

recap :


dispo weed

low stock on oppies

retin A topical


and of course a VIP section with rare desired hospital grade meds. - i will speak more on that when i have time. untill then feel free to ask me any questions, I prefer receiving mail from proton users, although not a requirement. as of now iw ill accept payment in BTC or XMR and will be moving toward XMR only. thanks for checking out my page! i hope to see some responses or most importantly some email inquiries!!!

Good evening, Good day, my friends,

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the unbelievable amount of inquires i received in just a day! Things are look very promising...

I mentioned to everyone who emailed me that id have my pricing info updated and ready to go. I apologize for not following through with that statement, as i told many of you, i do have a customer base along with 2 very important VIP customers of mine that didn't plan accordingly and needed an emergency shipment, and one other that was so sick, he didnt have the strength to even get out of the house. i even offered to send an uber to swoop him up but he couldn't even make it that far so i had no choice but to drop everything and head over to him. All is well now, he was out of benzos and ******* this happens from time to time but he def learned his lesson haha. that in mind, i expect everyone else that decide to do business with me to always plan ahead and have a back up. my partner said things are going smoothly with the site thus far, and weather or not i get sleep tonight, i will have those prices for you guys. no excuses or il ship a bar to everyone who inquired - on the house. stay tuned!

BTW i wanted to get some feed back from you guys, regardless of how early in the game this is... but i did mention i only provide Real deal pharmas. in most cases, anything loose will is a sign that its straight from a us pharmacy, i.e wlgreens/cvs ect unless you purchase a full us prescription bottle that happens to be sealed ( 50% of the time it seems that the personal prescription bottles are sealed esp if they have a large quantity, but like any other US pharmacy, typically they don't provide personal prescription bottles sealed. Aside from that, Im considering of implementing more options for you guys upon request, (perhaps ill have to create a DBG VIP table) for this is what just do just for my OG VIP vendors... but down the road, depending on my schedule, and you purchase a minimum of 30, i can customize and forge your own prescription bottle(or vac sealed mylar with sticker you can wrap around a script bottle yourself) - simply  with your name and pharmacy of your choice,  ur real doctors name or made up one. just include that in the order details. it will also appear more legit if your ordering non narcotics, not much of a stealth is needed aside from a fake invoice (assuming nobody else is opening ur mail) which is typically legal to ship depending on ur state of course but either way i can have it arranged. you can never be too safe these days, and you wouldn't have to stress so much about getting pulled over,  and searched for whatever reason or going through TSA... That said im sure many of you are capable of doing that yourself. - i can also look into providing templates 

oh one more sequel, whats your guys/gals, him and hers thoughts on RC's? if its something yall would be interested in, perhaps drop a like or do they call it reactions here? or whatever for those interested they will straight up blow ur mind. we are talking imaculate pressed bars containing 98-99% PURE PHARMA GRADE api alprazolam powder  sourced and tested benzo RC's which (goes without saying) provide a anon sample. if we do decide a test run down the road, id like to do the limited edition idea we used in the past so the same dye and imprint will never be used again. kkeep in mind his shit is just as expensive sometimes if not more than pharmas depending on the blend.... but never will i introduce something fatal and abbreviation of the RC will imprinted. i am a fan of just  2 RC;s... which is etizolam (if i need a xanax minus the bartard slurr) or bromazolam)  but my only rule would be that bars as fucked up such as CLONAZOLAM i wont do.... for the love of benzo tolorance. This is merely a thought to look back at after i read everyones amazed reviews from their first transactions with me. I dont fuck with fent either.. and any pressed shit depending on the amount of reactions and requeststs, ill consider it. but pressing shit with imprints that arent relevent, i.e clonaZOLAM with a xanax imprint, is not happening, period. i love people, i love freedom, i love life and most importantly i love and take care of my customers customers.i bring this up pbecause i have a very special friend that i will spnd days out of my way for. nevertheless, we do business with from time to time but when we do it.... we do i it limited eddition quaniities. i.e 20-40k bar batches. I try not to request too many favors for he owes me quite a bit (i prefer i that way :p) ayways  im assuming hes just as old as my buddy that retired, (I was the face of his shop and i handled the marketing/adverting, which generated pages and pages of 100% positive feedback, via recon (haters are gonna hate when you got better product and DM's.... it can get so nasty that big time xanax vendors will first PM and tell you if your price is too high or too low. essentially if u didnt obide by the prices they wanted you to chage, they would pay groups of people( if they do not have a large enough squad), to simply buy our products under multiple different user names or groups that literally do all types of whack shit for a living along with payment for their services to write heinous 1 star reviews to try to throw people off and man ive een some go as far as posting products that we had nothing to do with lol.or they would post reviews of our packs, and show some fucked up shitty stealth, grind up half 1k packs , al kinds of shii which is why my motto is to always provide 100% transparency 100% anonymity, focus on your business and absolutely never sell aything you would not consume yourself but anyways the point of all my rambling is for some feedback..tell me what yall woud like to see. if it isnt in my vip menu, ill consider it no doubt. tbh its fucking pretty rare to stumble on an an opportunity to work with a fucking legitimate pharmaceutical medication pressser... we had a such a fucking  blast  i wish i could show u guys lol but anyone as old as me will know excatly who  i am and that cant happen and with his pressing skills and my artistic finesse... we simply made some naaaaaaaassty looking  custom yet 100% alp bars... we even saw fools reselling them in quanities of 10's-30's fpr redoc [ricesor some crazy custom personal shit butwe never imagined it would get to the point where we would see fools on reddit post photos of his artwrk.. He doesn't really do it for the money at this point, he, including myself love to just come up with some outrageous bar mixtures... rx speedball bars ( kpin/alp ) and so many more it just became a hobbie and its been a minue since maybe the alpha days since the last time we did it but occasionally he will ship me some fucking nutty bARS.... hes literally the banksy of bars.

