Any idea what a small, round, white ( thick in diameter) pill with no markings or scores may be? I ordered from a reputable e-mail only vendor and this "man" sent me these for Rit@ln.
You do hear of people getting the powder form of the drug then pressing it themselves, if they break easy maybe be worried cause it could be that and who knows whats in it. If they are strong and were made by a good press chances could still be that they were, but you would think if they have a several thousand dollar press they probably are going to want your return business i would imagine and be what he said they are. Then again could be an antihistamine.
DRU, you were dead on RIGHT, thanks. Turns out, the vendor had it advertised as " generic Rit@lin" but after I questioned the meds, he stated they were " pressed" meds. As a newbie, I really don't know if generic and pressed are lingo that mean the same with vendors? Should I be concerned or is this par for the course? Finally, the meds did easily break into a powder. Thanks again.
I also ordered from a recommended vendor in the mex phar and received. The ones I ordered are pure white with no marking on either side. Tr-@ms are what I ordered they seem so weak though and thoughts?