Sigh. I am so confused. Please forgive me, I am new to this site and if I post anything that is inappropriate, please PLEASE tell me? I thank you for that!
I used to order from Shaz, and got the "loose" Diaz's cheaply. I am not sure what is okay to post on here as far as pricing, etc, so will just say that they were a great price.
I wrote to Shaz (this was in 2010 and I asked her and if these "loose" ones were weaker than the Roche V's. She said because of the price, that yes, they would be slightly weaker. Which would be understandable to me, being that they were a very good deal. They were scored, and while they weren't as light as the Roche/V's, they DID keep me from w/ding. I was using them to cross over from X. I am not a "suggestable person" when it comes to meds, and these REALLY did work, though I definitely DO NOT doubt those on here with more experience than I have, who state they are weaker than the "real ones." I expected them to be a tad weaker and was fine with that, since financially, they were what I could afford.
They came with no problem, none missing, and in a timely manner. Well packed, too. And it was raining when they arrived, but that was no problem because of the special way they were packed.
Okay, if that is TMI PLEASE tell me, so I won't make the mistake again and can possible get a MOD to delete this! /default_unsure.png
My main question is this. I have been lurking and noticing that Shaz is now considered NOT a good person to order from. I do see many different sites online from Shaz, one which has a MIN order of 600.00 for the loose ones.
I found another site, which was Shaz's site, and this had the same loose "V"s on it,
but for a bit less in price, and NO MIN AMT NECESSARY to order.
I wrote last night to Shaz with my concerns. Shaz wrote me back letting me know she has NO yahoo sites, no hotmail sites. She also listed the names with those "addys" and to be aware of them, saying they were scammers, and that many scammers "are working online to destroy our reputation with our customers." She added "Please be very careful."
She said she is working online with "good health" and she gave me a phone number. She told me her two main email accts, as well as her Skype ID.
She said she does not have Diazepam stock in "EU", only in Pakistan. She said her "Shaz-Anabolics" does ship from Pakistan and that I can place my order from that particular site, and when using that site, there is NO minimum order. She also said that tracking will take ATLEAST 8 DAYS TO OBTAIN, with NO GAURANTEE OF CUSTOMS AND NO RESHIP OR REFUND.
I wrote her several emails re: her various sites, and she said the loose Diazepam from her Best Buy Steroids site is NOT availalble.
I obviously do not want to order anything pricey (or any not so pricey from Pakistan.)
Shaz has always been VERY kind to me, and has ALWAYS written me back in the past. In 2010 I asked if she was a male or a famale, and she replied that she was a female. Of course, I have no way of knowing this, or even if it was "Shaz" I was hearing from, but whoever it was, they were very patient and kind, and my meds came with no problem and very quickly. But like I said, that was in 2010. /default_sad.png/default_blink.png
I really need the "loose" Diaz V's. /default_wacko.png
Does anyone know of any other place that they can PM me so that I can try ordering them there? My last (and stupid) resort would be to Shaz, and while I don't trust Pakistan, I do trust her. She's helped me so much in the past, and the price is absolutely fantastic.
Again, I tried them compared to "real" ones in blister packs I had, and they were the same. Even if it was an "off day" I was having, and the loose ones are a bit weaker, to be honest, I really do not care, because I a have limited financial rescources and need a large supply to last me. These "loose" ones really do help me, and I'm the type that can take A LOT and not have anybody notice. I don't want to do that, so in this case, would not so much mind the "weaker" ones (if they are, that is) because I am pretty desperate. /default_wacko.png
Can anyone who has ordered V's cheaper PM me? I really need some help here. /default_wacko.png /default_blink.png
As an aside...I have put in bold italics my main questions. If I could find a place where I could get Diaz's for 40.00, I would be grateful for any information. There was a link on this member's post, but when I clicked it, it did not work. absorbaloff, if you can help me by PMing me or responding on here, or ANYONE ELSE, I would most certainly appreciate it!
I did find this on this thread, from user:
Advanced Member

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Posted 05 September 2011 - 07:28 PM
'Troubadour', on 13 Aug 2011 - 01:17 AM, said:
Thanks Xan. Never know. I read the FAQs tonight and it apears they are Pakistan based. The prices seem TGTBT. Might be a scam. Without any feedback it would be foolish to take a risk.
I may be a bit late answering this - nope, it's only a couple of weeks old - anyway, doesn't LOOK anything like a Shaz site to me, different products too. As for prices being TGTBT? No way. I could show you at least three sites whose temazepam alone is a third of that price. And they're not scams either. $10 or just under for a single strip of Restoril 30? I pay GBP£125 for a THOUSAND. Or if you want a better brand than Restoril, an extra £20 for the blue HYPNOTIL capsules.
1,000 x decent generic 5mg diazepam (not on the site, but he sells them) can be had for £25, which, if you happen to be American, which quite a few on this site seem to be, that would be oh, round about $40, maybe a little less.
Thank you from a "newbie" who does not know the "ropes!" /default_wacko.png
I do appreciate any help I can get! /default_wacko.png
Theodora /default_smile.png