but christ, in my eyes hes is a PHENOMENAL Artist. and if ur into bars long enough to the point where you have ur own pharma stash, ull start getting into  and enjoy pharma porn.... you will begin to see bars as true artwork. its not as easy as getting a press, some binders and pure api powder.that i was entrusted to and  personally selected byfor a company i wont reveal for obvious reasons, and completely off the grid(meaning hes not on any shops sites or onions) weather you want yo believe me or not, this very special connect that i guess u can say was bestowed to me and personally selected based the way i conducted business and sales. madeand have legitimately retired as a real pill manufacturer that specialize in SAFE benzo RC's... I do NOT want to get into providing fake adder all and shit like that. Id just hate to know if any of my customers are reselling these as real alp bars for my longest known supplier retired and left me with his connect

anyone off  to the gym, and then ill be responding to you guys via proton mail... Plz keep in mind tho for those interested in in seat at the VIIP table i expect you to know a decent amount ofcomputer geeky shit. like crreating ur own PGP, and sending private information using a custom key you create which allows you to send messages at at the highest level of security. I cant wait to get to know u all more. plz be safe, love echother, an remember... always make time for self care! stay tuned for another update. PS, I Like to use secure private messaging apps. for those of you who do, and want to make sure you most definitely get ur ordder in as soon as shit drops, EMAIL ME your SESSIONS ID, and or your WICKR ID.... keep signal for  IRL friends.... dont use any pps that display ur number uness ur using a burner... i fucking love my iphone 13 burner phone.. its hand AF.... obvi i dont burn, but i usee prepaid cards on jailbroken iphones. PEACE AND LOVE! sorry for the typos and repeats.... as u can tell im in a hurry to the gym so send you guys my biz. and plz if ur new.. like to all of this, contact me before u even dcide to do busines with me so i can point u or anyone else in the right direction for the basics.


SOOO happy to see more vendors here supporting this. It really is an important differentiator.
This is the way. and guys/gals, him/hers.... please PLEASE, for your safety, do not EVERRRR send coin u purchase straight from the exchange to the donation page or any donation/wallet untill you create your own wallet to send it to, THEN send it out form that wallet...... dont hesitate to PM me, my goal here is spreading love and self care... and u dont want to worry about self care in ......

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    hello friends! I want to apologize for the lack of prompt responses to those interested in my menu. I hate to pull this card, but the reality is, my uncle (who was a like a father to me) passed away, and i got my niece in the ER. I have been taking turns sleeping at the hospital along with perfecting my menu. its almost complete - again, everything i carry is PHARMA ONLY!!! again, should anyone want to send samples to energy control (which i do regularly for imported blisters  - which i always receive in sealed box with hologram sticker. and STILL i got that HR in me that doesn't want to take any chances of hurting anyone. again i was a pharmacist, im almost done with cyber security  cert and i am hoping that you guys will receive the best care i can provide while im here. now - due to the lack of updates, i will reveal 1 VIP item i carry that is always sold out when i receive IMO, my favorite opiate with of course a xanny or any benzo. please, do NOT attempt this if you are opiate naive. and especially low benzo tolorance. for this is a FATAL combination yet a blissful experience.... With the half-life of of this pink juice, an opioid-tolerant patient will experience (depending on tolerance) approximately 24 hours; its half-life in an opioid-naive patient is approximately 55 hours. again, paired with my fave kuh, kuh kuh kay- p!nz - you will come to find out (those who loved H4 when, back in the days when it was the just #4  w/ minor cuts) that this combination will feel exactly, if not BETTER than the blast from the past. if you know, you know.

