Sharemoney Request


Apr 5, 2019
Sharemoney is asking for a photo ID, bank statement, and explanation of relationship with cash recipient. Is this standard when signing up? I utilized MG a month ago and did not have to provide any of this information and the transaction went through. Just looking for advice on what I should avoid doing.

I only sent id and basic info.  They must be cracking down on these donations

I only sent id and basic info.  They must be cracking down on these donations
Ive usedt them three times, never had issues. Just Never have vpn on..i did, by mistake ,first time.  You prob didnt, but i screwed up. Now, worl remit sucks ass!! They denied my very first transaction todsy, F. Them

Sharemoney is asking for a photo ID, bank statement, and explanation of relationship with cash recipient. Is this standard when signing up? I utilized MG a month ago and did not have to provide any of this information and the transaction went through. Just looking for advice on what I should avoid doing.
I used them for about 6 months and did several transactions per month and never had to provide any information. Then suddenly, I went to donate and a screen popped up asking me to send in all kinds of info- can't recall specifically what they were asking for at the time, but I know they wanted ID. At that point, I moved on and now only do transactions via BTC & CIM. If a vendor doesn't accept that, I can't do biz with them.

Sharemoney is asking for a photo ID, bank statement, and explanation of relationship with cash recipient. Is this standard when signing up? I utilized MG a month ago and did not have to provide any of this information and the transaction went through. Just looking for advice on what I should avoid doing.
I made 2 transactions on Sharemoney yesterday - on the 2nd request, a screen asking for me to provide for ID and utility bill to prove my residence popped up.   I didn't inquire with them regarding why,  I just thought it was something they must do for all people sending a considerable handful of moolah to friends,  relatives etc. ( just my guess ).   The transaction went through but I got an email right away saying that as soon as I send the utility bill they would examine it and proceed -  which they did.   

On a separate note re: Sharemoney  -  a few weeks ago I got as far as hitting "send money now" on Sharemoney when it gave me some funky error code asking me to contact customer service. Of course my first thought was my bank was denying it, but not the case.  Long story short -  I did contact them and the IT person said it wasn't rejecting me or my CC  but my IP address,  and said I should reboot my WIFI modem and PC and it would work -   sure enough it did -  so that's something to remember.  

One last thing -  when Sharemoney sends you the receipt of a transaction,  look at the top where it says "available on" -  I've noticed that when I utilize them at night past say 6PM ( EST ),  the "available date"  is always the next day  ( I always thought it was immediately available).   This caused a slight delay with a "friend"  until I noticed that they were trying to early.    I am not sure if MG and WU  have the same practice -  but now I do make a habit of telling about that in case there is an attempt to pick up same night.      No idea why its not available same night,  but what if your son or daughter needed money to get out of jail or something and couldn't get bail till the next day....  Anyway....just wanted to share that to those that didn't know...  ( I am not sure if funds are available same day if transaction done earlier in day - next time I need to use,  I will try it and see if that's the case. ) 

I wish I had known there was a whole thread here for SM before I used them recently!😣 Gah!  Would have saved me a big headache!!

I only found out there was a separate place to post these type questions because I had a post deleted by admin, and a sharp note to stay on topic.  I feel bad bc now I can't post without a moderator reviewing my stuff, and I didn't realize I was considered "off topic" as others post in the same thread talk payment stuff frequently...😟. Oh well, live a and learn!

 So!  On topic here now😉, I just tried to use this transfer service, but the transaction was placed "on hold pending I'd verification".  They started with a request for drivers license photo.  Then a phone call to verbally confirm address and relationships to recipient.  Then a bill/mail photo... then they want the bill/mail opened and a photo of the full page.  There is where I drew the line.  Personal and confidential and all that.

So in a second phone call, the agent tells me that now that my $300 payment is on hold, there is no way for me to get it back.  He said the money is kept and turned over to the "government"...ummm, ok.  Which one, I ask?  He gets funny and vague and says , "you know, the government.  Any one that needs to look into these type things...".  At this point, I'm thinking, riiiight.  The government...  sounds like a ploy to pad the pockets at Share Money.  This same sketchy agent further explains that the precaution is bc business owners will tell ppl to say their relationship with a said business owner is "sister/bro/aunt" or whatever, and that is not allowed.  For the record, I simply said I was sending a friend money... not a lie, I consider anyone who helps me, a friend.  Later, the same day, I get another rep email reply asking for more id verifying, and this guy seems to not know anything about Mr Sketchy.  He tells me the funds can still be released, pending my id verification... hmmmm.  Curious right?

