Track1ng is not magical , whether or not c0resp0ndence is rec1eved has little to nothing to do with a tr4cked parcel .
Track1ng is a crutch for those challenged with -The Wait- who wudda thunk doin nADA be so fuckin hard! right?
quite possibly this 'T' status effectively 'marks' said c0resp0ndence as -valuab1e 0r 1mp0rtant - just with that info alone , if privy to possible origin is 50/50 ' XXXXX are seas' cuz they mail a shitload of coresp0ndunce weekly or 50/50 sum other bullshit it still says

on it. incidence of 'T' c0respundence being 'T'argeted is not unheard of.
probability of a resurch3r also a c0resp0ndunce transport technician employee...tada
probability of nafarious resurcher with c0respondunce trasport tech empoyee goals and aspirations .... presto
probability of dude who sends hundreds of ccOrespondunces daylee ,weeks for monthz or years not knowin or gettin to know/partner/employ a trasport tech ..... abracababra
h0w often c0respondence of anyother 0ther origin just not come? in past 10years= 4 times amonth my birthday is ruined cause gramama card with a 2wenty bux inside are no shows
h0w often magic c0respondence not from any0ther origin just n0t arr1ve. dissapeared to where it go nob0dy kn0ws...magik! .in past ...2ye.... nah 18 months =
luckily phew

that T status means opportunity t0 pay f0r (re)ship.
ok next piehole spew ------i propose if data was aquisisable, errr, gettable umm analizabile? anywho , selectivlyscamability probability could MAYBE be correlated with the 18 to 734 threatening,apologetic ,ass kiss emails sent in the 48 hours since putting in the order. nah and certainly not spewin SCAM in text from piehole...from piehole in text ? on forum after the c0respondence tech shows up on monday with no ....c0respondunces i know chrinstantmas gramifacation dopamine and slobbery dawgs are the shit ...but ya ordered friday.
in conclusion , the struggle is real -pie could have prevented this post.
patience is a virtue ignorance is bliss.
shits just dandy if your stupid and wait around.