should one be up for a hell of a long legged, warm and cozy, experience of  almost a slightly stim-like 0pi3 w/ out ruling out the possibilities of getting your n0d on(cus u will i guarantee it unless u shot yourself in the foot for fetty, this is where its at boys and girls, ladies and gents, his and hers, and kids of all ages (just kidding - i  i gotchu on juul pods tho! :P) but yeah, first and foremost for anyone interested in this blissful escape , I have to abide by my own personal and moral judgment and  for the sake of my conscience, I WILL REQUIRE customers with some reputation and length of registration/orders - i will POTENTIALLY consider this option to those who fit the profile, especially any moderators or even @admin for all their hard work to provide medicine to people pushed to the curb by text-book MD's  That said, this combo is a potent cock tail*****ONLY FOR THOSE USING//SHOOTING H4RD C0R3 DRU6z  that will leave you with a fat smile on your face.. This is MY version of the holy trinity trio : thirty-fourty mil!6r@ms of T3V4 4Dd3r@! + Ch3rry crush juice + K@yp!n (r0ch3 FTW).... . "But Self care, you talk about how serious you are about harm reduction! why would you even reveal or suggest such a cocktail?" well everyone has diff stories, chemical imbalances, and i myself had childhood trauma, perhaps someone passed away (like my unlcle).  i know its not the best way to cope but im strong enough to not fuck with it more than 2 in a row max per every 2-3 weeks. this doesn't justify it, but i know ppl desperately seeking something similar to H and this combo is it if u arent in MMT  unless ur like 40mg and below... 80-90+ = blockage IMO. anyways I do want to offer a unique type of service, after recurring transactions in which rapport and trust is built in the process... well first and foremost i can assure you that a powerful cocktail such as my "trinity'  wont be going into some newbie... it will take more trust, transactions, and most of all, i need to know exactly what medication ur on, the length u were abusing it, ect.. all of this is relevant..  u will take will have to build trust and transparency as your life depended on it(cuz it does) Meaning i need to know your DOC, current doses and tolorance. should i expect something off - ill have to reconsider. Simply gain my trust through recurring orders and casually getting to know each-other all while maintaining a healthly , small or big, course in order to gain my trust.. im go

-100% OSPEC (if you don't know, i will spoon feed you till your full enough to thrive on your own or simply support your habit. that said, for the right donation ill give a trustworthy customer a crash course. should you pass (if interested) I have a unique project in the works ,should i deem you a potential and trustworthy asset, i will teach you everything I found to be a success. In return, donations are appreciated. Most importantly, i need loyal/recurring customers from DBG. stick with me long enough,  and ill take 2, maybe 3 brilliant minds with the same goal... C0!N$ and success, all while providing a somewhat safer community with HR advice and 100% pharmaceutical distribution... because lets face it, everyone here, the streets,the onion, already have their minds made up or simply chose to live this life and or currently going thru shit. who could blame them? Ive disregarded the same advice, most of us here come from broken families childhood trauma, or simply sheltered and bored.... we are  living in bizarre times... and if i can help prevent less deaths by simply providing shit with advice per order before they pull the trigger on dick heads pressing pills in xanax imprints using clonazolam fetty or that isozene shit, completely frying their brain before they become an adult? rappers glorifying shit they don't even do..

- i request someone of age, wise, im thinking age 33min and up? or show me otherwise. also, anyone ordering from me, please, if ur living with ur parents, dont order to ur house.... or purchase to only get scammed , controlled delivery or worse have dea raid ur folks house, embarrassing the shit of of them

- also, stay up to date with DNM news, learn from the the smallest mistakes from  buyers/vendors alike and how they got busted- there are quite a bit of talent (that even i worked with) leaving little cookie crumbs trails that put them behind bars... (not the 2mg bars- but them thicc steel cell bars) should u make it in jail, i advise u to shit urself, never shower, fling poo with ur hands... idk, id be doing that cus im a  handsome dude and would prefer to keep my asshole tight!

-anyhow ive been getting so many questions from buyers asking me about this type of biz ect and and i am working on something unique and need 2-3 people that can pass some simple ospec tests and supporting the shop . I will ask you a series of questions to see if you qualify for what im looking for. i like money but i like quality above all else. u can stomp on coke, re-up, save some cash, or go straight to the source, buy bulkl, keep quality and purity as high as possible and you can charge w/e u want. ppl dont want junk. they dont want some fucked H cut with dog shit, brown sugar and vinegar... ppl on markets aleast majority... make well over a mil a year minimum.