So, question is, has anyone here ever had something like this occurs, and managed to get their refund?  If so, how did you get your money back?  Any advice is appreciated..., thanks in advance!🌷

Anyways, I would like to also caution anyone who finds this, to not attempt a transfer service... just learn bitcoin, save your hard earned green💰.

I've used this service before seems very sketchy at first to me as well.

They have different hoops to jump thru and at eveyones own pref. If they want to jump thru them or not.

In my experience everything was good afterward tho. Everything made it to where it was suppose to go. On the receivers end and my own each time.

I do agree though it is definitely a better way to roll by learning btc.

Hope this helped

I wish I had known there was a whole thread here for SM before I used them recently!😣 Gah!  Would have saved me a big headache!!

I only found out there was a separate place to post these type questions because I had a post deleted by admin, and a sharp note to stay on topic.  I feel bad bc now I can't post without a moderator reviewing my stuff, and I didn't realize I was considered "off topic" as others post in the same thread talk payment stuff frequently...😟. Oh well, live a and learn!

 So!  On topic here now😉, I just tried to use this transfer service, but the transaction was placed "on hold pending I'd verification".  They started with a request for drivers license photo.  Then a phone call to verbally confirm address and relationships to recipient.  Then a bill/mail photo... then they want the bill/mail opened and a photo of the full page.  There is where I drew the line.  Personal and confidential and all that.

So in a second phone call, the agent tells me that now that my $300 payment is on hold, there is no way for me to get it back.  He said the money is kept and turned over to the "government"...ummm, ok.  Which one, I ask?  He gets funny and vague and says , "you know, the government.  Any one that needs to look into these type things...".  At this point, I'm thinking, riiiight.  The government...  sounds like a ploy to pad the pockets at Share Money.  This same sketchy agent further explains that the precaution is bc business owners will tell ppl to say their relationship with a said business owner is "sister/bro/aunt" or whatever, and that is not allowed.  For the record, I simply said I was sending a friend money... not a lie, I consider anyone who helps me, a friend.  Later, the same day, I get another rep email reply asking for more id verifying, and this guy seems to not know anything about Mr Sketchy.  He tells me the funds can still be released, pending my id verification... hmmmm.  Curious right?

So, question is, has anyone here ever had something like this occurs, and managed to get their refund?  If so, how did you get your money back?  Any advice is appreciated..., thanks in advance!🌷

Anyways, I would like to also caution anyone who finds this, to not attempt a transfer service... just learn bitcoin, save your hard earned green💰.
I can tell you from personal experience, that if the funds are turned over to gov't, they go to the Dept. of Justice, and then no, I would not recommend trying to get your funds back. Guess you could give it a shot in providing your ID to hope and get your $ back, but it sounds as though it may have gone beyond that, when a rep said it was being turned over to the gov't. I no longer use any $ transfer service. I was burned many times by it and am still living the outcome of receiving letters from the DOJ. Use BC or CIM.

Thank you both, @never2many and @Diz-E for your kind responses, I do appreciate the advice.  

I do agree that if it goes/has gone as far as that, I'd be best to just let it go. 

On the other hand, they are still sending me emails requesting further info, some of which I went ahead and provided,and they seem to have no idea of what that one person told me.  I simply have not yet given them a picture of a fully opened and uncovered letter or bill.  They specifically asked to see my name, date of the document, and my address clearly on the bill, as well as the postmarked envelope... all that I provided politely.  However they keep insisting on the opened full photograph of the bill/ letter, in order to release the funds.

I vaguely asked again if the funds are still available for release, and was told, " Of course!  We value your patronage and protect all our clients money as if it were our own, we simply need to verify the addresses prior to release...".

So, IDK at this point if I should just stop trying for release of the funds and let them keep the money...or request the money back saying that I am uncomfortable with the process or whatever?  I'm kinda leaning towards just attempting to cancel and request the money back... can't hurt to try, maybe, since the other reps seem to be trying to still process the transfer? 

