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I have ordered from Shaz sites (plural) several times and actually received my products within a months time every time. That being said, the products I received are a different story. The last I received may be a bit different from what most of you purchase on here but take heed, it is not a product often copied due to its naturally cheap price and authentic availability. Testosterone. After 1 intramuscular injection of a very small and reasonable dose (75 mg) within a week I had developed a very large "bruise" on my lower calf. After several more days of it growing in size to the entire length of my calf I visited the emergency room to find out it was an extremely large blood clot. Several months, 8 blood tests, 3 daily injections of blood thinners into my abdomen later I was informed it was due to the "fake" testosterone I had injected, it had multiple unidentifiable oils, a large amount of contamination and thats right, no testosterone! These guys are liars, BEWARE.

Shaz buys off the open market in Pakistan if you ever been to Karachi and you good to the central market there are blocks of pharmacies that sell mostly fake shit I had one that wanted to sell me a Cobra in a bottle filled with alcohol I guess to make you make you a real man. The Steroids from  Pakistan are all poison never buy them only the stuff from the UK is good. The Pharmacy's that sold heroin under the counter the shit smelled like gasoline oh yeah I'm couldn't wait to try that. The girl I went with on this little adventure ate on of the tabs and puked for two days. This was years ago but I'm sure nothing has changed these people live in the stone age. So I'm with the other people on this thread if you buy from Shaz there are many better IOP's.

I used to order from Shaz' and ordered their zolpidem which was like $5 per strip in 2010-11 and always received within a week to the East Coast USA and orders were shipped from the UK.  I was never scammed and jumped ship when prices got too high.  Some of her sites ship from Pakland but never ordered from those sites and would never order from any site that ships directly from P-stan.  Simply her prices now suck big time for any of the sites that ship from the UK and can get cheaper zolpidem from pretty much anywhere...........

Since I've been ready to place a reorder I first checked your site. I've used Shaz for a long while and NEVER have had a problem. I'm not happy about the heavy shipping fee but other than that I'm happy. I see your negative posts going back to 2011.  I've last ordered the last month or two of 2012. Just a few months ago. Everything came within two weeks or so. Now if anyone has news that's more recent about Shaz I'd appreciate it. The other concern I have is which "SHAZ" to order from. Not only are there several Shaz sites looking the same but I know at least one has a higher minimum order than other Shaz sites and one is discount but large bulk quantities must be ordered. There is also a Joe Lister( also goes by Jose Lister) who email's me often to reorder and he too has the same site as Shaz. I don't remember ordering from him so "Re-order" is not necessarily true. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

I have ordered from Shaz about a year ago I did eceive several packages but lost more than I ordered plus meds were week and took forever to make It to me. So oveall stay away from .any shaz related sites

Shaz has always been great for me so far. I've been a customer for at least a couple of years if not more and happy with service and fairly quick delivery time. Products have been good and only complaint is the high cost of shipping. It does come much faster than other IOP's so maybe the high cost is the reason. I've read many reviews on various websites regarding Shaz and most all have been favorable. No, I don't work for Shaz and live in CA-U.S.A.
I know its old but I was skimming and I love the line. Iblive in CA-u.s.a. what a foreign thing to say. Yay super america number one happy funtime

Yup, Shaz seem to deliver just enough to keep people saying that they deliver. I placed an order recently and was given a fake tracking number. They have not repsonded to my mails. I keep all my communications friendly, so that IOPs have no reason to not reply, or write me off as an Asshole. Who knows, maybe their people in the UK poach a parcel or two when they feel like it.

Sigh. I am so confused. Please forgive me, I am new to this site and if I post anything that is inappropriate, please PLEASE tell me? I thank you for that!

I used to order from Shaz, and got the "loose" Diaz's cheaply. I am not sure what is okay to post on here as far as pricing, etc, so will just say that they were a great price.

I wrote to Shaz (this was in 2010 and I asked her and if these "loose" ones were weaker than the Roche V's. She said because of the price, that yes, they would be slightly weaker. Which would be understandable to me, being that they were a very good deal. They were scored, and while they weren't as light as the Roche/V's, they DID keep me from w/ding. I was using them to cross over from X. I am not a "suggestable person" when it comes to meds, and these REALLY did work, though I definitely DO NOT doubt those on here with more experience than I have, who state they are weaker than the "real ones." I expected them to be a tad weaker and was fine with that, since financially, they were what I could afford.

They came with no problem, none missing, and in a timely manner. Well packed, too. And it was raining when they arrived, but that was no problem because of the special way they were packed.

