First off, sorry for the long message.
Just wanted to update and give credit where it's due, even though overall this has been a really unpleasant experience and I'll say why in a sec.
First off, the reship finally landed. Nexzt day rush pack still says label created (basically just means someone printed a piece of paper) after 16 days and I don't anticipate ever seeing it (I hope I don't). I asked for xmr back but he insisted on the reship and I thought I was burnt at that point so I figured I'd roll with it and if I could get anything great, if I was screwed, also great because my phone would stop blowing up.
I didn't request extra focus points but for some reason the reship is more than double the amount and doesn't include the nerve mags that the original overnight should have been. This agreement came with the liability that if the second one landed then I owe an unknown amount (asked 3 times) for the extras in the new record shop even though I didn't need all that or ask for it or get the album I asked to hear.
At least I think I owe, it's incredibly hard to determine what this guy is on about through his massive walls of text day in and day out, middle of the night, while I'm at work, all through an app. I'm not exaggerating, I wish I could show how ridiculous our convo is. Also showed me another convo between someone else and him to prove a point and I could see through his scribbles on the screenshot.
Not cool. I don't want to see that and don't ever ever show mine to anyone else.
Kind of got aggressive towards me about it, started telling me my addy is compromised (which I know for a fact as of right now it isn't because I looked elsewhere). Got all worked up and made both of us paranoid and kind of half-assed accused me of being LE while at the same time saying that's not what he means. It really was just long mad ramblings, stress, and now I guess I might owe something, idk.
What I think is really happening here is he didn't have any mags, accepted donations, made a label for each one to look like johnny on the spot ("oh that's weird, 3 others were sent same day and they came"), and once he had, he actually sent one off, putting me in a spot where I owe on excess concert tickets I don't want and missing some band merch that I requested.
All in all 1 of 2 came to the party so I can't be mad, but the stress, blaming me and my addy, accusations, late night IMs, extra newspaper and frustration wasn't worth it when every other person on the US list is just down to biz: receive list, donate, less than 5 sentences exchanged, and touchdown in less than 5 days.
Sorry I know this is a wall of text too, but I felt it needed explanation. My point:
Do not recommend. He might come through, but I don't see a whole lot of other people flooding his page with positive feedback and I think there's a reason for that.
Be safe guys.