I could simply politely thank them for their efforts, but say that I have changed my mind and wish to cancel the transaction....  I just don't want to push it if it could land me in a mess with the DOJ as mentioned.  IDK!!! 😕

I've used this service before seems very sketchy at first to me as well.

They have different hoops to jump thru and at eveyones own pref. If they want to jump thru them or not.

In my experience everything was good afterward tho. Everything made it to where it was suppose to go. On the receivers end and my own each time.

I do agree though it is definitely a better way to roll by learning btc.

Hope this helped
Well..i used them past six months. BEFORE you had to show more than an id...i sent a picture and d license.nothing more. Now, a few times i filled out the forms wrong they declined transaction and they refunded me. Ive never had issue. The most dough i ever sent was 6t0 bucks. Did this twice. They didnt ever grill me.they were nice. I think as an older lady we get a pass sort of.  Stick with them. Theyll do right by you just my never to b humble opinion. 

I'm glad my info got you through the unusual processes they have. Glad you stuck with it cuz it doe make it to the sander.

I made 2 transactions on Sharemoney yesterday - on the 2nd request, a screen asking for me to provide for ID and utility bill to prove my residence popped up.   I didn't inquire with them regarding why,  I just thought it was something they must do for all people sending a considerable handful of moolah to friends,  relatives etc. ( just my guess ).   The transaction went through but I got an email right away saying that as soon as I send the utility bill they would examine it and proceed -  which they did.   

On a separate note re: Sharemoney  -  a few weeks ago I got as far as hitting "send money now" on Sharemoney when it gave me some funky error code asking me to contact customer service. Of course my first thought was my bank was denying it, but not the case.  Long story short -  I did contact them and the IT person said it wasn't rejecting me or my CC  but my IP address,  and said I should reboot my WIFI modem and PC and it would work -   sure enough it did -  so that's something to remember.  

One last thing -  when Sharemoney sends you the receipt of a transaction,  look at the top where it says "available on" -  I've noticed that when I utilize them at night past say 6PM ( EST ),  the "available date"  is always the next day  ( I always thought it was immediately available).   This caused a slight delay with a "friend"  until I noticed that they were trying to early.    I am not sure if MG and WU  have the same practice -  but now I do make a habit of telling about that in case there is an attempt to pick up same night.      No idea why its not available same night,  but what if your son or daughter needed money to get out of jail or something and couldn't get bail till the next day....  Anyway....just wanted to share that to those that didn't know...  ( I am not sure if funds are available same day if transaction done earlier in day - next time I need to use,  I will try it and see if that's the case. ) 
Quoting myself - Even though I went through the BS of submitting my utility bill to prove who I was , etc back in Sept 2019...,  my latest attempt was blocked - and my request for "why"  was replied with "your account is considered risky".   uh - what ??     I thought your company helped me donate.    Why would one transaction donation cause such crap !     Why all the BS.    I don't know. 

Does anyone who's been blocked reply and  ask "why"  they consider that ?    I don't want to even bother.    But I was curious.   If you wanted to share, if not  - it's cool 

@drjimmy1964 If the bitcoin address you sent to was flagged for any reason then all transactions made to the flagged address are considered “risky.”.  This is why it’s ALWAYS imperative that you send to an external wallet prior to using your btc.  Peoples cashapp accounts are getting closed recently for the same reasons.  If they didn’t close/lock account they could be liable for aiding in illegal activities.  

Thank you @DoomKitty I feel like @drjimmy1964  apparently setup a Btc with Electrum it was in my bad days. I always have been a diamond sponsor. Now they are asking for more documents because I moved I guess. Is this normal? Thank you in advance sweet kitty.  

@drjimmy1964 OMG i just assumed sharemoney was a bitcoin thing lol.  i didn’t realize it was a wire transfer company!! i believe the same concept would apply but i’m not familiar with wire transfers so i don’t actually know.  @Heavenlee Not familiar with wire transfer so no clue how it works!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  3. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  4. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  5. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  6. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  7. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  8. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  9. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  11. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  15. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  18. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  19. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone
  20. xenxra @ xenxra: @hiTillidie i basically gave them a report showing them where they could seize coins from but they decided to do their own tracing and just pointed out the areas that weren't recoverable even though it was already emphasized in the report i gave themm. i bet if i lost 10x as much they would have gotten it back.