Smokey's Chemsite

I've posted a number of times about these a-holes. Please don't post misinformation.

@krunchy I went through al lyour 240 posts. You started with recommending Smokey's to others and called them reliable and other good things, but then, all of a sudden, you started to insult them and started to throw around with course words without any explanation what could have happened. You are right, you posted maybe ten times alone that they were a-holes. But you missed out on explaining why you think so.

In fact, I sometimes chat with their 24/7 support, he isn't busy at night anyways, and it's fun talking to them. The fact that they remind you that you needed to order insured to receive a possible re-ship feels a bit usual every single time, but they have good reason to do so. If customers are better informed, lesser will be disappointed or complain about their own fault.

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@Goldennugget Where I live, customs may also confiscate legal substances without even sending me a letter, or police questioning me. But if police subpoena and question me, I may fill in a form to demand my property back. I have already been to court to times to pick up something that a lab tested as meth. I have no idea about how US authorities handle such cases, but I would ask for legal advice on that matter. Your analogue act is a tough nut to crack, but maybe you are lucky. Also, some Chinese vendors say it could take up to 31 days for customs to release a packet. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you 🙂

I moved on to other projects but used them for a significant amount of time/orders  and gotta say their one of the few 100% ers.

never lost a order and all arrived within 2 weeks.  untracked to u$a.

never had a domeztik vend3r come close, they all ghost...

just sayin

You are right, you posted maybe ten times alone that they were a-holes. But you missed out on explaining why you think so.
Then I guess you need to go back and read better, son. I most certainly explained so why don't you stop talking out of your ass and stop being a little bitch.

Well selective scamming is so hard to prove it basically doesn't matter. If you trust them and receive enough 0rd3rz whether it's just Scumt0mz taking it or selective scamming the fact is at the end of the day you got to consider whether it's worth it no matter what is or is not taking place when it comes to doing business with a certain company.

Just like with quality+pur1ty which I've personally just seen to many mixed reviews for sm0k3yz to c0sn1d3r them alongside BAD personal experiences with them to say the least. I guess when good reviews cause money is involved people are going to get heated arguments over who they feel strongly about being  good or bad in my idea of what limited view of my entire picture of the  way things are currently.

I have ordered from them twice in past 12 momths,  
1 order was seized & the other was received, SE of U.S in about 20 days.
For the "received" order: 5-me0-M1PT and "gr33n b3Ans". BOTH were both BUNK, total shit, I flushed it into the toilet.. 
Gave us headaches, tested as "unknown" in a re-agent test. 

Order at your own risk, if you have to start small, try NOT to spend allot of $. 
I would say you have 50% chance of seizure and 25% of BUNK.  Who knows if they send legit stuff to the states,  Good Luck.

What reagents did you use? You need at least 4-5 to most accurately narrow down thw chemical...what are "green beans"?

Any time I have ordered from them in the past (US here) and received my order it has been quality. The last order I made with them I never received. However it was a large amount of 3-meeeoe- pee see pee and floozoprazolam...I have an order standing with them right now but it’s total was right in their “one free reship” window and they usually do all they can on their end to make sure those land. Not to mention the weight of this pack is significantly less than that of the last one, which is the reason I think that one was probably seized.

I’ve read about possible selective scamming if you go untracked on your order. Sometimes in the webchat to order it depends who’s working, but I’ve learned, be nice lol. Sometimes they’re unwavering assholes, seems like tightwad management. They package well but I fear CBP is watching them.

I’ve had many successful US orders.

Track1ng is not magical , whether or not c0resp0ndence is rec1eved has little to nothing to do with a tr4cked parcel .

Track1ng is a crutch for those challenged with -The Wait- who wudda thunk doin nADA be so fuckin hard! right?

quite possibly this 'T' status effectively 'marks' said c0resp0ndence  as -valuab1e  0r 1mp0rtant - just with that info alone , if privy to possible origin is  50/50 ' XXXXX are seas'  cuz they mail a shitload of coresp0ndunce weekly or 50/50 sum other bullshit  it still says ⬆️👆 on it. incidence of 'T' c0respundence being 'T'argeted is not unheard of.

probability of a resurch3r also a c0resp0ndunce transport technician employee...tada

probability of nafarious resurcher with c0respondunce trasport tech empoyee goals and aspirations .... presto

probability of dude who sends hundreds of ccOrespondunces daylee ,weeks for monthz or years not knowin or gettin to know/partner/employ  a trasport tech ..... abracababra

h0w often  c0respondence of anyother 0ther origin just not come?  in past 10years= 4 times amonth my birthday is ruined cause gramama card with a 2wenty bux inside are no shows

h0w often magic c0respondence not from any0ther origin just n0t arr1ve. dissapeared to where it go nob0dy kn0ws...magik!  .in   past ...2ye.... nah 18 months =

luckily phew🤦‍♂️ that T status means opportunity t0 pay f0r (re)ship.

 ok next piehole spew ------i propose if data was aquisisable, errr, gettable umm analizabile? anywho , selectivlyscamability probability could MAYBE be correlated with the 18 to 734 threatening,apologetic ,ass kiss emails sent  in the 48 hours since putting in the order. nah and certainly not spewin SCAM in text from piehole...from piehole in text ? on forum after the c0respondence tech shows up on monday with no ....c0respondunces i know chrinstantmas gramifacation dopamine and slobbery dawgs are the shit ...but ya ordered friday.

in conclusion , the struggle is real -pie could have prevented this post.

patience is a virtue ignorance is bliss.

shits just dandy if your stupid and wait around.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. G @ gigiwink143: @Jacob price another awesome order. Fed ex took 5 days for an overnight delivery but offered a refund. Had nothing to do with Jacob he's the best!
  2. G @ gigiwink143: Jacob
  3. Dr-Octagon @ Dr-Octagon: Mornin famo
  4. L @ Leet6: @Robotanical sup and i am glad to finally be on this side of the fence
  5. Robotanical @ Robotanical: Hey there, Leet! Hope that you and everyone else are having a relaxing evening.
  6. L @ Leet6: @Gracie5 thanks for the info and and the help
  7. rockychoc @ rockychoc: Just posted a very fun announcement over on my thread!
  8. P @ ponglenis: copying and pasting as plain text can help avoid phishing.
  9. L @ Leet6: Well not new member just new sponsor (= hope you all are having a great 2025
  10. L @ Leet6: Hey guys new member here glad to be part
  11. xenxra @ xenxra: deleted
  12. Robotanical @ Robotanical: That's a good rule to follow. Offline password manager, too.
  13. RiftChems @ RiftChems: My simple rule to stay safe: diff passwords for everything stored in a password manager, constantly check connected devices on critical platforms/IP logs of logins. Never click links from any email or DM.
  14. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: Guess I should've read the comments before posting. I hope everyone is well and having a wonderful day!
  15. aBBazaBBa123 @ aBBazaBBa123: @Strength I got the same email, im guessing scam for sure.
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: seems to be a lot of weird emails going around lately for people here
  17. J @ jsntwg:
  18. J @ jsntwg: Anybody else seen an email from this guy asking about acquiring raw materials (nuts)……not kidding
  19. R @ rhodium: @Strength its a phishing scam
  20. Strength @ Strength: Is dbg sending out emails to us about some weird shutdown thing? Dm me if so