Okay, if that is TMI PLEASE tell me, so I won't make the mistake again and can possible get a MOD to delete this! /default_unsure.png

My main question is this. I have been lurking and noticing that Shaz is now considered NOT a good person to order from. I do see many different sites online from Shaz, one which has a MIN order of 600.00 for the loose ones.

I found another site, which was Shaz's site, and this had the same loose "V"s on it, but for a bit less in price, and NO MIN AMT NECESSARY to order.

I wrote last night to Shaz with my concerns. Shaz wrote me back letting me know she has NO yahoo sites, no hotmail sites. She also listed the names with those "addys" and to be aware of them, saying they were scammers, and that many scammers "are working online to destroy our reputation with our customers." She added "Please be very careful."

She said she is working online with "good health" and she gave me a phone number. She told me her two main email accts, as well as her Skype ID.

She said she does not have Diazepam stock in "EU", only in Pakistan. She said her "Shaz-Anabolics" does ship from Pakistan and that I can place my order from that particular site, and when using that site, there is NO minimum order. She also said that tracking will take ATLEAST 8 DAYS TO OBTAIN, with NO GAURANTEE OF CUSTOMS AND NO RESHIP OR REFUND. 


I wrote her several emails re: her various sites, and she said the loose Diazepam from her Best Buy Steroids site is NOT availalble.

I obviously do not want to order anything pricey (or any not so pricey from Pakistan.)

Shaz has always been VERY kind to me, and has ALWAYS written me back in the past. In 2010 I asked if she was a male or a famale, and she replied that she was a female. Of course, I have no way of knowing this, or even if it was "Shaz" I was hearing from, but whoever it was, they were very patient and kind, and my meds came with no problem and very quickly. But like I said, that was in 2010. /default_sad.png/default_blink.png

I really need the "loose" Diaz V's. /default_wacko.png

Does anyone know of any other place that they can PM me so that I can try ordering them there? My last (and stupid) resort would be to Shaz, and while I don't trust Pakistan, I do trust her. She's helped me so much in the past, and the price is absolutely fantastic.

Again, I tried them compared to "real" ones in blister packs I had, and they were the same. Even if it was an "off day" I was having, and the loose ones are a bit weaker, to be honest, I really do not care, because I a have limited financial rescources and need a large supply to last me. These "loose" ones really do help me, and I'm the type that can take A LOT and not have anybody notice. I don't want to do that, so in this case, would not so much mind the "weaker" ones (if they are, that is) because I am pretty desperate. /default_wacko.png

Can anyone who has ordered V's cheaper PM me? I really need some help here. /default_wacko.png  /default_blink.png

As an aside...I have put in bold italics my main questions. If I could find a place where I could get Diaz's for 40.00, I would be grateful for any information. There was a link on this member's post, but when I clicked it, it did not work. absorbaloff, if you can help me by PMing me or responding on here, or ANYONE ELSE, I would most certainly appreciate it!

I did find this on this thread, from user:absorbaloff

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 07:28 PM

'Troubadour', on 13 Aug 2011 - 01:17 AM, said:


Thanks Xan. Never know. I read the FAQs tonight and it apears they are Pakistan based. The prices seem TGTBT. Might be a scam. Without any feedback it would be foolish to take a risk.
I may be a bit late answering this - nope, it's only a couple of weeks old - anyway, doesn't LOOK anything like a Shaz site to me, different products too. As for prices being TGTBT? No way. I could show you at least three sites whose temazepam alone is a third of that price. And they're not scams either. $10 or just under for a single strip of Restoril 30? I pay GBP£125 for a THOUSAND. Or if you want a better brand than Restoril, an extra £20 for the blue HYPNOTIL capsules. 1,000 x decent generic 5mg diazepam (not on the site, but he sells them) can be had for £25, which, if you happen to be American, which quite a few on this site seem to be, that would be oh, round about $40, maybe a little less.

Thank you from a "newbie" who does not know the "ropes!" /default_wacko.png

I do appreciate any help I can get! /default_wacko.png

Theodora /default_smile.png

That was a lot of text and a bit confusing but I think I understand.  So basically you are asking for the cheapest place to find diazepam in bulk, correct?  

Why not spend a little more per tab for quality diaz, and then just consume less pills?  

Welcome to the forum BTW.

Hi and thank you for your quick response.

I prefer them in "bulk" so that they last longer, since I cannot find any drs who will presdribe V. They will prescribe the other "b's", but I don't like those as much, since they wear off faster, which means I have to take more of them. I also do not like the, shall we say, "bit of a buzz" they give me, whereas V does not do that. I am not judging anyone who DOES like the feeling meds give them at all. I do understand. It's just that I can't work using anything but V.