-Need any of my meds compounded into 100% accurate oral liquid? or perhaps those that graduated from nasal/chasing tin foil dragons to anal ROA(yes, i can make this awkward anal ritual less awekward and more convenient with custom suppositories for the ladies and gents, shemales and hemales, especially the females will  head be over heels for myself care (no pun intended)

again, since i was busy, had orders to fulfill, still offering the discount option. some of  u may or may not like the prices but in order for my solid group, and risks taken via importing in person each of us taking turns flying out to places and keeping things fair. take care of ur team and ur team will always have ur back and respect. sorry for the novel , i could have reduced this message to 2 paragraphs ... damn i get too caught up in whatever i do.  again, stay safe always test your fent. remember health is wealth.


P:S for those who didnt get a response from me, shoot me another email and in the subject section type "****Menu/Price inquiry******

also, for those who slam, plz make a note of it in ur inquiry

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Man u sound right up my alley
based off your name, i most certainly am. def take advantage of my special going on mistabenzo.... im sold out of roche valuim, but i got ifa v@ls f4rm4Pr@m 90ct / 30ct sealed seald sealed sealed sealed everything. aside from us pharmas..a althhough when i complete my menu, i know you will love what i got!!!!

based off your name, i most certainly am. def take advantage of my special going on mistabenzo.... im sold out of roche valuim, but i got ifa v@ls f4rm4Pr@m 90ct / 30ct sealed seald sealed sealed sealed everything. aside from us pharmas..a althhough when i complete my menu, i know you will love what i got!!!!
Sent ya email

Sooooo has anyone ordered yet
3 so far....

ID also like yall to know i have been busy fulfilling orders, re-upping, and coaching more pawns for scripts. that aside, i promise you this, anyone who orders from me will be fucking satisfied........ and if for whattever reason they arent, i will do whatver i can in my power to find a proper resolution that would please said customer

also i wanted to add another special opportunity for a preview vip item... methadone syrup. prices may seem steep but there is a reason for that.. once i implement the tiers and rewards... i.e like websites that give u extra points per x amount of money spent total... but in a very personalized pack. so, if anyone were to spend up to or above 777, will receive  a 30ml bottle of 60mg cherry methadone liquid., drop 1k and ill throw in 100mg methadone syrup. soon you will come to find i am a very generous vendor... i mean the fact that im building a customer base here with like minded  people such as myself may it be business proposals, ot, when i could be fulfilling onion sales, if proof alone im not greedy. people pay up to 35-40$ per 30mg IR 4DDZ... ppl pay between 500-750 per 90ct legit farmers botttle.

also, i  keep track of every single transaction made to punch into my database allowing me to see what your capable of receiving based of the size of ur reward and teir level. clearly im trying to build a very tight knit set of VIP members and or members interested in making money or custom requests for hospital grade m3dz. I offer every shipping method, stealth, as well as an option of a custom stealth for those who are living with nosy roommates. making money isn't necessarily my goal here... id like to provide help for people in need, im in the works of arranging a professional doctor  and traveling nurse, who specializes in guiding people through bargain treatment remotely.... all i ask of any of you that placed an order, to leave an absolutely 100% honest review - no sugarcoated bs (although thats very nice of you) during my stay here id like to make an impact and always i always strive to provide better service.. i can handle constructive criticism . if all of this was about the money, id be on my the dark onions account... that said, its just not genuine nor it a heinous community or vendors competing with each other and hiring services to leave bad reviews. im strictly DD and i have some big plans in the works. tell you what tho gen... i promise you that if you honestly purchase whatever ur DOC is, and your satisfaction isnt met... ill send u a 50% refund. there, i  said it. but no BS type reasons like, a single bar was broken, or you were unhappy with the color envelope i used.... believe it or not, i received a bad review once for sending something  as stupid as "vendor sent everything on a timely manner, and sent me 5 extra bars and an addy.... but im going to give u 3 stars because i ordered pharma hulks...which i got.. but he sent me a 5 activist yellow pharmas as extras? clearly  i preferred david green hulk smashes cus i ordered 20... some ppl just do not know how to please a customer

I got an order with him and it’s paid for. Should be here today or Tomorrow. Will report back on quality, stealth, etc. So far he has been good to work with. 

I got an order with him and it’s paid for. Should be here today or Tomorrow. Will report back on quality, stealth, etc. So far he has been good to work with. 
yes! u should have it today if not tomorrow.  its all up to USPS at this point. i also went thru the trouble of washing ur  coins for OSPEC ad anonominity purposes. hence why it will make my job easier by using XMR. i cant wait to hear back from you friend

Sent email.  Heard nothing back.  I'm sure there are some instructions in the wall of text, but it just hurts to read it.

Got my order. With the promotion he is doing now the price wasent bad. However, $500-$750 for a farma bottle is steeep. I hope he won’t actually be charging this. 

my order was delivered within 48 hours of payment. Stealth was good. Communicating with him can be a little iffy in the sense that he won’t always respond immediately but he is going through some personal stuff and has a lot of customers. All in all I would recommend him. 

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone