@Selfcare neat. I sent you an email 3/17 and 3/23. Thanks for clarifying that you're more than an author
Hi there Gene, My sincerest apologies for not getting back to you all. we are so grateful to have received as many requests and we have and could not agree with you all more - we failed on our end to do provide you guys our list in a timely mannor. its constantly being updated and i have mentioned that we do have others that have requested as well as ppl we have been helping for 5+ years. for those that i recently responded to, should have more info regarding my prices, our importance of providing quality meds from docs or psyches that simply do not do their job. weather it be a MAT stigma, opioid history sigma, or failure to properly duadiagnose someone. just because one is labeled with "severe opiate abuse disorder on their medical record, yet been on high doses of BZDs prior to being cut off from long term bzd's for years (yes there are people with chemical imbalances that shouldn't be ruled out for the sake of their addiction from an accident, agoraphobia, and shockingly enough, we have had a beautiful human being with Cystic Fibrosis(aka 65 roses) for Christ sake! these doctors are cowards and people shouldnt wait between 3-6 months for a GD doc visit. what about childhood trauma? the way the society treats mental health DISGUSTS ME. we are going thru some fucked up times and we believe the answer is straight up love. not the media separating each other causing USA to crumble within.. i dont mean to get political but It would help us so much if you can kindly provide us with a quick introduction, DOC, length of use, account name, sponsor level, and length of membership in this incredible community. we will do our best to respond to those left with questions. once successful transaction takes place, orders will be swift as possible to input the veterans, newbs, and those so deep in the game with a way out.
We are pleased to have the opportunity to provide a transparent service with you all. As a wonderful customer who kindly took the time to leave a review, yes we have been going thru some set backs due to one member of our team whom we are very supportive of. Simply put, if we can do it all over again, we would have spent more time in preparation on our menu and absolutely hate to send in a menu via text.. we take pride in every aspect of our what we offer including proof of photos(as well as erasing meta data info from each picture for OSPEC purposes.... we are not the type to hype our services and leave you hanging with false hope, excuses, or worst, no responses at all. And will own up to any mistakes on our end. On that note, we are all in this together, many from different walks of life, which is truly a pleasure and spend time providing people with HR info including what they are getting themselves into... life is notorious for throwing curve balls during the most unexpected times. a very cherished team member.... no, more like a family member, is struggling with a loved one who unfortunately passed away as well as a niece currently in the ER for over a week now. yet he is still doing his job at the best of his abilities we do appreciate those patient enough to try us out. and understand completely if you dont agree with what we are about
We also try our best to balance our service out to those desperate for help with a taper plan. close to bzd wd state (for most of us are in recovery ourselves and are doing amazing btw...so we understand every terrifying thought, from looking down at ur stash and watching it slowly dwindle - taking bits and pieces from ur DOC to stretch it out as long as possible - feeling that inevitable cloudy thunder storm coming your way, frantically hoping for someone to help and as last resort - roll the die on some fucked up mystery presses... feeling hopeless , without any support. as mentioned we will respond in the order of the each request was received(plz send another email provided with the information requested above so we can input the newbs/veterans/and custom taper requests in our database which will help get the ball rolling. for OUR peice of mind knowing who we can ship to the right people with more confidence . despite the challenges we are dealing with, half the team is traveling and flying to other countries or crossing borders, risking their freedom to provide meds like P@nda magz's including Ib0G@in3 which we believe is how we are capable of doing what we do despite some from 10/20/25 years of use.
if it is an emergency plz add a *SOS* "issue" in subject line when emailing us. and my apologies in advanced if this is breaking the rules, but please , consider going to an ER first and foremost esp if we cannot make it to u in time. download an app on your smartphone called "sessions" another well encrypted private messaging system. It will randomly encrypt a specialized I(which does not give away your number like wickr or signal ect. you will with a variety of random PGP-like handle for you to copy and paste to our email. we ask that you don't abuse this feature for there are those on the brink of seizures, death or suicide. - everyone of you are loved from someone, stay strong and healthy durring these rough times
P.S we know how frustrating this can be for many of you but if we can differeinciate between who needs more care than others. some may not understand, some may say we are no different than other vendos doing and think alll of this is a front. for those with that mindset, we aplaud you. always take necessary precautions no matter who you pull the trigger on. we arent here for the money per say. but docs refusing to scribe meds leaving them with no choice but to use RC's(most of which DESTROY your bzd tolorance) is making the situation worse.. by all means plz use a backup vendor your familiar with just in case. we would rather loose customers over loosing lives. thanks for your patience friends. health is wealth. dont put a price tag on your life