I would like to consume less pills, yes. But I don't have enough $$ to purchase the higher quality ones, and then there is the problem of having to cut them into small pieces, which is difficult to do if they are not 5mg or under. It's also a PITA. /default_wacko.png

Thank you so much for your help and suggestions, though! /default_biggrin.png

I may end up having to do what you suggested. I'd still like to purchase in bulk, though, if I find that I can. I'm just not so keen on trusting Pakistan. Not sure if Shaz ever sent my 2010 bags from Pakistan or not? She may have, for all I know! If she did, I got them all! /default_biggrin.png

Sorry for my long rant! I used to type for a living and can be long-winded. Or would that be long-fingered? /default_tongue.png

Thanks for the welcome! It's good to be here. /default_smile.png

"I'm not so keen on trusting Pakistan".

Right on. Neither are we here at DGB. Crappy meds and high seizure rate.

I too am a V guy. I also split my doses to 5mg or less at a time to avoid being too sedated. Breaking the 10s down is no biggie, I actually like snapping em in half, or using a pill cutter if they aren't scored. That's almost therapeutic in itself /default_laugh.png

Read the feedback in the threads here, you will find some good solid sources for what you're looking for.

"I'm not so keen on trusting Pakistan".

Right on. Neither are we here at DGB. Crappy meds and high seizure rate.

I too am a V guy. I also split my doses to 5mg or less at a time to avoid being too sedated. Breaking the 10s down is no biggie, I actually like snapping em in half, or using a pill cutter if they aren't scored. That's almost therapeutic in itself /default_laugh.png

Read the feedback in the threads here, you will find some good solid sources for what you're looking for.
You're so funny! Love your post! /default_biggrin.png

Thank you for your helpful response and advice! /default_smile.png Oh, and for putting up with my long-winded confusing post. /default_wink.png

I looked at my emails to Shaz which were from when I ordered back in 2010, and saw my invoice(s) and lo and behold, they were sent from PAKISTAN. /default_ohmy.png

They were DEFINITELY legit, I will say that!

I may have no choice but to take another chance and re-order from Shaz, even though three years could mean a lot of changes in the processing, and not for the better...but due to my needs, since I need quite a bit for a low price to last me, I may have to take this risk.   /default_blink.png  /default_unsure.png

If I decide to do this, I will be sure to post my experiences on here!

Thank you so much for your support. And if you feel the need to call me an idiot, or to later say "I told you so...", I won't say one word. /default_rolleyes.gif

Theodora /default_wub.png

So I'm new here and glad to be part of such a great group. MY own experience from shaz starts in 2009. I order a lot of benzos and some roads. I've ordered about 100x from her being 1of my only resources. I've received every order luckily and I'm sorry to anyone who hasn't. Basically roids are quality benzos are hit and miss. Hard to dose properly. But still I keep ordering. Prices raised service isn't as good as it was but I always get my pack and in about 7 to 11days. I hope this helps. Lmk what u think I should do. Looking forward to gaining knowledge

Shaz used to be the real deal blister packed Roch_e blues. Went to selling fake shit a good while back now. Last I saw of them, the packaging was fake and pills were bunk.

All the Roche blues in blisters I get from Shaz when it is my last resort due to price are top quality. Great shipping times also and no confiscation. Always happy with Shaz, but there's cheaper out there. Same quality IMO though

I've been ordering from Shaz for years. Everything I tried was was weak or bunk, except for the 1mg Xanax called "pinix" They came sealed in blister pack strips, 10 1mg in a strip. The quality, price and shipping times were great! (7-10 days).  I put in an order for 100 strips, which I do about twice a month.  Last order was loose pills in 1 bag with 900 pills instead of the 1,000 I ordered. I got 1 runaround response, about supply, denieing they sent loose pills, and now I get no response to e-mails.  I need large quanities of good quality xanax, and cannot find them anywhere! I would not deal with any Shaz site at present. I think they sank. Anyone know a site?

I had exactly the same experiance as u.  Ordered 1,00 got 950, and another 50  were dyed everthing from light pink, to white. Been dealing with them for years, and pinix are the only real thing they carry.  Word to the wise , DO NOT order 2m or 3 mg, omax, as they are like taking a piece of chalk.  Just wrote to them, let u know response. There is one of the airmail sites that sell 1mg xanax. Forgot which one, got to go on web search.

To Thordora, the big bag of v's u got from shaz, were made in China.  I too ordered a package, because at that price I figured I had nothing to lose.  But there was no Val's in them, just something to make u groggy, and god knows what else. I don't even think they sell rhe damm things anymore. If u paying $100 for 1,000 like I did, imangine what they got them for!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!