I may be a bit late answering this - nope, it's only a couple of weeks old - anyway, doesn't LOOK anything like a Shaz site to me, different products too. As for prices being TGTBT? No way. I could show you at least three sites whose temazepam alone is a third of that price. And they're not scams either. $10 or just under for a single strip of Restoril 30? I pay GBP£125 for a THOUSAND. Or if you want a better brand than Restoril, an extra £20 for the blue HYPNOTIL capsules."XanaxMaster" NOT SURE AND DONT WANT TO GIVE YOU THE WRONG INFO, BUT I DONT THINK SO. MYBE SOMEONE ELSE CAN AWNSER?
Thanks Xan. Never know. I read the FAQs tonight and it apears they are Pakistan based. The prices seem TGTBT. Might be a scam. Without any feedback it would be foolish to take a risk.
1,000 x decent generic 5mg diazepam (not on the site, but he sells them) can be had for £25, which, if you happen to be American, which quite a few on this site seem to be, that would be oh, round about $40, maybe a little less. Tip: the very best currency conversion site, the one I use when a vendor gives me prices in dollars, is:
There are a few versions of xe.com - a mobile one, the full Universal one which has about every currency there is, and the quick 'widget' site. Updated every 10 mins. Accurate. Just don't forget that WU & MG have their own rates which, it will not surprise you, are not exactly advantageous to the user. But if you use CC or DC, you can't get better, and no vendor has ever questioned any conversion into dinars, rupees, euros or any other money they ask for when you say you used xe.com.
The site, BTW, looks more like 'iwantmeds.com' than any Shaz site I've seen, which all appear to sell the same, mostly very weak, poor quality meds. I wouldn't use Shaz, they push far too many fake Roche benzos. I keep telling people Roche Pakistan and Roche India DO NOT MAKE ANY BENZOS. The one exception, well two, are the licenced Nicholas Piramal/Roche VALIUM & RIVOTRIL made in India, the best benzos, along with Torrent Clonotril, you can buy from that entire region.
99% of Pakistani benzos are practically useless, no matter what price you pay. I trust only temazepam. India is better; Cipla, Torrent and Mano make very good benzos but the websites are five times more expensive than just a few years ago. If people in the US pay the prices then they'll charge them. The days of good cheap IOPs selling Clonotril-2 for $45/100 and Carisoma for half that price are over. Once the price can be had, it won't ever go back down. These are dark days for IOP users, and I think it better to stick with a good email only source if you have a really good one. Yes, Shaz is cheaper than most, but who really wants meds of such low quality? I'll pay more and avoid sh*t like Onax, keep the cheap but brilliant PK temazepam, and use my email mostly, thanks.